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Published byAleesha Bell Modified over 9 years ago
What’s New Private School Participation Board Approval Positions linked to MSIS Parental Involvement CEIS Assurances Self- Assessments District Duties Explanation American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Division of Program Management STAFF MEMBERS Audrey Shaifer, Division Director Mary Bobbitt, Program Coordinator Priscilla Moore, Program Coordinator Keith Smith, Education Specialist Senior Tia Scott, Projects Officer II
4 Responsibilities Allocation of IDEA and Preschool Funds Educable Child Program Extended School Year Program Positive Behavior Specialist Funding Education Interpreters Funding Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) and 504 Teacher Units 4
55 IDEA Part B and Preschool American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) FISCAL REQUIREMENTS (FY10) Obligation dates are July 1, 2009, through September 30, 2011 Expenditure Report due annually on September 30 th from the previous school year including expenditure report from the district accounting system Funding Alert for actual allocation and authority to expend funds
66 IDEA Part B and Preschool American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Budget Submission Procedures Application cover page FY10 Budget (IDEA Part B and Preschool) and (ARRA Budget) FY10 Budget Narrative (IDEA Part B and Preschool) and (ARRA) Equipment list for each budget (Part B and Preschool) and (ARRA) –Letter from Superintendent if handicapped bus is being ordered Budget Amendments (Part and Preschool) and (ARRA) Parental Involvement Procedures Signed Statement of Assurances General Education Provision Act Certification Statement (IDEA Part B and Preschool) and (ARRA) District Policies and Procedures –Submit any new local school district policies and procedures that have been approved by the school board District Self Assessment for SPP/APR and Mattie T. Goals Expenditure Reports (Part B and Preschool) and (ARRA)
77 Budget Request Line 17 CEIS Line 18 Private School Participation Line 19 Parental Involvement
88 Budget Request Line 17 CEIS Line 18 Private School Participation Line 19 Parental Involvement
99 Budget Narrative Line 1 Salaries A work area or course code from Mississippi Student Information System (MSIS) is required. Explanation of District Duties is required. Line 1.6 Teacher Assistants (TA) Must be supervised by a licensed teacher. Large numbers of TA must be justified in narrative. Substitute Pay Indicate the rate of pay. If salary is prorated, the substitute pay must also be prorated. Line 2 Salary Supplements Indicate amount of the supplement. Line 3 Stipends Indicate the rate of pay. Line 4 Benefits List only once not after each employee.
10 Budget Narrative (cont’d) Line 6 Equipment Give justification/explanation for equipment purchases. Indicate quantity and location of equipment. Line 10 Instructional Supplies and Materials Provide a general listing of what will be purchased.
11 Budget Narrative (cont’d) Line 11 Indirect Cost Refer to the Public School Districts Indirect Cost Rates (09-10) included in the packet. Line 13 Private Placement Indicate number of children and the name of the facility. Line 14 Communication Telephone charges should reflect only that percentage not covered by E- Rate – cell phones are covered by E- Rate and can not be included in the application. Line 16 Cooperative Agreement Indicate what is being paid. Include a copy of the agreement.
12 Budget Narrative (cont’d) Line 17 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Explain the level that will be the focus of CEIS activities (elementary, middle, high school). Indicate the academic and/or behavioral areas that will be the focus of the CEIS activities. Explain the professional development activities that will support the implementation of the services and supports to the students.
13 Budget Narrative (cont’d) Line 17 CEIS Cont. Provide a projection of the number of at-risk students that will receive academic or behavioral services and support. Describe how the at-risk students were selected. Provide a description of the students selected as being at-risk. Explain what the district is doing and how the CEIS activities are supplementing the district’s program.
14 Budget Narrative (cont’d) Line 18 Private School Participation Explain how the money will be used and the number of students who will be receiving services. Proportionate share will be calculated from both IDEA and ARRA funds. Line 19 Parental Involvement Explain how the district plans to involve parents in the special education programs within the school district.
15 Equipment List. Equipment List Budget Request for Coordinated Early Intervening Services
16 Equipment List Equipment List for IDEA Part B and Preschool
17 Equipment List Equipment List for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
18 Equipment: Handicapped Bus If the district intends to purchase a handicapped school bus, a letter must be submitted from the superintendent. The letter should include: Physical description Details of special equipment Statement of Need How were services provided prior to this request? What is the total cost and what part will the district pay? How will the following expenses be paid? –Driver –Fuel –Insurance –Maintenance –Upkeep
19 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) If the State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Report (APR) data indicate that significant disproportionality exists with respect to: Identification within a disability (Indicator 10); Identification within the child count by race (Indicator 9); Placement in a particular education setting (Indicator 5); or Incidence, duration, and type of disciplinary actions, including suspensions and expulsions (Indicator 4a).
20 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) You are required to: Use up to15% of IDEA Part B and Preschool funds and ARRA Part B and Preschool funds for Coordinated Early Intervening Services. Provide an explanation in the budget narrative of how the money will be spent. The amount can not be over 15%. These funds are to supplement services already provided by the School District.
21 Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Usage of Funds –Develop and implement CEIS with a particular emphasis on students in grades K-3 who have not been identified as needing special education services but require additional academic and behavioral support Activities –Professional Development for teachers and others who provide direct services to students identified as your targeted at-risk group –Provide educational and behavioral evaluations, services, and supports
22 CEIS Reporting Form Every year that CEIS funds are used, you must report the number of children that received CEIS in the first column of this report. For school year 2008-2009, the numbers reported are from school year 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 of the children who initially received CEIS and required Special Education placement. This is a continuous process until you are no longer required to provide CEIS. Must be continued until all children that started in CEIS have passed the two-year deadline.
23 Private School Participation School districts must: Conduct child find activities Provide a proportionate share of funds Consult with private school representatives Determine provision of special education and related services Obtain total enrollment of private school
24 Private School Participation Child Find Locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities who were enrolled by their parents Process must ensure equitable participation; accurate counts and activities similar to public school child find Costs for these activities can not be included in the proportionate share of funds
25 Private School Participation Proportionate Share of Funds Must spend the following: –Ages 3-21 an amount in same proportion of the Part B allocation as the number of enrolled private school children with disabilities to the total number of children with disabilities in the school district –Ages 3-5 an amount in same proportion of the Preschool allocation as the number of enrolled private school children with disabilities to the total number of children with disabilities in its jurisdiction –Note: Pre-school children must be added to the Part B count of students.
26 Private School Participation Calculating Proportionate Share: (a) Number of parentally-placed eligible children with disabilities in private elementary schools and secondary schools (b) Total number of eligible children in the school district (c) Grand total of eligible children (a+b) (d) Total IDEA allocation
27 Private School Participation Calculating Proportionate Share: (a) 20 (b) 300 (c) 320 (d) $152,500.00
28 Private School Participation Calculating Proportionate Share Formula: (D ÷ C) x A= amount to be expended ($152,500.00 ÷ 320) x 20 $476.5625 x 20 = $9,531.25
29 Private School Participation Consultation Process Must keep documentation of the consultation (Fall/Spring) Must have a process for consultation throughout the year
30 Private School Participation Provision of special education and related services Determine how, where, and by whom services will be provided; Determine the types of services, including direct services and alternate service delivery processes; and Develop a services plan for each child that will receive services
31 Private School Participation The count must be conducted on any date between October 1 and December 1 If all funds are not expended, you must carry over to next fiscal year Must maintain records and provide to MDE: Number of children evaluated; Number of children determined to be children with disabilities; and Number of children served
32 PRIVATE SCHOOL PARTICIPATION REPORT The PRIVATE SCHOOL PARTICIPATION form is required in order to assure that children with disabilities placed by their parents in private schools are counted and provided equitable participation as required by IDEA and its implementing regulations. Preschool count of students must be included in the Part B student count.
33 Budget Amendments When to amend: Actual allocation differs from the projected allocation Increase or Decrease of a line item exceeds the approved amount by more than 10% A new line is added New equipment items are added which are significantly different than those approved Total allocation increases or decreases
34 Budget Amendments Amend Salaries When salary is prorated, amend the project to reflect actual time spent on specific duties based on timesheets Projected salaries for preschool teachers must be amended to reflect actual Mississippi Adequate Education Program Funds (MAEP) approved based on the Personnel Snapshot in January. The following should be submitted when amending your original project allocation: –Amendment cover page –Amendment budget request page –Amendment narrative –Amendment equipment page (if necessary)
35 Budget Amendments (cover page) Include the number on the Amendment Number line. Be consistent when amending your Project Application. If you used the two-column or four-column budget request page on your original project, please use the same budget page when submitting your amendment budget request.
36 Budget Amendment (Budget Narrative) In your Amendment Budget Narrative, always begin with “All items remain the same except for the following changes:” After this statement, ONLY address what changes occurred from your original project.
37 PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Regulations require parents be provided the opportunity to participate in all sections of this application. Provide a description of specific procedures that have been adopted and implemented to involve the parents of children with disabilities in the development of this project application. Provide a response to question 3.
38 Signed Statement of Assurances This form must be completed to indicate that the district is in compliance with The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), P.L. 108-446 and any and all state laws (MS Code,1972, Annotated) pertaining to the education of students with disabilities. This form can not be faxed.
39 Signed Statement of Assurances 30. The district/agency assures that regulations included in 34 CFR Parts 300 and 301, Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities and Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities; Final Rule, (Section 300.130 through 300.148) are being followed to assure participation of children with disabilities enrolled by their parents in private school. 31. The district hereby assures that, pursuant to requirements in IDEA, it will provide accessible instructional materials to blind students or other students with print disabilities in a timely manner, either by participating in the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center (NIMAC) and/or by contracting directly with curriculum publishers. New assurance statements
40 General Education Provisions Act GEPA Provide an overview statement indicating how all children with disabilities will have the opportunity to learn and receive a FAPE.
41 Certification for IDEA, Part B and Preschool If there are any new policies approved by the school district, please submit a copy along with your project application.
42 Self-Assessment: SPP/APR Districts are to make data-informed determinations of their effectiveness in meeting SPP/APR goals through a team-based self- review. Districts should analyze data, including record reviews and when appropriate, develop improvement plans. The results of the self-assessment should determine how federal funds will be used to obtain desired results in the SPP/APR publicly reported data from the previous school year. IF goals have been met, the district must tell how they will maintain that goal.
43 Self-Assessment
44 Self-Assessment
45 Self-Assessment
46 Self-Assessment
47 Self-Assessment
48 Self-Assessment
49 Self-Assessment
50 Self-Assessment
51 Self-Assessment
52 Self-Assessment
53 Self-Assessment
54 Self-Assessment
55 Self-Assessment: Mattie T. Goals Districts are to make data-informed determinations of their effectiveness in meeting state goals through a team-based self-review. Districts will complete an annual self-assessment of its programs for students with disabilities. Districts should analyze data, including record reviews, when appropriate, and develop improvement plans.
56 Self-Assessment: Mattie T. Goals (cont’d) The results of the self-assessment should determine how your district will use federal funds to implement activities that lead to desired results in the three priority areas of least restrictive environment (LRE), disproportionate representation (SLD), and Under- identification of emotional disability (EmD). If any of the priority areas have been met, the district must tell how they will maintain that priority area.
60 Expenditure Report All districts are to complete this report using their expenditure report from their accounting software. This report is based on the previous school year. The expended amounts listed on your Annual Expenditure Report must match the supporting documentation from your accounting office. Submit both reports (the accounting report and the Annual Expenditure Report) to MDE. Trial balances and History Transaction Reports are not acceptable documentation from the Business Office. Due September 30!
61 Expenditure Report Expenditure reports will be completed for IDEA Part B and Preschool Funds and for ARRA Funds. The due date is September 30 th, which is indicated on the cover page of your project application.
62 Things to Remember MSIS Codes for personnel Explain district duties Use all MAEP teacher units first Indicate the licensure status Explain why and where equipment is needed Expenditure Reports must have supporting documentation from the Business office Documentation from the Business office must match the expenditure report. Trial balances and History Transaction Reports are not acceptable documentation from the Business office.
63 Things to Remember (cont’d) CEIS is calculated from both IDEA Part B (611) and Preschool (619) amounts CEIS is also calculated from ARRA Part B (611) and Preschool (619) amounts BUT the total amount can be included in the Part B (611) budget. Example: $15,000 (IDEA 611); $2,000 (IDEA 619); $7,000 (ARRA 611); $1,000 (ARRA 619) $2,250 (IDEA 611) + $300 (IDEA 619) + $1050 (ARRA 611) + $150 (ARRA 619) = $3,750.00 $3,750.00 would be entered on Line 17 of the budget page for IDEA Part B and Preschool
64 Things to Remember (cont’d) CEIS Allowable activities General Education teacher salaries that serve the targeted at-risk students Instructional Materials Tutors/aids Professional development CEIS Non-Allowable activities Evaluations for special education eligibility determinations Occupational, physical, or speech language therapists may not provide academic or behavioral services or supports to students who have not been identified as having a disability. Transportation Rent Special Education staff may not provide academic or behavioral services and supports to students who have not been identified as having a disability. All documents must be filed with the Office of Special Education before allocation is set up in accounting, i.e. expenditure reports, child find report.
65 Office of Special Education CONTACT INFORMATION Division of Program Management 601-359-3498Fax: 601-359-2078 Mary Audrey Shaifer
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