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APS Teacher Evaluation
A SMART Process for Student and Teacher Growth Welcome! Sign in and create your name tent. Classroom teaching is a complex activity and a specialized body of work. Teacher effectiveness is the most important controllable factor in education, so being able to successfully evaluate teacher effectiveness is crucial to the growth and learning of students. The APS Teacher Evaluation Process provides a balanced process for ensuring we have effective teachers in our classrooms. A balanced evaluation system is one that: Increases the involvement of teachers in the evaluation process Has a balance of professional growth and accountability Puts a focus on student growth Is process based (classroom practices) and outcomes driven (student achievement) Better teachers produce better learning (Schacter & Therm, 2004) THE TEACHER IS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL SCHOOL-RELATED FORCE IN STUDENT ACHEIVMENT (Mujis & Reynolds, 2003)
Teacher evaluation is about:
Documenting quality of teacher performance Helping teachers improve their performance as well as holding them accountable for their work It is the role of administrators and policy makers to ensure that our students are being taught by the most effective teachers every day and the quality of teachers is evaluated and improved.
APS Teacher Evaluation Vision
Since 1999 “Arlington Public Schools will provide every student with highly effective educators that have the necessary tools to positively impact student learning and growth.” The APS teacher evaluation vision—that we have highly effective teachers that have the tools necessary to positively impact student learning and growth (every student)- guides the revision recommendations.
Alignment School Board Priority: Teacher and Staff Quality APS Strategic Plan Goal 3: Recruit, Retain and Develop High Quality Staff This vision is aligned with the School Board Priority: Teacher and Staff Quality and the Strategic Plan Goal 3: Recruit, retain, and develop high quality staff
Overview: APS Revised Teacher Evaluation Process and Teacher Standards
Agenda Introductions Overview of the Process Teacher Performance Standards and Indicators Documentation Log SMART goals Closure
Overview: APS Revised Teacher Evaluation Process and Teacher Standards
Agenda Introductions 10 minutes Kerri
Overview: APS Revised Teacher Evaluation Process and Teacher Standards
Agenda 2. Overview of the Process What is the basis of my evaluation? 20 minutes Slides 7-16
Virginia State Board Action
April 28, Virginia Board of Education approved two documents: Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers Virginia Standards for the Professional Practice of Teachers Developed to align with federal mandates 20 minutes Slides 7-16 The Virginia Department of Education published in April 2011 the guidelines and standards for teachers- which we are required to use in our system. Please note that the pending USED review of the VDOE ESEA Flexibility Application might have further impact on our proposed teacher evaluation process- for example, currently each teacher standard has equal weight in the summative evaluation, but we might have to adjust parts of the process. ESEA- Elementary and Secondary Education Act
VDOE New Teacher Performance Standards
1. Professional Knowledge 2. Instructional Planning 3. Instructional Delivery 4. Assessment of and for Student Learning 5. Learning Environment 6. Professionalism 7. Student Academic Progress 20 minutes Slides 7-16 Our current standards align with the new standards 1-6, what is new for most of Virginia is the focus on Student Academic Progress as one of the multiple measures in teacher evaluation. Why are standards important? The purpose of standards are to: Optimize student learning and growth Improve the quality of instruction by ensuring accountability for classroom performance Why adopt these standards? The key characteristics of these standards are: A focus on the relationship between professional performance and improved learning growth Sample performance indicators for each standard They serve as the foundation for a system for documenting teacher performance
VDOE New Teacher Performance Standards
Green- Teacher Purple- Educational Specialist 1. Professional Knowledge 2. Instructional Planning 3. Instructional Delivery 4. Assessment of and for Student Learning 5. Learning Environment 6. Professionalism 7. Student Academic Progress Comprehensive Educator Effectiveness: Guidance 1. Knowledge of the Learning Community 6. Professionalism 7. Learner/Program Progress 2. Program Planning and Management 5. Communication and Collaboration 20 minutes Slides 7-16 Here is what they look like side by side- you can see very similar, but acknowledges the different responsibilities of the job types. 3. Program Services 4. Assessment
APS Teacher Evaluation Process Overview
Annual Cycle Writes Teacher Lesson Plans SMART Goal Document Log Observations Mid-Year Evaluation Writes Compiles Participates Participates Participates 20 minutes Slides 7-16 What does the proposed process look like for staff? For a teacher… A teacher will Create a SMART goal at the beginning of the year, Compile a documentation log in which they put forth evidence of their practice in each standard (student feedback is included in this component), Plan lessons and units and be observed, Participate in a mid year conversation, and Participate in an end of year evaluation. An evaluator will Approve the SMART goal, Review the documentation log, Conduct observations and monitor lesson plans, Facilitate mid-year conversations, and Conduct end of year evaluations. Approves Reviews Conducts Facilitates Facilitates Lesson Plans Evaluator Monitors
Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic Time limited
The goal is focused on learner needs. Measurable An appropriate instrument/measure is selected to assess the goal. Realistic Time limited Appropriate The goal is within the teacher’s control to effect change. The goal is feasible for the teacher. The SMART goal setting process is to specifically address Standard 7- Student Academic Progress. Academic progress= the content of what is taught, be it art, music or math. The SMART goal setting for student achievement process will replace the Professional Development Plan (PDP) in our current evaluation system. The SMART goal setting process preserves many of the PDP elements that are advantageous to teacher growth: collaboration, reflection, focus on one aspect of teaching and learning, schedule, and the principal as the deciding factor in setting an appropriate goal. Alignment with strategic plan and school plan. How to Write a SMART goal – 5 Elements Who? Will Do What? To what level/degree? Under what conditions? In what length of time? There is a 6th element, but it is typically indicated on a separate page from the goal. How will progress be monitored? V. Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal) Instructional Strategy, Evidence and Target Date are identified The goal is contained within a single school year.
APS Teacher Evaluation: Continuing Contract (Three-Year Cycle)
SMART Goal Document Log Observations Lesson Plans As a part of the evaluation process, at least 1 observation on year 3 of 3-year cycle Mid-Year Conversation Interim Evaluation Summative Evaluation 20 minutes Slides 7-16 Continuing contract teachers will be on a three year cycle that includes an interim evaluation at the end of years one and two and their summative evaluation at the end of year three. (vs. an observation every 4 years currently) Remember *VDOE Requirements are: Multiple measures for teacher evaluation Student academic progress Observations Year 1 & 2 of 3-year cycle Year 3 of 3-year cycle Performance Improvement Plan At any time in the cycle It is the expectation that evaluators, as the instructional leaders, are observing instruction routinely.
APS Teacher Evaluation: Probationary and Part-Time (One-Year Cycle)
SMART Goal Document Log Observations Lesson Plans Mid-Year Conversation Summative Evaluation 20 minutes Slides 7-16 Probationary and part-time teachers will be on a one-year cycle that includes a summative evaluation at the end of year. As a part of the evaluation process: Probationary = at least 3 observations Part-Time = at least 1 observation It is the expectation that evaluators, as the instructional leaders, are observing instruction routinely.
APS Teacher Evaluation Rating Scale
Category Description Definition Highly Effective The T-Scale employee performing at this level maintains performance, accomplishments, and behaviors that consistently and considerably surpass the established standard. This rating is reserved for performance that is truly highly effective and done in a manner that exemplifies the Arlington Public Schools’ mission and goals. Highly effective performance: consistently exhibits behaviors that have a strong positive impact on learners and the school climate serves as a role model to others sustains high performance over a period of time The T-Scale employee meets the standard in a manner that is consistent with the Arlington Public Schools’ mission and goals. Effective performance: meets the requirements contained in the job description as expressed in the evaluation criteria demonstrates willingness to learn and apply new skills exhibits behaviors that have a positive impact on learners and the school climate Developing/ Needs Improvement The T-Scale employee often performs below the established standard or in a manner that is inconsistent with the Arlington Public Schools’ mission and goals. Developing/Needs improvement performance: requires support in meeting the standards results in less than quality work performance leads to areas for teacher improvement being jointly identified and planned between the teacher and evaluator Ineffective The T-Scale employee consistently performs below the established standard or in a manner that is inconsistent with the Arlington Public Schools’ mission and goals. Ineffective performance: does not meet the requirements contained in the job description as expressed in the evaluation criteria may result in the employee not being recommended for continued employment 20 minutes Slides 7-16 Currently APS has 2 ratings, meets and does not meet. A four-category scale offers the opportunity to provide teachers with feedback on the level of performance of that standard and overall. Four categories more distinctly describe levels of performance than our past two categories of meets and does not meet. This more specific detail helps teachers understand expectations and identify areas for growth. Effective is the acceptable/expected level of performance.
Comparison of Existing and New Systems
SIMILAR Schedule SMART goals similar to PDP Observations NEW Multiple measures Focus on identifying student/program progress 20 minutes Slides 7-16 HANDOUT
“I know it seems crazy when everyone else in the world wants to be a film director, but for me, teaching is one of the few heroic jobs left. All the biggest miracles take place in classrooms. Nothing happens without teachers.” Stephen Frears British film director
Overview: APS Revised Teacher Evaluation Process and Teacher Standards
Agenda 3. Teacher Performance Standards and Indicators What am I expected to know and be able to do?
Wisdom of Practice If you were to walk into a classroom, what might you see or hear there (from the students as well as the teacher) that would cause you to think that you were in the presence of an expert? What would make you think: “Oh, this is good; if I had a child this age, this is the class I would hope for.” 10 minutes 3 minutes Write three things on a sticky note…. 3 minutes each share one idea at a time- indicate which standard it describes…. 3 minutes What do you notice?
For each performance standard rate yourself.
Self- Assessment For each performance standard rate yourself. 10 minutes What do you notice about your areas of strength? Areas for growth? What evidence do you have of the standards? What evidence might you gather?
Overview: APS Revised Teacher Evaluation Process and Teacher Standards
Agenda 4. Documentation Log
How will I document my performance?
Documentation Log How will I document my performance? 20 minutes Review form 8 minutes- Think/write- how might you document your performance in each of the standards… 5 minutes- stand up- share one idea for each standard– we will switch seven times…signal—2 minutes each round What do you notice about the ideas shared? Questions/concerns?
Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic Time limited
The goal is focused on learner needs. Measurable An appropriate instrument/measure is selected to assess the goal. Realistic Time limited Appropriate The goal is within the teacher’s control to effect change. The goal is feasible for the teacher. The SMART goal setting process is to specifically address Standard 7- Student Academic Progress. Academic progress= the content of what is taught, be it art, music or math. The SMART goal setting for student achievement process will replace the Professional Development Plan (PDP) in our current evaluation system. The SMART goal setting process preserves many of the PDP elements that are advantageous to teacher growth: collaboration, reflection, focus on one aspect of teaching and learning, schedule, and the principal as the deciding factor in setting an appropriate goal. Alignment with strategic plan and school plan. How to Write a SMART goal – 5 Elements Who? Will Do What? To what level/degree? Under what conditions? In what length of time? There is a 6th element, but it is typically indicated on a separate page from the goal. How will progress be monitored? V . Means for Attaining Goal (Strategies used to accomplish the goal) Instructional Strategy, Evidence and Target Date are identified The goal is contained within a single school year.
Overview: APS Revised Teacher Evaluation Process and Teacher Standards
Agenda 5. SMART goals
How will I document student progress?
SMART Goals How will I document student progress? 20 minutes While there is a full two hour session on setting SMART goals, here is the smart goal form On the back of the SMART goal form- identify data you already have about incoming students? What do you do already to measure what they know and are able to do? SMART goal examples will be provided
Overview: APS Revised Teacher Evaluation Process and Teacher Standards
Agenda Introductions Overview of the Process Teacher Performance Standards and Indicators Documentation Log SMART goals Closure
Comparison of Existing and New Systems
SIMILAR Schedule SMART goals similar to PDP Observations NEW Multiple measures Focus on identifying student/program progress
APS Teacher Evaluation System
Benefits Concerns
Support for Teachers SMART Goal Setting, Implement Strategies and Track Progress Towards SMART Goal Ongoing T-Scale Reflection Best Evidence for Documentation Log Observation(s) Mid Year Conversation Interim or Summative Evaluation For the implementation year we have planned comprehensive professional learning for teachers and evaluators, that provides for layers of support throughout the year. The professional learning focused on quality teaching and learning promotes: Consistency - in the evaluation process Equity- a processes that does not disadvantage a teacher or learner for who they are or where they are (level, content) Continuity- in training and implementation As we start the year with new standards and setting SMART goals for the first time principals and administrative teams will be provided with training to assist them with guiding teachers through the start of the year. Supervisors will continue that support through content specifics examples and support in content meetings. The Professional day in January will focus on assessment, to include how to read your assessments, how to continually monitor student growth and prepare for the mid-year conversations. The evaluation process = focuses on how I teach + how I did (process) (product)
APS Implementation Timeline
Action Date Present to APS School Board 5/2012 Communication: Summer Training Opportunities 6/2012 Develop Training for Evaluators and Teachers Implementation 7/2012 Required Training for Evaluators and Teachers 8/12, 9/12, 12/12, 1/13 and 3/13 Provide a handbook to each evaluator and T-Scale staff 8/2012 Communication: Each month provide in-depth information on relevant piece of the process Throughout Solicit feedback and revise to improve the process This table shows the planned implementation timeline. After approval by the board, we will communicate our summer optional opportunities for staff. Design teams will continue their work to finalize the professional learning and support materials.
APS Teacher Evaluation Vision
Since 1999 “Arlington Public Schools will provide every student with highly effective educators that have the necessary tools to positively impact student learning and growth.” Teacher quality matters- it matters a great deal. Teacher effectiveness is the most important controllable factor in education, so being able to successfully evaluate teacher effectiveness is crucial to the growth and learning of students. The APS Teacher Evaluation Process provides a structure for ensuring we have effective teachers in our classrooms.
APS Teacher Evaluation
A SMART Process for Student and Teacher Growth Classroom teaching is a complex activity and a specialized body of work. Teacher effectiveness is the most important controllable factor in education, so being able to successfully evaluate teacher effectiveness is crucial to the growth and learning of students. The APS Teacher Evaluation Process provides a balanced process for ensuring we have effective teachers in our classrooms. A balanced evaluation system is one that: Increases the involvement of teachers in the evaluation process Has a balance of professional growth and accountability Puts a focus on student growth Is process based (classroom practices) and outcomes driven (student achievement) Better teachers produce better learning (Schacter & Therm, 2004) THE TEACHER IS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL SCHOOL-RELATED FORCE IN STUDENT ACHEIVMENT (Mujis & Reynolds, 2003)
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