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Source Message Channel Receiver Feedback Noise Context Model of the Communication Process.

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2 Source Message Channel Receiver Feedback Noise Context Model of the Communication Process

3 Six Types of Human Communication Intrapersonal Intrapersonal Interpersonal Interpersonal Small Group Small Group Public Speaking Public Speaking Mass Mass Mediated Mediated One person One person Two people Two people Three to ? Three to ? One to many One to many One to one/group One to one/group

4 Interpersonal axioms Grounded in theory and research Grounded in theory and research One cannot NOT communicate One cannot NOT communicate Irreversible Irreversible Interdependant Interdependant Content and Relational Content and Relational Continuous (past, present, future) Continuous (past, present, future) Need not be face to face Need not be face to face

5 Interpersonal Axioms Transactional Transactional Prior to 1920s Linear Prior to 1920s Linear After, Interactional After, Interactional More realistic is transactional More realistic is transactional

6 Culture A group’s specialized values, beliefs, artifacts, ways of behaving and communicating passed through communication, not genetics A group’s specialized values, beliefs, artifacts, ways of behaving and communicating passed through communication, not genetics

7 Learning Cultures Enculturation learning the culture into which you were born (through parents, peers, schools, religion, government, media, internet, etc.) Enculturation learning the culture into which you were born (through parents, peers, schools, religion, government, media, internet, etc.) Acculturation learning a culture different from your native culture (mutual influence occurs) Acculturation learning a culture different from your native culture (mutual influence occurs) Ethnocentrism the belief one’s culture is superior to that of other’s cultures Ethnocentrism the belief one’s culture is superior to that of other’s cultures Stereotypes a fixed impression of a person or group of people based mainly on physical characteristics Stereotypes a fixed impression of a person or group of people based mainly on physical characteristics

8 Communication Styles Low Context Low Context majority of information carried in explicit verbal messages, with less focus on the situational context. majority of information carried in explicit verbal messages, with less focus on the situational context. Self-expression valued. Communicators state opinions and desires directly and strive to persuade others to accept their own viewpoint. Self-expression valued. Communicators state opinions and desires directly and strive to persuade others to accept their own viewpoint. Clear, eloquent speech considered praiseworthy. Verbal fluency admired. Clear, eloquent speech considered praiseworthy. Verbal fluency admired. High Context High Context Important information carried in contextual cues time, place relationship, situation. Less reliance on explicit verbal messages. Communicators abstain from saying “no” directly Communicators talk “around” the point allowing others to fill in the missing pieces. Ambiguity and use of silence is admired.

9 Individualistic and Collectivist Cultures Individualistic Cultures Individualistic Cultures Self is separate, unique individual; independent, self-sufficient. Self is separate, unique individual; independent, self-sufficient. Individual take care of themselves/family Individual take care of themselves/family many flexible group memberships; friends based on shared interests & activities. many flexible group memberships; friends based on shared interests & activities. Reward individual achievement & initiative; individual decision encouraged, credit/ blame assigned individually Reward individual achievement & initiative; individual decision encouraged, credit/ blame assigned individually Collectivist Cultures Collectivist Cultures People belong to extended families; “we” or group orientation. Cares for extended family before self. Emphasis on belonging to a very few permanent in-groups with strong influence over person. Rewards contribution to group goals & well-being; cooperation with in- group members; group decisions valued; credit/ blame shared.

10 Perception Process Select Select Organize Organize Identify Identify Classify Classify Infer/interpret Infer/interpret Factors Factors Physical characteristics Education Religion Media

11 Communication and the Self Self Concept A relatively stable set of perceptions one holds about oneself.

12 Different Aspects of Self Concept Self-esteem Self-esteem Self-awareness Self-awareness Self-actualization Self-actualization Ideal Self Ideal Self Real Self Real Self Reflected Appraisal Reflected Appraisal Social Comparison Social Comparison

13 Self-Disclosure Revealing information about one’s self to others that they could not know otherwise. Revealing information about one’s self to others that they could not know otherwise. Factors influencing: Factors influencing: Time of Time of Age Age Gender Gender Ethnicity Ethnicity Topic Topic Relationship Relationship Valence Valence

14 Reasons for Self-Awareness Self-awareness is imperative to maintain because it directly affects personal and professional development (Gail Williams) Self-awareness is imperative to maintain because it directly affects personal and professional development (Gail Williams) Those that feel socially excluded try to dodge self awareness by not looking into a mirror. (Jean M. Twenge; Kathleen R. Catanese; Roy F. Baumeister.) Those that feel socially excluded try to dodge self awareness by not looking into a mirror. (Jean M. Twenge; Kathleen R. Catanese; Roy F. Baumeister.)

15 Increase Your Self-Awareness 1.Who am I? test

16 Who am I? Developed by Bugental and Zelen I am…(15-20 times) I am…(15-20 times)  Strengths 1.Tall 2.Funny 3.Athletic  Weaknesses 1.Skinny 2.stubborn 3.Broken hand Self Improvement Goals Self Improvement Goals

17 Increase Your Self-Awareness 1.Who am I? test 2.Listen to Others 3.Seek Information

18 Listen to Others Listen & Learn from feedback Listen & Learn from feedback “Those struggling to define themselves crave others' feedback to help enhance their self-awareness, whereas those with a strong identity rely less on feedback: They can reinterpret, reject or accept information based on their own coherent sense of self." ( Le Tourneau ) “Those struggling to define themselves crave others' feedback to help enhance their self-awareness, whereas those with a strong identity rely less on feedback: They can reinterpret, reject or accept information based on their own coherent sense of self." ( Le Tourneau ) Seek Information Actively engage in asking about what others think…in moderation Actively engage in asking about what others think…in moderation

19 Increase Your Self-Awareness 1.Who am I? test 2.Listen to Others 3.Seek Information 4.Realize your Self dimensions 5.Try to expand your Open Self

20 Increase Open Self Self disclosure Self disclosure Blind and Hidden self will reduce, resulting in overall better communication. Blind and Hidden self will reduce, resulting in overall better communication.

21 The Johari Window Model representing self, developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham

22 Self-Esteem How much do you like yourself ? How much would you say you are worth? How capable do you think you are ?

23  Your self evaluation  The value you place on yourself Self-Esteem is...

24 Strategies to Build Self-Esteem  Attack you Self-Destructive Beliefs  Engage in Self-Affirmation  Seek Out Nourishing People  Work on Goals That Will Result in Success

25 Self-Destructive Beliefs  Beliefs that damage your self-esteem and prevent you from forming positive relationships. Steps towards elimination:  Recognize your internalized self- destructive beliefs  Realize that these beliefs are unrealistic and self- defeating (Ellis)

26 Self-Affirmation Remind yourself that you have succeeded (Aronson, Cohen, and Nail 1998) Examples of self-affirming phrases: I can live a nurturing, exciting, and creative life. I can accept imperfection. My world is safe and friendly. ( From Gathering Through Insight and Love by Keyes)

27 Seek Out Nourishing People  Noxious people offer negative criticism  Nourishing people are positive and optimistic (Rogers)

28 Success Will Build Self-Esteem  CHALLENGE YOURSELF with goals that will result in success  Failure does not mean you are a failure. Failure is a learning experience you can grow from.

29 Benefits of High Self-Esteem  better performance  more likely to succeed  will develop lasting and meaningful relationships  learn from mistakes  build solid foundations (Devito)

30 Listening

31 Nonverbal Communication Kinesics Kinesics Emblems Emblems Illustrators Illustrators Regulators Regulators Adaptors Adaptors Affect displays Affect displays Proxemics Proxemics Chronemics Chronemics Haptics Haptics

32 Nonverbal Communication Silence Silence Clothing Clothing Jewelry Jewelry Body adornments Body adornments Eye contact Eye contact Color Color Artifacts Artifacts Paralanguage Paralanguage

33 Nonverbal Communication

34 What is nonverbal communication?

35 Nonverbal Communication Communication without words; communication by means of space, gestures, facial expressions, touching, vocal variation, and silence for example (DeVito) Communication without words; communication by means of space, gestures, facial expressions, touching, vocal variation, and silence for example (DeVito)

36 Why do we have nonverbal communication?

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