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ENTER The Clil4U project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "ENTER The Clil4U project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENTER The Clil4U project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 CommunityContent Competence Cognition Communication TOPIC PLANACTIVITIES LANGUAGE OF/FOR LEARNING

3 Students will learn what to do to help themselves to stay healthy Back to Overview

4 Students will: learn how to stay healthy get to know how to:  keep themselves clean  eat well  exercise  be careful  feel good Back to Overview

5 Students will learn simple specific vocabulary and expressions that describe : Body parts Food Nutrients Sports Safety rules Students will use simple structures in the present tense, verbs and adjectives to communicate There will be some work on grammar, based on errors extracted from language used during the task For visualization and support of the pupils’ learning of key language and topic contents and aims, there will be video, PPTs, pictures, worksheets, songs and the use of the IWB in the classroom Back to Overview

6 Students will be using various Cognitive SkillsCognitive Skills and will develop both LOTS & HOTSLOTS & HOTS Students will: use their knowledge in new situations recognise and name the different parts of the body understand the relationship between food and nutrients apply safety rules in their everyday life analyze the importance of exercising in order to keep fit compare different sports discuss the importance of fundamental children’s rights See Bloom’s Wheel for cognitive learning tasksBloom’s Wheel Back to Overview

7 Students will be able to: develop listening, speaking and memorising skills work co-operatively in groups explain the relationship between nutrients and food through spoken language compare different characteristics of sports describe some common recommended habits for cleanliness & hygiene specify which safety rules are useful in children’s everyday life listen to an introduction to human rights Back to Overview

8 Fitness and health are global issues and the respect of children’s rights is a worldwide challenge. It is important that children understand that enhanced well-being can be achieved through everyday actions, such as: applying safety rules in everyday life building self-awareness of personal health and safety to avoid exposure to danger doing more exercise and sports eating healthy food Back to Overview

9 RememberUnderstandApplyAnalyzeEvaluateCreate Higher Order Thinking Skills - HOTS Lower Order Thinking Skills - LOTS Back to CognitionLearning Behaviours

10 Back to OverviewBack to Cognition We have to remember a concept before we can understand it. We have to understand a concept before we can apply it. We have to be able to apply a concept before we analyze it. We have to analyze a concept before we can evaluate it. We have to remember, understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate a concept before we can create.

11 Bloom’s Wheel Back to Cognition Back to Overview

12 ACTIVITY 1Worksheet 1 ACTIVITY 2ACTIVITY 21 Worksheet 2Worksheet 2 ACTIVITY 3Worksheet3 ACTIVITY 4Worksheet 4 ACTIVITY 5Worksheet 5 Back to Overview

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