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A Combined Measurement and Modelling Source Apportionment of Long-Range Transported Dust and its Impacts on Cloud and Precipitation Formation in California.

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Presentation on theme: "A Combined Measurement and Modelling Source Apportionment of Long-Range Transported Dust and its Impacts on Cloud and Precipitation Formation in California."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Combined Measurement and Modelling Source Apportionment of Long-Range Transported Dust and its Impacts on Cloud and Precipitation Formation in California Main Scientific Objectives: - Observe the vertical cloud/aerosol/thermodynamic structure of heavy to extreme winter-time coastal precipitation events associated with the Atmospheric River (AR) - Assess relative contribution of Asian and African dust and the impact of long-range transport on U.S. west coast AR events - Provide validation data to asses the utility and skill of advanced two-moment cloud microphysical parameterizations in AR forecasts Main Technical Objective: Integrate new and existing advanced cloud instrumentation into a coherent resource for use in advanced coastal cloud observational-based research projects Piotr J. Flatau (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) Jerome M. Schmidt (NRL) Jessie Creamean (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science) Doug Westphal (NRL)

2 NRL/Scripps Cloud Monitoring Instrumentation A) Radiometrics 35 Channel Microwave Profiler (NRL): - Vertical Profiles of Temperature, Humidity & Cloud Water (to 10km) - Cloud Base height and temperature, Surface P,T, RH B) OTT2 Parsivel Laser Disdrometer (NRL): - Surface Particle size distribution and fall speeds (32 bins) - Liquid (D = 0.2mm to 5mm), Solid (D = 0.2 to 25mm) C) METEK Micro Rain Radar (Scripps): Precipitation sized particles (0-6km), LWC rain rate, Reflectivity, Doppler D) Prede All-Sky Camera (NRL): Cloud type and fractional coverage E) Sigma Space MicroPulse dual Polarization Lidar (Scripps): Aerosol & Cloud F) Novalynx Professional 12” Tipping Bucket rain gauge (NRL) G) Sun tracker for precise radiation measurements (Scripps) H) Viasala CL51 Ceilometer (NRL) A D E B C F F G H

3 Summary A Establish a pilot NRL Coastal Cloud and Precipitation Observatory (NCCPO) Observe cloud, aerosol, and thermodynamic structure associated with the AR and associated extreme winter-time coastal precipitation-based events. Provide validation data to asses the utility and skill of advanced model physics and coastal precipitation forecasts Evaluate and improve satellite retrievals of coastal cloud properties Develop a shared capability for use in a variety of NRL, National, and International research initiatives Radiometer-derived thermodynamic frontal structure Knupp et al (2009)

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