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“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford.

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Presentation on theme: "“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” Henry Ford

2  In order to successfully communicate with others you must first learn to communicate with yourself. Intrapersonal communication is the most basic level of communication. You must understand who you are and what you think of yourself.

3  Think things through  Interpret events  Interpret messages of others  Respond to your own experiences  Respond to your interactions with others Self-talk is the inner speech that includes the questions and comments you make to yourself. It is a powerful influence. You use it when you:

4  If you believe you cannot do something, your brain will tell your body and it will shut down. Research has show that positive self talk increases focus, concentration and performance.  When you stay encouraged and positive, your body will also respond in a positive way.

5  The process you use to assign meaning to data about yourself or the world around you is called perception.  People seldom share precisely the same perceptions because we are unique.

6  1. Sensory perception – the physical process of taking in data through the senses. › How do you know when to go to school? › How do you know if you need to wear a jacket?  2. Selective perception – the mental process of choosing which data or stimuli to focus on from all that are available to you at any given time. › This means we have to make decisions on which things we focus on or ignore.

7  Intensity – the more intense or dramatic the stimulus, the more likely we are to notice it. › Example: someone screaming all of a sudden  Repetition – the more we are bombarded with messages – the more it sinks in and we believe it. › Advertising messages  Uniqueness – things that are new, unusual, unexpected & unique are often noticed.  Relevance – noticing things that mirror our own interests, needs & motiviations.

8  1. Stay alert  2. Make conscious choices about what is important data.  3. Screen out distractions & noise that may interfere with concentration.  4. Monitor the way you select data and improve your weaknesses.

9  3. Personal perception – your own understanding of reality. It becomes the basis for your judgments and decisions you make. It also determines appropriateness of your communication choices. › How you talk or express yourself (dress, act, perform, etc.) are choices you make based on your perceptions.

10  Values – reflect your priorities and what you think is important.  Beliefs – what one believes to be true that often helps you decide what to accept or reject  Culture – family, community, or organizations to which you belong  Bias – consistent attitude, viewpoint or pattern of perception.  Prejudice – preconceived judgment (to pre-judge on opinion rather than facts)  Attitudes – powerful influences that can be positive or negative.  Expectations – basing a judgment on what is expected rather than what actually happened.  Knowledge – what you know influences how your organize & interpret information.  Communication skills – if you are lacking in part of the communication process, you may have difficulty in understanding and being understood.

11  Two people in the same room can have completely different perceptions of the same event. Varying perceptions can cause conflict and misunderstandings. To overcome this you must continuallly check your own perceptions and make sure they are accurate.





16  Key – Never assume that what you perceive as the truth is the actual, absolute truth.  Intrapersonal perception check:  Question your sensory perception  Question your selective perception  Question you personal perception  Interpersonal perception check:  Clarify your perception of others messages.  Analyze others’ points of view  Take responsibility for your own communication.


18 SensorySelectivePersonal

19 I saw something move across the room. The movement was unexpected, so it was unique. Based on knowledge, I knew it was a mouse.

20 Self- Actualization Ego/Esteem Needs Appreciation, feeling good Belonging Needs Family, friends, groups Safety Needs Free from harm – physical, financial and emotional Physical Needs Food, Water, Shelter Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

21 Self-Concept: The relatively stable set of perceptions that you hold for yourself. Why is the Self-Concept like a puzzle?

22 1) The self concept is subjective: If the people and events around us shape our self concept, what if we lived somewhere else and knew other people? Our self-concept would then be different. 2) A healthy self-concept is flexible: People change and times change. The things that are important to you when you are 5 are not as important when you are 25. 3) Self-concept resists change: The self-concept must change but that does not men that it is an easy thing to do. It happens over a period of time and usually with a lot of thought.

23 4) The self-concept is multi-dimensional: We have more than one self-concept. There are many dimensions…let’s explore three of them. a) Perceived Self – The person that you believe yourself to be. b) Ideal Self – This is how you want to be as a person, how you desire to be. c) Public Self – The face you show others.

24 The leaves represent the three dimensions we just talked about.

25 Self-Concept is the self-perception or view you have of yourself. It is the person you think you are, formed in your beliefs and attitudes. It is influence by how others see you, how you were in your past, are today, and would like to be in the future. Real self – your “core” self; who you really are. Perceived self – who you see yourself to be. Ideal self – who you want to be now or in the future. Public self – the self you freely disclose to others or in public situations. Private self – the self you do not share with others; who you are in private. Professional self – who you are in your job or profession. Social self – who you are when you interact with other individuals, groups, in society or social situations. Intellectual self – who you are as a student and a learner; the part of you that acquires and uses knowledge. Emotional self – the part of you that processes feelings. Physical self – who you are physically; including the concept of your own body, athletic ability, gracefulness and coordination, level of attractiveness, physical health and well being. Artistic self – the part of you that is creative or artistic.

26  How you perceive that you are seen and treated by others.  Your own expectations and the standards that you set for yourself  How you compare yourself to others  Self-concept lays the foundation for your communication with others one to one, in groups, or one-to-group.

27  Can give you confidence you need to communicate effectively  Must draw from your strengths  Must know where you need to improve  Set goals for change

28  Self-fulfilling prophecy – a prediction or expectation of an event that shapes your behavior, making the outcome more likely to occur.  It comes from your own self-concept and the expectations you establish for yourself.  It also come from what you think others expect of you.  Self-disclosure – is the deliberate revelation of a significant information about yourself that is not readily apparent to others. It can be tricky because it can either be appropriate or inappropriate for a particular time, place or circumstance.  Must know what facts, opinions, or feelings are appropriate to reveal under the circumstances.  Consider the purpose of self-disclosure and your communication goals.

29 1 Open It is called open because many of a person’s behaviors, motivations, feelings, likes and dislikes are openly communicated to others. 2 Blind You are blind to what others perceive about you. Feedback can make you aware of this information, but you may or may not decide to adapt or change. 3 Hidden It represents the things you know or believe about yourself but that you do not choose to share with others. 4 Unknown Things that neither you nor others know or acknowledge. It could be subconscious fears or things you do not remember. Known to selfNot known to selfKnown to others Not Known to others

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