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Real Observatorio de Madrid (ROM) Visit to the Royal Observatory of Madrid 1º de Bachillerato.

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1 Real Observatorio de Madrid (ROM) Visit to the Royal Observatory of Madrid 1º de Bachillerato

2 Royal astronomical observatory of Madrid The Astronomical Observatory of Madrid was founded after the initiative of King Carlos III. The main building, designed by Juan de Villanueva, was started in 1790 on a small hill next to the Parque del Retiro.

3 Royal astronomical observatory of Madrid The astronomer W. Herschel was responsible for building a reflector telescope with a lens of 60 cm diameter (made of metal). Given the lack of astronomical tradition in the country,the first astronomers of the Observatory started their apprenticeship in various European countries. However, the war against France (1808-1814) was the reason for the dispersal of staff and the destruction of the equipment, the library and the temporary buildings.

4 Royal astronomical observatory of Madrid The Observatory activities began again in 1845, and the renaisance style building was completed the next year. The Repsold meridian circle was installed in 1854. Initially the Observatory depended directly on the King and later on the Rector of the Central University. Since 1904 it depended on the National Geographic Institute.

5 ROM - fotos Foucault pendulum, 2 telescopes of Herschel and lens of 60 cm diameter.

6 ROM - fotos Foucault pendulum, 2 telescopes of Herschel

7 ROM - fotos


9 The Repsold meridian circle - Synchronization official time of Spain Meridian of Madrid

10 ROM - fotos

11 Heliocentric armillary sphere (1800)- representing the Copernicus' heliocentric SYSTEM

12 ROM - fotos W. Herschels big telescope, 1796

13 ROM - fotos



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