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1 IV 1 st November 2007 Beijing - China N-Queens and FlowShop results Denis Caromel INRIA, Patrick Guillemin ETSI.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IV 1 st November 2007 Beijing - China N-Queens and FlowShop results Denis Caromel INRIA, Patrick Guillemin ETSI."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IV Grids@Work 1 st November 2007 Beijing - China N-Queens and FlowShop results Denis Caromel INRIA, Patrick Guillemin ETSI

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3 3 Available Grids and Nodes Grid5000 (4080 cpu) - France InTrigger (450 cpu) - Japan PoweRcost (180 cpu) – Italy DAS (300 cpu) - Netherland All jobs submitted from Beijing – China SCCAS: Supercomputing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

4 4 2007 FlowShop contest Goal of the FlowShop contest (Job Scheduling) Solve the 10 Taillard instances with 20 jobs and 20 machines 2006 FlowShop contest The winner was KANBAN - Japan (553 s, 207 workers) 2007 FlowShop contest (2 teams) BUPT - Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications -China TransPUTers - POZNAN University of Technology - Poland The winner is TransPUTers from Poland ! 2146 s, 3185 Workers 2007 FlowShop contest

5 5 2007 N-Queens contest Goal of the N-Queens contest Solve the maximum number of N-Queens solutions in1 hour On a maximum number of machines With the most efficient algorithm 2006 N-Queens contest The winner was Eight Samouri – Japan ~6 467 Billions solutions 2193 Workers deployed Counted N=22 Queens in 27mn 2007 N-Queens contest (6 teams) ACT - The Institute of Advanced Computing Technology of Beihang University in Beijing - China BUPT - Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications -China ChinaGrid – Tsinghua University - China Grid-TU – Tsinghua University - China MOAIS Kaapi – France outPUT - Poznan University of Technology - Poland

6 6 2006 N-Queens contest The 1st N-Queens Prize winner is KAAPI-MOAIS - France with ~40 379 Billions solutions found deployed on 3654 workers computed for the first time N=23 in 35 mn 7s and N=22 in 3 mn 21s The 2nd N-Queens Prize winner is ACT - Beihang University - China sucessfuly deployed 3888 workers The 3rd N-Queens Prize winners (2 teams ex-aequo) are BUPT - Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China Calculated N=22 Queens in 24 mn 31s and deployed 2925 workers Grid-TU - Tsinghua University – China Calculated N=22 Queens in 19 mn 36s and deployed 1735 workers 2007 N-Queens contest

7 7 Thanks to all /

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