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EP E2NA Meeting # 6 –Wrap up Closing plenary notes, Jun 20, 2013 Co-Located meetings E2NA plenaries and WGs M493 #15 NTECH #3 INT #21 AFI #13 DECT #57.

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Presentation on theme: "EP E2NA Meeting # 6 –Wrap up Closing plenary notes, Jun 20, 2013 Co-Located meetings E2NA plenaries and WGs M493 #15 NTECH #3 INT #21 AFI #13 DECT #57."— Presentation transcript:

1 EP E2NA Meeting # 6 –Wrap up Closing plenary notes, Jun 20, 2013 Co-Located meetings E2NA plenaries and WGs M493 #15 NTECH #3 INT #21 AFI #13 DECT #57 Doc: E2NA(13)06_0xx Source: EP E2NAChair Agenda item: For: Discussion © ETSI 2012. All rights reserved

2 E2NA(13)05_018 Meeting E2NA #6 – Progress Colocation of meetings for several TCs 2 plenary sessions with discussion of possible common interest points Discussion of possible extensions to INT test specs to cover also DECT needs and implications; reuse of INT expertise WG SEC in NTECH and DECT planned joint meeting to understand possible collaboration Progress on the old activities of E2NA Former MCD WI (common DRM) : trying to evolve and resolve conflicts on requirements LS on e2e interworking from 3GPP: reply prepared and approved also by NETCH M493: progress towards the completion of the ES by new target date

3 New work started Gap-filling: location of transcoders in network interconnection – Draft document by Orange discussed Possible new WI(s) on NFV-SDN-Autonomic Management: pre-standard analysis of ongoing activities to work out a proposal on where the actions are needed Analysis of input LS received from PLT and possible new work in member TCs and E2NA. Notified to Other TCs in E2NA to evaluate possible commonalities ETSI/OCG(12)47_0xx

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