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GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Overview of the TSB Director s Ad Hoc Group on IPR by Masamichi Niiya Telecommunication Standardization.

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Presentation on theme: "GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Overview of the TSB Director s Ad Hoc Group on IPR by Masamichi Niiya Telecommunication Standardization."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Overview of the TSB Director s Ad Hoc Group on IPR by Masamichi Niiya Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) International Telecommunication Union Place des Nations - CH-1211 Geneva 20 – Switzerland Tel: +41 22 730 6071Fax: +41 22 730 5853 E-mail: ITU Web address: SOURCE:ITU TITLE:Overview of the TSB Directors Ad Hoc Group on IPR AGENDA ITEM:IPR WG, agenda item 4 IPR(06)_03

2 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications TSB Director s Ad Hoc Group on IPR Chairman: Mr Houlin Zhao (TSB Director) Members: Open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates + invited participants Participants include: AT&T, BT, France Télécom, Fujitsu, HP, Intel, KDDI, Lucent, Microsoft, Nortel Networks, NTT, Polycom, Psytechnics, Qualcomm, Siemens, ANSI, ETRI, ETSI, ISO, TTC, etc. Previous Meeting : 1-2 November 2005 About the IPR Ad Hoc Group:

3 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications ItemContent 1Patents 2Software Copyright Guidelines 3Marks Guidelines 4Open Standards 5Patent Statements Database 6Statistics 7Topics for the next IPR Ad Hoc Group Meeting (Geneva, 27-28 June 2006)

4 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 1Patent issues ITU-T and ITU-R Patent Policies – will be renamed as Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC revised but basic policy remains the same as the current ITU-T/ITU-R Patent Policy Guidelines for Implementation of ITU-T Patent Policy – will be revised in order to be consistent with the Common Patent Policy ITU-T Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration forms – will be renamed as the Common Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration forms The common form for an individual Recommendation Form for a common or twin text between ITU-T and ISO/IEC (no change) The common form for a General Statement Highlights from the Nov. 2005 meeting and after (1/4)

5 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Highlights from the Nov. 2005 meeting and after (2/4) 1Patent issues (continued) Discussion on Handling of Complex IPR Difficult to search for information on patents owned by ITU-T non- members Voluntary patent search can be done among interested ITU-T members Voluntary patent search can be done among interested ITU-T members Such searches would be done outside ITU-T The result of the search can be reported to the relevant Study Group and TSB The result of the search can be reported to the relevant Study Group and TSB The TSB would attempt to contact owners and request them to submit the patent statement The TSB would attempt to contact owners and request them to submit the patent statement Difficult to judge which might be essential (For further study) Too many individual licensing negotiations and high accumulative licensing costs (For further study)

6 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Highlights from the Nov. 2005 meeting and after (3/4) 2 Software Copyright ITU-T Software Copyright Guidelines (Issue 2.1.1 – March 2005) – remains stable for use ITU-T Software Copyright and Licensing Declaration form – remains stable for use ITU-T Software Copyright database – is populated 3Marks* ITU-T Guidelines related to the inclusion of marks in ITU-T Recommendations (Issue 2.0 – November 2005) – revised and in use * trademarks, service marks and certification marks 4Open Standards ITU-T definition of Open standards confirmed and may be revisited when necessary

7 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Highlights from the Nov. 2005 meeting and after (4/4) 5 Patent Statements Database The whole patent database file is downloadable from the ITU-T website - WS word - PDF - Access (available since Nov. 2005) Improvement of the database (ongoing/future) - Implementation of a search tool - Implementation of a sorting function - Links from/to the planned Recommendations on the Work programme - Others: possible alignment of presentation between ITU-T Patent database and ITU-R Patent database

8 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 6 Statistics Non-members: 300 (20%) Members: 1,218 (80%) Option 1: 95 (6%) Option 2: 1,422 ( 94%) ITU-T Patent statements received: 1,518 (as of 10 May 2006) Option 3: 1

9 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications ITU-T Patent statements received (continued)

10 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications 7.Topics for the next Ad Hoc Group on IPR Meeting Geneva, 27-28 June 2006 - Patent issues: Briefing session on IPR in Asian region (China, Japan and Korea) Handling of complex IPR cases Patent database improvements -Software Copyright issues -Marks issues

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