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Workplace Inspections by the Joint Occupational, Safety & Health (JOSH) Committee LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.

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Presentation on theme: "Workplace Inspections by the Joint Occupational, Safety & Health (JOSH) Committee LIBRARY OF CONGRESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workplace Inspections by the Joint Occupational, Safety & Health (JOSH) Committee LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

2 Purpose of the Committee “ The Library of Congress Safety and Health Committee is established to monitor and assist the Library's Occupational Safety and Health Program. “

3 Committee Functions  Advise the Library concerning safety & health conditions, existing and proposed practices, programs and regulations relating to safety and health within the Library.  Promote employee safety and health education, including training for emergency evacuation of the building(s).  Provide a means for presentation and evaluation of employees' comments.  Conduct annual safety inspections of facilities and recommend measures for the elimination or control of conditions hazardous to the safety and health of the employees, especially employees with disabilities.

4 INSPECTION TEAM MEMBERS  Equal representation from labor & management  Two person teams  Provided 5 day OSHA Training (at a minimum) OSH 6000 – Collateral Duties for Other Federal Agencies  Utilize Basic Inspection Checklist (handout)  Enter findings in the LC Automated Hazard Abatement Program (AHAP)

5 WHY DO WE CONDUCT INTERNAL EVALUATIONS? Injury – Illness Injury Reduction Steady Reduction in Frequency & Severity Increases Employee Awareness Demonstrates a Commitment to Employees (we care) It’s Good Business Part of our Mission Support Requirements Element of an Effective SHE Program

6 OSHA Program Elements These elements, when integrated into a site's daily operations, can reduce the incidence and severity of illnesses and injuries:  Management leadership and employee involvement  Worksite analysis  Hazard prevention and control  Safety and health training












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