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the draft curriculum Proposed 11-12 Science Courses  The draft senior secondary science curriculum documents were released for consultation on 14 May.

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2 the draft curriculum

3 Proposed 11-12 Science Courses  The draft senior secondary science curriculum documents were released for consultation on 14 May.  Only the science content is available for consultation at this time.  Consultation on this content will close on 30 July.  Senior secondary achievement standards will be developed during 2010 and will be available for consultation in 2011.

4 Current and Proposed 11-12 Science Courses Current Board of Studies developed courses Proposed Australian Curriculum courses BiologyBiology ChemistryChemistry Earth and Environmental Science PhysicsPhysics Senior Science The existing NSW course could continue to be offered by schools

5 Course structure  Each course is comprised of 4 units of 50-60 hours duration studied during a 2 year period.  The four units were developed such that there is conceptual progression (re level of difficulty/ appropriateness) as students move from unit 1 to unit 4  Achievement standards for each course for each year of schooling will accompany the final documents to support planning, programming and assessment.

6 Biology Chemistry Earth and Environmental Science Physics Unit 1 : Cells and the functioning organism Unit 2: Change and survival Unit 3: Cells and systems in action Unit 4: Heredity and change Unit 1: Chemical patterns and reactions Unit 2: Chemicals in the environment Unit 3: Using chemical processes Unit 4: Chemical analysis and synthesis Unit 1: Origins and interactions Unit 2: The dynamic Earth Unit 3: Life through time Unit 4 Managing environmental change Unit 1: Motion and energy Unit 2: Radiation and nuclear physics Unit 3: Space science Unit 4: Physical models and relationships Organisation of the curriculum

7 Course structure  Course content within each unit is organised under three strands: Science understanding Science as a human endeavour Science inquiry skills  The content within each strand supports the learning in the other two strands.  The content descriptions provided identify the mandatory content for each of the four courses.

8 Course Structure Inquiry Skills Science Understanding Science as a Human Endeavour the skills of being a scientist social and ethical impact applications historical aspects career paths concepts principles Laws theories models

9 Content Description structure: Analyse and evaluate information relating to earth and environmental science, including: researching and synthesising information from a range of sources using and interpreting models and simulations to aid understanding of earth and environmental science concepts (for example, the origin of the universe, the hole in the ozone layer) evaluating the scientific accuracy of claims in advertising and the media using evidence as the primary criterion for decisions about the validity of suggested ideas and arguments.

10 Delivery options  Students would complete a course by undertaking all 4 units identified within the course structure  Students may do more than one science course concurrently, and if they did so they would find common concepts developed across the courses. e.g. Generation of energy may be considered from both a Chemistry and a Physics perspective.

11 Can each unit be delivered in the recommended 50-60 indicative hours? Are the units broad and deep enough to engage and challenge our students? Does the content present a logical progression of learning from the K-10 curriculum? Is the cognitive demand of these courses appropriate? Does the content of these courses identify the important learning we value in the subject?

12  Do the courses cater for a range of students such as those who take the NSW courses now?  Is there sufficient flexibility to tailor curriculum to suit students’ interests, needs and abilities?  Is this a curriculum that will prepare students for the future?  Is there adequate quality and rigour in the curriculum?  Does the curriculum provide adequate prescription for teachers? Additional questions for evaluating curriculum

13  To register for the forum:  If you have any problems with registering please contact Chris Dorbis via email or telephone 98867496. If you have been issued a password, please click on the following link to enter the forum. Chris Dorbis  To enter the forum:  The latest version of the Australian Science senior years curriculum and this PowerPoint are available in the forum. Online forum

14  If all else fails......... If you encounter difficulties accessing the various avenues for consultation, simply email your comments to: or or Fax your comments to (02) 9886 7154

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