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Center on Education Policy Findings Off the recordOff the record (1) State Standards Have had a significant impact on Curriculum(1) State Standards Have.

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Presentation on theme: "Center on Education Policy Findings Off the recordOff the record (1) State Standards Have had a significant impact on Curriculum(1) State Standards Have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center on Education Policy Findings Off the recordOff the record (1) State Standards Have had a significant impact on Curriculum(1) State Standards Have had a significant impact on Curriculum (2) Shift to student reasoning and writing skills(2) Shift to student reasoning and writing skills (3) Has not stifled teacher creativity(3) Has not stifled teacher creativity

2 Center on Education Policy Findings (4) More offerings/interventions for students who have failed or are at risk of failing state tests (5) Many educators suggested improving the WASL rather than eliminating it (6) Educators/parents/students were confused about the future of the WASL as a graduation requirement

3 Cheney High School Reality Impact on Curriculum: Math Curriculum Adoption Process/New Science Standards/CBA’s in Fitness (intentionality) Emphasis on Student Reasoning and Writing Skills: LA and Revision Creativity: Classroom Based Performance Assessments in Art and open-ended Socratic-type discussions in History Interventions: Collection of Evidence in Math 9/13 kids passed, Summer School 20/28 students completed, Inclusion Teams in Science, LA, Math Suggestions for Improving the WASL: 5 not 8 testing dates, a new name, shorter Confusion: Scores

4 WASL Results Think, Pair, Share Observations on a Sticky Note Writing, Reading, Math Science School Frequency Distributions

5 General MAP information


7 Classroom Lessons Department SMART Goal School-wide focus (Assessment)

8 Seven Practices Article (2) Show Models in Advance (3) Assess Before Teaching (4) Offer Appropriate Choices (5) Provide Feedback Early/Often

9 Department Discussion SMART GOALS –Teaching and Learning Department Goal –Embedded in Daily Work –“5 mins per day” –How will you know?

10 How will We Know if it is working?

11 What is a learning walk?

12 Effective Learning-Walks Focus Area Pre-Walk (What data?) Walk (5-10 minutes) Post-Walk (Debrief)

13 Elements of the Plan Support our School Focus Revisit S.M.A.R.T. goals weekly (Department) Pre and Post Walks Offering requested feedback Becoming Students of Best Practice

14 Important Updates Syllabi Due September 4 –Share drive~~~syllabi and SMART goals~~~your department~~~click on syllabi~~~your name. SMART goals Due October 2 –Share drive~~~syllabi and SMART goals~~~your department~~~click on syllabi~~~your name.

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