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Creating a Language Rich Math Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Language Rich Math Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Language Rich Math Classroom
Dimitra Korogiannis Fordson High School Math Teacher

2 Language Rich Math Classroom Objectives
Content Objectives Teachers will identify classroom strategies that will begin to create a language rich math classroom Language Objectives Teachers will discuss and summarize the strategies that will begin to create a language rich math classroom

3 Linguistic Rich Math Classroom Resources
Mathematical Conversations to Transform Algebra Class Gives 3 examples of conversations to help transform your Algebra classroom Using Literacy Strategies to Teach Precalculus and Calculus Provides examples of strategies that can be used in all math classrooms, but gives specific examples for Calculus

4 Language Rich Math Classroom My Background
Linguistics How many languages do you speak? Raise your hand if you are bilingual. Raise your hand if you are trilingual. Which languages do you speak? Did anyone mention math? Discuss math as a language Iblog

5 Linguistic Rich Math Classroom
Value of transforming your math classroom into a language rich environment

6 Language Rich Math Classroom Math is a language.
Students have inexperience with reading mathematics Reading math is different Creating a language rich math classroom goes beyond story problems Be sensitive to students Vocabulary can be overwhelming

7 Language Rich Math Classroom How?
Provide clear definitions Interact with math Explain etymology of words Frayer Models Create Word Walls

8 Language Rich Math Classroom Classroom Culture
Conversations and practices Traditionally math classrooms focus on practices Help students recognize the strengths and weaknesses of their own interpretation Build on student ideas Make Math come alive! Develop norms

9 Language Rich Math Classroom Clear Definitions
Reduces the language barrier Discover definitions using GSP Discover definitions using patty paper Write definitions using classify and differentiate

10 Language Rich Math Classroom Clear Definitions
Precise Mathematical terms Student discovered and written

11 Language Rich Math Classroom Discover Clear Definitions
Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of basic geometry terms. Students will write definitions

12 Language Rich Math Classroom Discover Clear Definitions using GSP
Makes geometry come alive Provides instant feedback Basic sketchpad commands match the basics of geometry Create a sketch, discover a theorem or definition Thus reducing the language barrier

13 Language Rich Math Classroom Cultivate the Culture
Discuss the definitions Place the words on the word wall as students discover definitions Model how students should organize their definitions (My class will do on a foldable) Provide time for students to Pair share Share in a square

14 Language Rich Math Classroom Discover Clear Definitions using GSP
Toolbar and Toolbox Discover Point Select the first icon with the dot On the screen there is an arrow with a dot. Stop the arrow where you would like to place your point. The dot is highlighted. Select Display Select Show label Create another point and label it

15 Language Rich Math Classroom Discover Clear Definitions using GSP Extensions
Ask students to continue to practice creating and labeling points How are students labeling points? To automatically label new points: Edit/Preferences/Test

16 Language Rich Math Classroom Discover Clear Definitions using GSP
Construct a line Select two points C and D Select Construct Select Line

17 Language Rich Math Classroom Discover Clear Definitions using GSP
Construct a Segment Select two points A and B Select Construct Select Segment

18 Language Rich Math Classroom Cultivate the Culture
Compare the constructions to encourage discussion Sample Questions: How can a line have an infinite length when it is made of points with no size?

19 Language Rich Math Classroom Discover with GSP
Midpoint Select the segment Not the endpoints (opportunity to discuss endpoints) Select Construct Select Midpoint (If students are not selecting the segment then they will not be able to select the midpoint.) Move point C. My initial thought is________ Now I am thinking ___________because…

20 Language Rich Math Classroom Discover with GSP
Midpoint Select the line Select Construct Select Midpoint What do you notice?

21 Language Rich Math Classroom Algebra or Coordinate Geometry
Midpoint Formula Left click to select point Right click to select coordinates Use midpoint formula

22 Language Rich Math Classroom Cultivate the Culture
How to label a segment Measure the segment. It will show the label My initial thought was ________________ and now I am thinking _____________

23 Language Rich Math Classroom Write Clear Definitions (Serra 48)
Classify your term. What is it? Differentiate your term. How does it differ from others in that class? Test your definition with a counterexample. Example: A square is a 4 sided figure that has four congruent sides and four right angles. Annotate to introduce each word You have introduced more academic vocabulary– classify, differentiate, counterexample

24 Language Rich Math Classroom Clear Definitions (Serra 48)
Define the following terms: Parallel lines Perpendicular lines

25 Language Rich Math Classroom Clear Definitions (Serra 48)
Parallel lines are lines in the same plane that never meet Perpendicular lines are lines that meet at 90 degree angles.

26 Language Rich Math Classroom Cultivating Conversation.
Why is it important to state that parallel lines are in the same plane

27 Language Rich Math Classroom Etymology of Words
Geometry Polynomial Pentagon

28 Language Rich Math Classroom Have Fun with Words
What did the acorn say after it grew up? Gee, I’m a tree! (geometry)

29 What other words begin with co? Points
Coplanar What other words begin with co? Points No measure Lines length Planes are two-dimensional Length Height Space is three-dimentsional Width

30 Language Rich Math Classroom Resources
Serra, M. (2003). Discovering geometry: An investigative approach (3rd ed.). Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum Press. Szydlik, J. (2015). Mathematical Conversations to Transform Algebra Clas. The Mathematics Teacher, 108(9), Retrieved July 27, 2015. Tena, R., & Debra, G. (2015). Using Literacy Strategies to Teach Precalculus and Calculus. The Mathematics Teacher, 108(9), Retrieved July 27, Kimberling, C. (2003). Geometry in action: A discovery approach using the Geometer's Sketchpad. Emeryville, CA: Key College Pub.

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