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Re-Start of Asbestos Tracking Initiative in FAMIS 10 October 2012 University of Connecticut 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Re-Start of Asbestos Tracking Initiative in FAMIS 10 October 2012 University of Connecticut 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-Start of Asbestos Tracking Initiative in FAMIS 10 October 2012 University of Connecticut 1

2 Introductions 2

3 Asbestos Management Solutions University of Connecticut UITS – FAMIS Team 3

4 The Steps to Asbestos Management 1. Understand the Problem (SDLC = Analysis) 2. Develop a Solution (SDLC = Design) 3. Implement the Solution (SDLC = Construction) 4

5 To Understand any IT Opportunity we need to answer: Who? What? When? Where? Why? 5

6 Understand the Opportunity – Why?  Keep workers healthy and safe in regards to asbestos exposure  Keep University students, faculty, staff and visitors healthy and safe in regards to asbestos exposure  Avoid Litigation  Proper Planning  Fiscal  Resource 6

7 Understand the Problem – What? Asbestos Containing Materials Data CollectionManagementInterpretationUtilization 7

8 Understand the Problem – What?  Projects to generate Asbestos Inspection Reports  Systematic & Planned  Thorough investigation and sampling of organized areas (e.g., Floriculture Greenhouse) Collection Known: + Currently Managed at AEBS + Multiple Vendors + Multiple Collection Formats Known: + Currently Managed at AEBS + Multiple Vendors + Multiple Collection Formats 8

9 Understand the Problem – What? Collection Descriptive Text ACM Bulk Sample Summary ACM Bulk Sample Results Recommendations Vendor Qualifications Drawings 9

10 Understand the Problem – What? Once collected: o data needs to be stored o data needs to be kept up to date o data needs to be accessible Management Known: + Excel spreadsheets in protected directory on AEBS Server + Known: + Excel spreadsheets in protected directory on AEBS Server + 10

11 Understand the Problem – What?  Expertise is required to properly interpret and understand the Inspections Results Interpretation Known: + Who currently interprets the data Known: + Who currently interprets the data 11

12 Understand the Problem – What?  Stakeholders throughout the campus need to utilize the interpreted results for various tasks Utilization Known: + Facilities Operations needs to check for presence of Asbestos and perform work accordingly + Outside contractors need to check for presence of Asbestos and perform work accordingly Known: + Facilities Operations needs to check for presence of Asbestos and perform work accordingly + Outside contractors need to check for presence of Asbestos and perform work accordingly 12

13 Understand the Problem – Who? 13

14 Understand the Problem – Who? 14

15 Environmental Health Safety Understand the Problem – Who? Teresa Dominguez, Environmental Health & Safety Policy (Describe Role) Valerie Brangan, Occupational Health & Safety (Asbestos) (Describe Role) Provides information to the University administration to support decisions on the asbestos management program. Conducts Asbestos Awareness (Class IV) training. Provides expertise and guidance to departments to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and university policy. Recommends appropriate response actions to control or eliminate potential hazards. Initiates asbestos abatement projects arising from health and safety hazards and emergencies. Audits asbestos abatement projects and consultant activities, as necessary. Conducts asbestos inspections for health and safety purposes. Along with AEBS, maintains historical files of all inspections, bulk sampling and abatement projects for all University buildings. Communicates with regulatory agencies, as needed, as well as with University Communications, the Division of Public and Environmental Safety, and the community at large. Audits programs overseen by Asbestos Coordinators. Develops and maintains the University’s Asbestos Management Plan. Sends an annual notice to Deans, Directors, Department heads, and Administrative Assistants informing them of the presence of asbestos at UCONN and the procedures that must be followed when renovations are planned. 15

16 Understand the Problem – Who? Asbestos Coordinators Act as Competent Persons to any employees in their department who have been designated and trained to conduct Class III asbestos activities. Procures services of licensed abatement contractors and consultants for projects involving disturbance/removal of ACM, as necessary. Oversees asbestos abatement projects, and contractor and consultant activities. Determines the presence and location of ACM prior to initiating activities that could disturb building materials through the review of inspection reports in the asbestos inspection report database. Procures aid of outside licensed inspectors when more sampling/inspection is needed. Forwards asbestos sampling results to the AEBS Asbestos Coordinator and to EH&S. Provides written disclosure of the presence of ACM and PACM to outside contractors. Distributes the Contractor EHS Manual and the Asbestos Certification Form (Appendix E) to contractors and receives the appropriate signatures prior to the start of the project. Notifies EH&S of all asbestos projects (utilizing the AMN and APN forms in Appendices A & B) Provides notification to each departmental Building and Emergency Contact (BEC) within a building of impending asbestos abatements. Secures and stores waste materials according to state and federal regulations. Arranges for waste disposal to approved landfills from Class III work activities. Notifies EH&S in cases of asbestos emergencies during normal work hours (486-3613). Notifies the Public Safety Communication Center in cases of asbestos emergencies at night or on weekends (486- 4800). Schedules training, medical surveillance, and personal air monitoring for employees, as appropriate. AEBS Asbestos Coordinator ensures the integration of up-to-date asbestos data into the asbestos inspection report database. 16

17 Understand the Problem – Who? Sallyann Beaudet, Senior Construction Project Manger (Manages the projects and vendors charged with generating official Asbestos Inspection Reports for the University) Sallyann Beaudet, Senior Construction Project Manger (Responds to inquiries related to the presence Asbestos Containing Materials throughout the University) Jessica Alson, Computer Technical Support (Describe Role) 17

18 Understand the Problem – Who? Allison Dempsey, Work Order Services (Role Description) 18

19 Understand the Problem – Who? Alexandra Roe, Director of Planning (Role Description) Lori Finch, Project Management Assistant (Role Description) 19

20 Understand the Problem – Who? Michael Williams, Physical Infrastructure Planning (Role Description) 20

21 Understand the Problem – Who? 21

22 Understand the Problem – Who? 22

23 Understand the Problem – Who? 23

24 Understand the Problem – Who? 24

25 Understand the Problem – Who? 25

26 Understand the Problem – Who? Terrence McBrien, FAMIS Team Lead (Role Description) Lara Bordick, FAMIS Programmer Analyst (Role Description) 26

27 Understand the Problem – Who? 27 Un-Identified Stakeholders

28 Understand the Problem – When? 28 Asbestos Identification Surveying Renovation Planning Work Order Execution Employee Exposure Monitoring No-Asbestos Guarantee Procurement No-Asbestos Guarantee Procurement Procurement Asbestos Qualifications Training & Tracking Qualifications Training & Tracking Qualifications University Planning Asbestos Document Management Building Occupant Notification Medical Surveillance Contractor Notifications Contractor Notifications Asbestos Remediation Asbestos Remediation Perform Complete Asbestos Inspections and File Report Prior to any renovation, understanding the impact of the presence of asbestos in the particular space Proper protection and environment for workers in asbestos containing areas Assessing expected employee exposures during planned work, Negative Exposure Assessments, personal air monitoring Overseeing proper remediation and updating data upon completion

29 Understand the Problem – When? 29 Asbestos Identification Surveying Renovation Planning Work Order Execution Employee Exposure Monitoring No-Asbestos Guarantee Procurement No-Asbestos Guarantee Procurement Procurement Asbestos Qualifications Training & Tracking Qualifications Training & Tracking Qualifications University Planning Asbestos Document Management Building Occupant Notification Medical Surveillance Contractor Notifications Contractor Notifications Asbestos Remediation Asbestos Remediation Track and Store electronic documents containing asbestos data or asbestos related data Central Stores stocks only non-asbestos containing material and all replacement building materials shall be asbestos free Tracking CT Department of Public Health licensed abatement contractors and their associated qualifications Prioritizing and properly accounting for asbestos removal

30 Understand the Problem – When? 30 Asbestos Identification Surveying Renovation Planning Work Order Execution Employee Exposure Monitoring No-Asbestos Guarantee Procurement No-Asbestos Guarantee Procurement Procurement Asbestos Qualifications Training & Tracking Qualifications Training & Tracking Qualifications University Planning Asbestos Document Management Building Occupant Notification Medical Surveillance Contractor Notifications Contractor Notifications Asbestos Remediation Asbestos Remediation Posting ACM and PACM information on all mechanical spaces and Annual required notifications related to asbestos presence at the University Cataloging information related to the various levels of training related to any involvement with asbestos materials Ensuring proper notification to contractors of the presence of asbestos containing materials that they might be exposed to, as well as providing contractors with compliance guidelines as it relates to their work Tracking the required information related to the medical examinations of employees who exceed the OSHA Permissible Guidelines as it related to asbestos exposure

31 Understand the Problem – When? 31 Asbestos Identification Surveying Renovation Planning Work Order Execution Employee Exposure Monitoring No-Asbestos Guarantee Procurement No-Asbestos Guarantee Procurement Procurement Asbestos Qualifications Training & Tracking Qualifications Training & Tracking Qualifications University Planning Asbestos Document Management Building Occupant Notification Medical Surveillance Contractor Notifications Contractor Notifications Asbestos Remediation Asbestos Remediation

32 Understand the Problem – When? 32 Work Order Execution Proper protection and environment for workers in asbestos containing areas

33 Understand the Problem – Where? 33

34 Understand the Problem – Where? 34

35 Understand the Problem – Where? Current Work Orders: 246 have ASBESTOS as the MAINTENANCE TYPE 305 have ASBESTOS in the WORK ORDER DESCRIPTION 35

36 Understand the Problem – Where? Current Work Orders Sample report using ASBESTOS in the description filter 36

37 Understand the Problem – Where? Current Capital Projects: 20 have the word “ASBESTOS” as part of their name 37

38 Understand the Problem – Where? 38

39 Understand the Problem – Where? 39

40 Understand the Problem – Where? To Do: Are any communications related to Asbestos Containing Materials ever done with email? (Most things are so this might be a safe assumption) 40

41 Understand the Problem – Where? 41

42 Next Steps  Continue to Understand the Problem (Collect Requirements) (SDLC = Analysis)  Develop a Solution (SDLC = Design)  Implement the Solution (SDLC = Construction) Jumping Ahead… 42

43 Develop A Solution (Design) 5 0 12,447 12,036 11,976 11,677 718 554 375 227 0 12,716 12,684 12,327 12,426 1,145 692 323 91 “Pick an attribute field and put asbestos data there” 43

44 Develop A Solution (Design) Considerations: 1.How do you fit all of this in FAMIS? 1. 2. 2. How do you show the really important information? 44

45 Backup Slides 45

46 Data Correlation 46

47 Business Analysis – Project Complexity 47  Number of stakeholders  Number of business areas affected  Number of business systems affected  Amount and nature of risk  Uniqueness of requirements  Number of technical resources required

48 Business Analysis – Stakeholder Terminology 48  Customer, Domain SME, End User or Supplier  Implementation SME  Project Manger  Tester  Regulator  Sponsor

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