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Professional orientation of students in our school.

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1 Professional orientation of students in our school

2 Professional orientation We are beginning with professional orientation of our students informative in 8th class, usually on classroom lessons. Students become familiar with web sites offering the overview opportunities for secondary education, mainly with school computer center web site. which is something like mediator between secondary and primary school and Ministry of Education.

3 School computer center web site school computer center web site is something like mediator between secondary and primary school and Ministry of Education. Students can find there a list of all secondary schools in Slovakia

4 School computer center web site contains: a list of all secondary schools in Slovakia: State schools and Private schools with offer of their study courses with leaving examination or field of study ending with vocational certificate.

5 Informing the 9th class students In ninth grade students are more intensive informed of an offer of secondary schools: -´Open Days´ -´Stock Secondary Schools´ - Recruiting workers

6 ´Open Days´ Each secondary school open their spaces for parents, pupils, teachers and present their school and study options through various teaching demonstrations, open lessons, present products and work of their students.

7 STOCK Secondary Schools There are a Labour Action ´Stock SS´ which is organized in our town for several years. It is organized in cooperation with the Office of Social and Family Affairs General public at one point during a day can get complete information about study on secondary schools in the region of Poprad, Kežmarok and Levoča.

8 Recruiting workers Students are visited by Recruiting workers on their primary schools. Rescruters try to address them and bring them to study options at their secondary school.

9 MONITORING The criterion for admission to secondary school is a result achieved in the nationwide testing of knowledge and skills in Mathematic and Slovak language and literature. Passing this testing is mandatory and takes place annualy in March.

10 Monitoring – the important step for the ninth class students in Slovakia

11 ´KOMPARO´ Monitoring is mandatory testing Komparo is training testing. Students have the opportunity to try out this method knowledge in a sort of verification testing, which runs in November, but this testing is voluntary and is paid by the student himself.

12 Monitoring test 2010/2011 Mathematic test





17 Monitoring test 2010/2011 Slovak language and literature test




21 reading comprehension phonetics phonologymorphologysyntax, stylistic lexikology Tests from Slovak language and literature are oriented to reading comprehension and understanding of text, phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, stylistic and lexikology. Example: What stylistic approach is used in paragraph? In which of the options is a metaphor? Which of the phrases from the sample there isn´t mutation? The aim of nonfiction is...

22 Placement statistic students 2007/2008

23 Placement statistic students 2008/2009

24 Placement statistic students 2009/2010


26 Thank you for your attention for your attention

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