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Juvenile Delinquency Coun 150 – Laws Relating to Children Richard M. Cartier Class 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Juvenile Delinquency Coun 150 – Laws Relating to Children Richard M. Cartier Class 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Juvenile Delinquency Coun 150 – Laws Relating to Children Richard M. Cartier Class 13

2 Juvenile Justice in California W&I § 300 – dependency W&I § 601– status offenses W&I § 602 – delinquency

3 Common Law... Under age 7 7-14 Over 14

4 Patterns 300 601 602 Adult criminality

5 Modernly “no magic age” but... 16 14 18

6 A brief look at juvenile crime... From 1994-2000 juvenile crime declined – WHY? Juvenile recidivism – Does the system work? Male Female

7 The Juvenile Justice Experiment 1899 – now Promise Individual treatment and rehabilitation Practice In re Gault Transfer Has the juvenile justice experiment failed?

8 Schools revisited... Search and Seizure NJ v. TLO 2 pronged test of reasonableness Locker searches Metal detectors Sniff searches Strip searches

9 Making connections Parents are primarily responsible for the care and rearing of their minor children... How do we make connections for kids when the family fails them?

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