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Strategic Plan 2011-2015 Looking Back, Moving Forward.

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1 Strategic Plan 2011-2015 Looking Back, Moving Forward

2 Our new strategic plan begins this fall. Our Board of Trustees are scheduled approve our new mission statement, vision and core values in September. But I thought we needed to take one last look at what we have accomplished before we move forward.

3 Goal 1: Student Success Continued Focus Moving Forward

4 Student Success We’ve essentially doubled our annual number of graduates and core completers since 2009. And we increased articulation agreements from having none to 13 with more to come. We’ve expanded and strengthened our personal, academic guidance and mentoring services to our students through case management, peer and faculty/staff mentoring, supplemental instruction, and summer bridge activities, pretty much meeting our objective of 60% students served. But we still have work to do in getting more students to take advantage of all the support services we offer. Although we have made improvements, we continue to struggle getting students ready for college-level work. Student success is a priority for El Centro College.

5 GOAL 2: EMPLOYEE SUCCESS New focus moving forward

6 Employee Success eStudias, Starfish, and other software have given us the ability to reach out and touch students when we need to. We hired a director of Organizational and Staff Development. We made professional development an annual objective for all departments and provide a way to capture the internal training activities to the point that we logged over 50,000 CEUs last year and over 40,000 so far this year. Employee Success will continue to be a priority, but the focus moving forward will be on employee development.


8 Economic and Workforce Development We focused on continuing education with objectives to increase overall CE contact hours and contract training revenue. We didn’t meet our objective for continuing education, but we did increase contract training contact hours. Workforce and economic development is a primary focus for our Board and Chancellor and one for us as well.


10 Sustainable College & Community Development We never set benchmarks for recycling and energy use. But we have a wind farm that has lowered our energy costs, we offer free DART passes to our students and a reduced rate on DART passes for our employees. We have a Sustainability Committee helping us get organized. And we have helped make El Centro a safer college by requiring everyone to show their ID badges. We encourage our active student organizations to have at least one community project per year. Student Life manages this objective. No results yet. And we don’t have a reliable method of managing and reporting student participation in Service Learning. Same goes for highlighting faculty and staff community service. Community development is another area which will be a priority for us moving forward.


12 Streamlined Business & Fiscal Processes We continue to provide training in business office procedures. Everyone who needs to be using Paperwise is (objective completed). But we no longer have a regular process to identify knowledge gaps since the District Service Center no longer administers the Control Self-Assessment Survey. So we will shift moving forward and change the way we keep current on the knowledge and skills needed to perform our jobs.


14 Organizational & Institutional Effectiveness Increasing online learning was an objective in the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan. Did you know that 27% of our contact hours for this fall (so far) are generated via online classes? The addition of BlackBoard Outcomes should make the collection and management of student artifacts easier for our Student Learning Outcomes Assessment activities including the QEP. Divisional and departmental goals are now aligned with Master Plans which focus our activities toward achieving our strategic priorities for the next three years. Compression Planning - a tool to help jumpstart the development of new initiatives, helps departments revise activities and reallocate resources for improvement, and its use in the program review process focuses on program management and growth. Grants management and compliance has improved. Moving forward we need to shift from reacting to change to being proactive with change, making data-informed decisions.


16 Moving Forward So this brings us up to date on what we are doing. We’ve made improvements toward some of our goals, but struggle to reach our benchmark in others. Some of our priorities from 2011-2015 plan will continue and we have identified new ones. So where do we go from here?

17 Strategic Plan 2015-2018

18 2015-2016 Strategic Plan Today we are introducing El Centro College’s new strategic plan. Copies of the plan were available for you when you entered the auditorium.

19 Strategic Planning Committee Sondra Flemming (co-chair)Beth Stall (co-chair)Dr. Jose Adames Anthony ArcherMary BensonDavid Browning Laure CameronSerina DavenportGlenda Easter Rebecca GarzaJoselyn GonzalezRegina Gowans Ida KellerOlivia KerrDon Martin Ivan MartinezMwauna MaxwellJeremy McClelland Sandra MitchellDr. Greg MorrisBeenah Moshay Jermain PipkinsJennie PollardWill Smith Michael St. AmaPriscilla StaleyKaren Stills Adrienne ThompsonJimmy VicenteJohn Wentz Lenora ReeceDr. Alexis ClaytonKeisha Farrington

20 Committee Members I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who served on the strategic planning committee. Sondra Flemming and Beth Stall served as co- chairs. And I can’t begin to say everyone’s name so all of you who put up with me for the past six months or so, please stand and be recognized for your contribution. Now let’s show you their work.


22 Moving Forward Working together we will build the connections between student and employee success; between college-ready, workforce ready and transfer-ready; and between institutional effectiveness and community development. We need to make sure that what we create is strong enough to see us through to 2018 but flexible enough to make the journey.


24 Moving Forward We will continue focusing on Student Success and Workforce Development, providing a positive Impact on our Community. We will shift our focus to Employee Development and Institutional Effectiveness, knowing that we can’t be effective if we don’t have successful employees. And El Centro will become a Leader College serving as an example to our students, our colleagues and our community.

25 Are we ready?

26 Moving Forward This is an exciting time for El Centro College and for the District. In the past, we have always been concerned about students being ready for us. But are we ready for them? Thank you!

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