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3461 Midterm Material  Midterm is short answer  Everything up through last week’s lecture  Things to study:  Slides  Programs  Javadoc  No need.

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Presentation on theme: "3461 Midterm Material  Midterm is short answer  Everything up through last week’s lecture  Things to study:  Slides  Programs  Javadoc  No need."— Presentation transcript:

1 3461 Midterm Material  Midterm is short answer  Everything up through last week’s lecture  Things to study:  Slides  Programs  Javadoc  No need to memorize all methods of Swing classes. Familiarity with the most common ones may be tested

2 3461 Midterm Material Here is an example of a possible midterm question (however this particular question is not on your exam!)  [6 marks] What three different types of layouts for multiple windows onscreen were presented in class? Briefly describe each type.

3 3461 Evaluation Paradigms  “Quick and Dirty” evaluation  Usability Testing  Field studies  Predictive evaluation

4 3461 “Quick and Dirty” Evaluation  User-centered, highly practical approach  Used when quick feedback about a design is needed  Can be conducted in a lab or the user’s natural environment  Users are expected to behave naturally  Evaluators take minimum control  Sketches, quotes, descriptive reports are fed back into the design process

5 3461 Usability Testing  Applied approach based on experimentation  Used when a prototype or a product is available  Takes place in a lab  Users carry out set tasks  Evaluators are strongly in control  Users’ opinions collected by questionnaire or interview  Reports of performance measures, errors etc. are fed back into the design process

6 3461 Field Studies  Often used early in design to check that users’ needs are met or to assess problems or design opportunities  Conducted in the user’s natural environment  Evaluators try to develop relationships with users  Qualitative descriptions that include quotes, sketches, anecdotes are produced

7 3461 Choose paradigm and techniques  Practical and ethical issues might be considered  Factors:  Cost  Timeframe  Available equipment or expertise  Compromises may have to be made

8 3461 Decide on ethical issues  Studies involving humans must uphold a certain code  Privacy of subjects must be protected  Personal records must be kept confidential  Exact description of the experiment must be submitted for approval

9 3461 Evaluate the data  Should quantitative data be treated statistically?  How to analyze qualitative data?  Issues to consider:  Reliability (consistency)  Validity  Biases  Scope  Ecological validity

10 3461 We’ll take a closer look at…  Two predictive evaluation techniques:  Heuristic evaluation  Cognitive walkthroughs  A usability testing technique  User testing

11 3461 Heuristic Evaluation  Heuristic evaluation is a technique in which experts, guided by a set of usability principles known as heuristics, evaluate whether user interface elements conform to the principles.  Developed by Jakob Nielsen  Heuristics bear a close resemblance to design principles and guidelines  Interesting article on Heuristic Evaluation:

12 3461 List of Heuristics  Visibility of system status  Match between system and the real world  User control and freedom  Consistency and standards  Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

13 3461 List of Heuristics (cont.)  Error prevention  Recognition rather than recall  Flexibility and efficiency of use  Aesthetic and minimalist design  Help and documentation

14 3461 Heuristic for Websites  Avoid orphan pages  Avoid long pages that force scrolling  Provide navigation support, such a site map that is always present  Avoid narrow, deep, hierarchical menus  Avoid non-standard link colours  Provide consistent look and feel for navigation  Avoid complex URLs  Avoid long download times

15 3461 Cognitive walkthroughs  “Cognitive walkthroughs involve simulating a user’s problem-solving process at each step in the human- computer dialog, checking to see if the user’s goals and memory for actions can be assumed to lead to the next correct action” (Nielsen and Mack, 1994).  Focus is on evaluating design for ease of learning

16 3461 Cognitive walkthrough steps  Characteristics of typical users are identified  Designers and evaluators meet, walk through the action sequences for each task and try to answer the following questions:  Will the correct action be evident to the user?  Will the user notice that the correct action is available?  Will the user know from the feedback whether they made a correct choice?

17 3461 Usability Testing Test and Retest

18 3461 Usability Testing is NOT... “What type of feedback did you gather from your usability participants?” “I showed my program to three different people and they all said it looked really, really good.”

19 3461 It doesn’t matter how useful a program could be if the interface is unusable. “Not even the most brilliantly conceived and ingenious computer system can do all that it was designed to do- or even a small part of what it was designed to do- unless the brilliance of its operation and purpose is matched by the cunning simplicity of its user interface. (Hicks and Essigner, 1991) There is a distinction between useful and usable.

20 3461 Usability Testing- Definition Usability testing is a method by which users of a product are asked to perform certain tasks in an effort to measure the product's ease-of-use, task time, and the user's perception of the experience. Changes are made to the application or site based on the findings of the usability tests. Usability test participants are encouraged to think aloud and voice their every opinion. Usability testing is best used in conjunction with a user-centered design process, a method by which a product is designed according to the needs and specifications of users. Adopted from,,sid26_gci214526,00.html

21 3461 Why is Usability Testing Important? (1 of 3)

22 3461 Why is Usability Testing Important? (2 of 3)  It is impossible to predict usability from appearance, just like it is impossible to judge a person’s personality on appearance.  Casual “feel good” feedback is inadequate.  Formal testing is often the only way problems are identified pre-release. Problems found once a product is released are usually not fixed unless they are really severe.

23 3461 Why is Usability Testing Important? (3 of 3)  User, Designer, Programmer each have different models.  The designer’s intuition is not always correct.  Design standards and guidelines are not sufficient.  Usability testing leads to competitive advantages and reduced support costs.

24 3461 The REAL Components of Usability  Relevance - is how well a system serves the users needs.  Efficiency - states how efficiently the users can carry out their tasks using the system.  Attitude - is the users subjective feelings towards the system.  Learnability - is how easy the system is to learn initially and how well the users remember the skills over time

25 3461 Relevance  number of good and bad features recalled by users  number of available commands not invoked by users  number of available commands invoked by users  number of times users needs to work around a problem  percent of task completed

26 3461 Efficiency (1 of 2)  time to complete a task  percent of task completed  percent of task completed per unit time (speed metric)  time spent in errors  number of commands used  frequency of help and documentation use  time spent using help or documentation

27 3461 Efficiency (2 of 2)  number of repetitions of failed commands  number of runs of successes and of failures  number of times interface misleads user  number of times user needs to work around a problem  number of times the help facilities solve the users problem

28 3461 Attitude  percent of favorable/unfavorable user commands  number of good and bad features recalled by users  number of users preferring the system  number of times user loses control over the system  number of times the user is disrupted from a work task  number of times user expresses frustration or satisfaction

29 3461 Learnability (1 of 2)  ratio of success to failures (over time)  time spent in errors  percent or number of errors  number of commands used  frequency of help and documentation use  time spent using help or documentation  number of repetitions of failed commands  number of runs of successes and of failures

30 3461 Learnability (2 of 2)  number of available commands not invoked by users  numbers of features or commands that can be remembered after a test  the proportion of users using efficient strategies compared to those using less efficient strategies  number of logical errors made

31 3461 Nielson’s Usability Severity Ratings 0 - Not a usability problem at all 1 - Cosmetic problem only - need not be fixed unless extra time is available on project 2 - Minor usability problem - fixing this should be given low priority 3 - Major usability problem - important to fix, so should be given high priority 4 - Usability catastrophe - imperative to fix this before product can be released

32 3461 Usability Frequency Ratings 0 - Problem did not occur 1 - This problem occurs rarely- only once/under very unusual circumstances 2 - This problem occurs occasionally - under less commonly occurring conditions 3 - This problem occurs often during common tasks 4 - Problem occurs every time under all tested conditions

33 3461 What information to provide?  Give a brief explanation that the participant’s involvement is to solicit user feedback. Any problems are the fault of the software.  In real-world situations explain confidentiality agreement, liability legalities, and that participant is free to leave at any time (and still get paid).  Provide instructions as to the user’s task but not explanations of the software.

34 3461 When should usability testing be conducted? Ideally, as early as possible (from the prototyping stage) and then repeatedly throughout the development process. “Test early and often.”

35 3461 Usability Labs (

36 3461 Usability Labs - Dedicated Lab (

37 3461 On-site Usability Testing

38 3461 Low Fidelity Prototyping Hand sketches and scenarios (storyboards, scene by scene) where the focus is on the design, not on the interface mechanics.  Usability testing can be conducted using hand sketches before any code has been written.  Can be used early in the development process  Fast to modify and iterate  Can be used to define requirements

39 3461 What to User Test? Possibilities include:  Conformance with a requirement  Conformance with guidelines for good design  Identification of design problems  Ease of system learning  Retention of learning over time  Speed of task completion  Error rates  Subjective user satisfaction Galitz, W. O., (2002) The Essential Guide to User Interface Design, 2nd Edition, Wiley Computer Publishing, New York, NY.

40 3461 What questions to ask during a usability session?  Depends on which phase of the development cycle- what can be changed? Conceptual model? Layout? Fonts?  There should be a list of questions of the major design issues that is prepared in advance. There should be specific questions that the usability testing is designed to answer. Usability testing has specific objectives.

41 3461 What is the Goal of Usability Testing? Usability testing should be designed to determine if the software is meeting the  Qualitative Usability Goals  Quantitative Usability Goals Adapted from Mayhew, Deborah J. (199) The Usability Engineering Lifecycle

42 3461 Qualitative Usability Goals- Examples  The design must support users working in a high-interrupt environment, with lots of context information on screen to remind users where they are when they get distracted.  The design must support very infrequent users of a very complex task. Thus, it must be self-explanatory, easy to learn and remember. Adapted from Mayhew, Deborah J. (199) The Usability Engineering Lifecycle

43 3461 Quantitative Usability Goals - Examples  Experienced users (defined as users who have performed the task five times in a training session) should take no longer than 15 seconds minutes on average to address an email.  Novice users (defined as first-time users) should take no longer than three minutes to complete the registration input form. Adapted from Mayhew, Deborah J. (199) The Usability Engineering Lifecycle

44 3461 When to ask questions?  If you are worried about interrupting the task flow of your participant, then ask the question after the completion of the task.  If you are more worried about the participant forgetting their current thought process than interrupting, then ask right away.

45 3461 Heuristic Evaluation A heuristic evaluation is a detailed evaluation of a system by interface design specialists to identify problems. Required reading:

46 3461 Thinking Aloud Protocol During a usability test, instruct participants to verbalize their thoughts aloud protocol. The usability testers prompt participants by asking direct questions about the software, in order to understand their mental model of the system and the tasks, and where they have trouble in understanding and using the system.

47 3461 Co-discovery Method During a usability test, two participants perform tasks together while being observed. In order to increase the amount of communication to gain insight to their thought process, one participant is assigned the mouse and the other the keyboard. They are to help each other in the same manner as they would if they were working together to accomplish a common goal using the product.

48 3461 Usability Testing Sequence of Events (1 of 2) 1. Know your Purpose. There should specific questions which need answering 2. Find Representative Users. This is a non- trivial task, whose difficulty is often overlooked in texts on usability. The quality of the participants make or break the success of the usability session. 3. Watch & Learn. Don’t lead the user to give the answers you want to hear. Be prepared to learn new things.

49 3461 Usability Testing Sequence of Events (2 of 2) 4. Report the Data. The data collected and observations made must be communicated to the developers and to management. 5. Back to the Drawing Board. It is not enough just test- time must put aside to correct the problems found by tests. Adapted from

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