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1 Star-net A self-sustainable network to promote the participation of SMEs from NMS+AC on FP7- ICT Theme Dr. Herbert Zeisel (DLR) 4th September 2007, Malta.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Star-net A self-sustainable network to promote the participation of SMEs from NMS+AC on FP7- ICT Theme Dr. Herbert Zeisel (DLR) 4th September 2007, Malta."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Star-net A self-sustainable network to promote the participation of SMEs from NMS+AC on FP7- ICT Theme Dr. Herbert Zeisel (DLR) 4th September 2007, Malta

2 2 Content  Star-net overview and mission  The Problem  Network  Methodology  Main activities  Web Service  Cooperation

3 3  FP6-IST-SSA-3  Starting date: 1 st /January / 2005  Duration: 36months Mission: “set-up and develop a professional and self-sustainable permanent infrastructure of services to support organisations in NMS + AC to fully benefit from European initiaves and knowledge in IST field” Star-net Overview

4 4 The background Several IST projects address specific conjuncture problems, but structure problems require more consolidated and permanent efforts The context Newcomers to the EU face huge difficulties to be competitive in a global EU economy The Rationale Star-net intends to be the first step towards the development of a consolidated structure for support of organisation in all NMS and AC for participation in IST activities The problem

5 5 Central Unit  Networking and animation  Provision of tools and support to regional nodes  Training and coaching  Analysis of nodes workplans and results Regional Nodes  Permanent contact with the central unit  local support within the IST field  Identification of needs and opportunities  partner search  assistance to submission of IST projects Network

6 6 Proj. Manager Get-In Ideal-IST Mentor+ Project management Interface with the EC Coordination of strategic objectives Day to day follow-up of the network Provision of key documentation Promotional material and publications Standards methologies, communication, policy and operational principles Expert advice Implementation of a training programme Organisation of a system of staff exchange Permanent links with other networks CENTRAL UNIT Methodology

7 7 CountryActivities to be carried out LV Strong industrial background Raise awareness on European IST activities amongst the local industrial fabric Stimulate the capacity of firms to adopt and develop new information technologies Identify local needs and opportunities through technological audits Develop online services and information hubs adapted to local needs Promote trans-national cooperation projects in the IST field Coordination at national level and signposting to other networks and projects LT EE HU SLO MT PL CZ SK CY BG TK RO REGIONAL NODES Methodology

8 8 Star-net main activities

9 9

10 10 Star-net main activities

11 11 Network code of ethics and statutory Brokerage events Venture Capital forum Dissemination events Company visits Technology audits Training –Technology Audits –Preparation Proposals –Techn. Implementation Plans Star-net web service – Ideas Identification – Partner Search – Networking – Working Templates Star-net Activities


13 13 Clustering A clustering activity between 6 FP6-IST-SSA projects IDEAL-IST GET-IN EUROPEAN-IST CEEC IST NET IST BONUS

14 14 Thank You

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