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ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz1 Human Resource Management 9/10/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz1 Human Resource Management 9/10/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz1 Human Resource Management 9/10/2012

2 ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz2 Agenda Identify and analyze human resources constraints at play in HIM professional work environment through systems approach: –Changes in the work environment –Main challenges –Environmental influences –Legal and regulatory requirements –Internal organization of a healthcare environment 9/10/2012

3 Navigating through Turbulent Times Major transformations at play through the explosion of information access at all levels (including patients’ level) –Technological advances (personal computers, databases, Internet, …) –Healthcare organization (certification, accreditation, managed care, …) –Global connectedness awareness –Legal context evolution Need to be adaptive to change Value of communication skills ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 39/10/2012

4 Broad environmental Forces New challenges in the 21 st Century –September 11, 2001 – worldwide sense of threat / vulnerability and economic impact –Risk of pandemics (avian flu could affect 30% of the population, swine flu, West Nile virus …) The Federal regulatory context –Explosion of legislative initiatives in the 1960s and 1970s (Americans with Disabilities Act - 1990, Civil Rights Act - 1991, …) –Women and minority in the workplace The demographic imperative –Aging population and change in population profile –Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA, 1967) –Loss of power of unions or bargaining structures ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 49/10/2012

5 Forces Transforming Healthcare Major transformations in healthcare and rehabilitation delivery model with a goal of providing cost-effective services of high quality –An environment of competing managed care networks with different models Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) Physician provider organizations (PPOs) Point-of-service agreements (POS) –Reduced staff to lower personnel costs –Change in employee values - a horizontal, loosely linked, team-based organization –Change in management styles ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 59/10/2012

6 Forces Transforming Healthcare Major skills for HIM professionals –Flexibility to respond to environmental changes –Effective and versatile communication skills for different stakeholders (patients, co-workers, management, insurance companies, government agencies, …) –Adaptive management skills for an increasing diverse and mobile workforce resistant to traditional forms of control ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 69/10/2012

7 Challenges for Health Information Management Professionals Pew Commission (1998): “the evolving nature of our health care system will require health professionals with different skills, attitudes, and values … creating a growing demand for the skills of collaboration, effective communication, and teamwork” Variety of services: preventive, rehabilitative, long-term care, integration of clinical and financial services, information capture for outcomes measurements, aggregated information ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 79/10/2012

8 Challenges for Health Information Management Professionals Leadership aspects –“Managers are people who do things right and leaders are people who do the right thing” (Bennis and Nanus) –Leadership styles Concern for people vs. concern for production Relationship focused leadership vs. task focused leadership Transformational leadership (visionary, charismatic) Translational leadership (effective communication of the vision) ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 89/10/2012

9 Challenges for Health Information Management Professionals Ethics of leadership –Respect for the person –Beneficence –No maleficence –Justice –Honesty –Building community Values clarification – codes of ethics ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 99/10/2012

10 Systems Perspective on Human Resources Management The organization as an open system, like a living organism that tends to maintain its organization and function while the environment is ever-changing. Human Resource Management needs to maintain its function, while adapting to the changing environment. Systems perspective: –Functions –Inputs –Outputs –Environment ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 109/10/2012

11 Systems Approach Applied to Human Resources Management Human resource management functions –Recruitment and employee selection –Job analysis, job design, and process engineering –Training and career development –Performance appraisal and employee development –Quality management and team building –Employee and labor relations –Compensation management –Employee health and safety –Regulatory compliance and reporting (EEO, OSHA) ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 119/10/2012

12 Environmental Influences and Human Resources Management Women’s participation in the workforce Technological change Health policy and industry developments Economy forces and trends Demographics changes in the workplace –Multicultural workforce –Gender roles –Age distribution –Diversity on the workplace ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 129/10/2012

13 Legal and Regulatory Requirements Institutional accreditation (Joint Commission’s 2006 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA, 1996) Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity legislation –Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin –Gender discrimination and Sexual Harassment Americans with Disabilities Acts (1990) Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967) Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) Occupational Health and Safety Act (1970) Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), Equal Pay Ac (1963) Family and Medical Leave Act (1993) Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) (1974) ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 139/10/2012

14 Internal Environment of the Health Care Organization Organizational culture (mission, vision, …) System inputs: human resource Human resource management has for goal to obtain, develop, use fully, and retain the organization’s best human resources. Major tasks: –Performance appraisal –Training and development –Employee counseling and discipline –Grievance process. ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 149/10/2012

15 Future Issues Increased complexity due to changing technology, legislation, health care policy, and workforce. ISC471/HCI 571 Isabelle Bichindaritz 159/10/2012

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