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1 (OASIS) INRIAs Interests in Grids: programming Grids OASIS (Objets Actifs, Semantique et Securite) team Others INRIA teams (high perf. Networking, P2P.

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Presentation on theme: "1 (OASIS) INRIAs Interests in Grids: programming Grids OASIS (Objets Actifs, Semantique et Securite) team Others INRIA teams (high perf. Networking, P2P."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 (OASIS) INRIAs Interests in Grids: programming Grids OASIS (Objets Actifs, Semantique et Securite) team Others INRIA teams (high perf. Networking, P2P platforms for global computing, scheduling, GridOS…) For a synthetic overview of Grid research at INRIA: INédit num. 50, July 2005 OASIS team involved: CoreGRID, GridCOORD, GridComp, (Go4GRID)

2 2 OASIS Scientific activities in Grid computing Technical Lacks: Programming Model for the Grid : Business Practice + Distributed Programming + Service Integration … Components for the Grid Wrapping + Deploying software NOE CoreGrid: Programming Model Institute Systems, Tools and Environments Institute System Architecture GridCOMP STREP

3 3 Overview of GridCOMP (KOM 1 st June) Summary: The Grid Component Model (GCM, NoE CoreGrid) takes ObjectWeb Fractal comp. model as a starting point, with ObjectWeb ProActive Grid middleware Interoperability with other standards: EGEE gLite, UNICORE, NorduGrid, Globus, Web Services, etc., Coordination with the NESSI initiative: involvement of ObjectWeb, IBM Objectives: GRID PROGRAMMING WITH COMPONENTS: AN ADVANCED COMPONENT PLATFORM FOR AN EFFECTIVE INVISIBLE GRID Partners: GEIE ERCIM (Admin. Coordinator), INRIA (Scientific coordinator) University of Pisa, University of Westminster, ISTI/CNR, GRIDSystems, IBM Zurich, Atos Origin Tsinghua University, University of Melbourne, University of Chile

4 4 Same application, Open Deployment One Host Local Grid Distributed (heterogenous) Grids Internet LSF, PBS, GT3.2, gLite, Unicore, GT4, etc

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6 6 ProActive Open Grid deployment A ProActive deployment process specific to each low-level grid middleware LSF, PBS, GT3.2, gLite, Unicore, GT4, etc A standardized way to run a job on any sort of grid would simplify our task: Standards are required authenticating users file staging job submission (incl. specifying inbound/outbound IP ports) job control security policies (definition and enactment) definition (capabilities) of resources (ontologies), and discovery

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