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The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results A.T. Vermeulen*, G. Pieterse, A. Manning, M. Schmidt, L. Haszpra, E. Popa, R. Thompson, J. Moncrieff,

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Presentation on theme: "The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results A.T. Vermeulen*, G. Pieterse, A. Manning, M. Schmidt, L. Haszpra, E. Popa, R. Thompson, J. Moncrieff,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results A.T. Vermeulen*, G. Pieterse, A. Manning, M. Schmidt, L. Haszpra, E. Popa, R. Thompson, J. Moncrieff, A. Lindroth, P. Stefani, J. Morguí, E. Moors, R. Neubert, M. Gloor

2 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 2 CHIOTTO: an achievement of 9 partners 2.4 M€ EU; 4 M€ total Objectives:  8 Tall towers in Europe: 4 new; 4 updated  Continuous measurements of most important greenhouse gases: pre-operational network  Precision and accuracy demands according to WMO targets  Continuous measurements, often vertical gradients  Common instrumentation  Common sampling and calibration procedures  Common database  Common calibration scale  Intercomparison scheme  Near real-time data transmission  5 of 8 towers perform regular flask sampling  Concentration scales linked to NOAA CMDL/GAW network Project runs from November 2002-May 2006 9 partners: 4 Universities; 5 Institutes

3 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 3 Europe according to CHIOTTO CHIOTTO footprint for 2005 (min.m -1 ) for the 8+1 stations (COMET transport model)

4 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 4 CHIOTTO: 8 Tall towers in Europe

5 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 5 Measurement setup example (BIK) Air inlet system Calibration gases Gas purging system Air drying system Pressure control system CO 2 and O 2 analysers Gas Chromatograph (CO, CH 4, SF 6, N 2 O)

6 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 6 QA: High precision standards production at MPI-BGC

7 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 7 Cabauw – CBW – The Netherlands (ECN) GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 LICOR 7000Nov-040.05 ppm Flask samplerCIONov-04 222 RnANSTONov-0550 mBq.m -3 CH 4 GC-FID Nov-04 2 ppb COGC-FID1 ppb N2ON2OGC-ECD0.4 ppb SF 6 GC-ECD0.2 ppt Height: 200m AGL Base: -2m ASL Lon:04°56’ Lat:51°58’ Levels:20m, 60m, 120m, 200m LU:Grassland, crops

8 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 8 CBW CO2 trend 2000-2006 CHIOTTO 2003 anomaly

9 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 9 222 Radon vertical gradient Cabauw Two Rn monitors from ANSTO (20 and 200 meter sample height)

10 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 10 OXK – Ochsenkopf – Germany (MPI-BGC) GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 LICOR 6252Jan-060.05 ppm O2O2 Oxzilla FC2Jan-066 per meg CH 4 GC-FID Apr-06 0.4 ppb COGC-FID2 ppb N2ON2OGC-ECD0.3 ppb SF 6 GC-ECD0.2 ppt Height: 163m AGL Base: 1022m ASL Lon:11°49’’ Lat:50°03’ Levels:20m, 60m, 120m, 200m LU:Conf. forest

11 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 11 First results: OXK Poster: Thompson RT41

12 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 12 BIK – Bialystok – Poland (MPI-BGC) GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 LICOR 6252Sep-050.04 ppm O2O2 Oxzilla FC2Sep-058 per meg CH 4 GC-FID Sep-05 0.7 ppb COGC-FID0.6 ppb N2ON2OGC-ECD0.3 ppb SF 6 GC-ECD0.03 ppt Height: 300m AGL Base: 160m ASL Lon:22°45’ Lat:52°15’ Levels:5m, 30m, 90m, 180m, 300m LU:Forest

13 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 13 First results: BIK BIK JASO-’05 CO 2,O 2 /N 2,APO ASOND-’05 Poster: Popa RT39

14 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 14 TTA – Angus – United Kingdom (UEDIN) GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 LICOR 6252Aug-050.04 ppm 222 RnANSTOSep-0350 mBq.m -3 CH 4 GC-FID Aug-05 0.7 ppb COGC-FID0.6 ppb N2ON2OGC-ECD0.3 ppb SF 6 GC-ECD0.03 ppt Height: 230m AGL Base: 313m ASL Lon:2°59‘ W Lat:56°33’ Levels:230m LU:Moor, heather, forest

15 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 15 First results: Angus

16 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 16 FIR – Florence – Italy (UNITUS) GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 LICOR 6252Aug-050.7 ppm CH 4 GC-FID Aug-05 7 ppb N2ON2OGC-ECD2 ppb SF 6 GC-ECD0.4 ppt Height: 200m AGL Base: 245m ASL Lon: 11°16’ Lat: 43°49’ Levels:200m LU:Crops, Forest, City

17 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 17 NOR - Norunda – Sweden (ULUND) GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 LICOR 625220050.04 ppm CH4TDL TGA-100 Aug-03 7-50 ppb CH 4 GC-FID 2006 COGC-FID N2ON2OGC-ECD SF 6 GC-ECD Height: 102 AGL Base: 45m ASL Lon:17°28’ Lat:60°05’ Levels:35m, 100m LU:moors, forest Addtional GC: national funds

18 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 18 Norunda results 35 m flux 105 m flux

19 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 19 HUN – Hegyhatsal – Hungary (ELTE) Hegyhátsál 19°E18°E17°E 48°N 47°N 46°N GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 LICOR 625219940.2 ppm CH 4 GC-FID Jan-06 COGC-FID N2ON2OGC-ECD SF 6 GC-ECD Height: 248m AGL Base: 117m ASL Lon:16 o 39’ Lat:46 o 57'’ Levels:10m, 48m, 82m, 115m LU:crops, grass, forest

20 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 20 K-Puszta (till 1993) -> Hegyhatsal

21 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 21 LMU – la Muela – Spain (UNIBARC) GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 LICOR 7000May-060.05 ppm Height:100 m Base:1000 m ASL Lat:41º 35.7 N Lon:01º 05.9 W Levels:41m, 57m, 91m AGL Funding by regional government

22 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 22 First results: La Muela

23 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 23 ORL – Orleans – France (LSCE) Height 1: 180 m Height 2: 100 m Height 3: 50 m GasMethodOperationalPrecision CO 2 CaribouSep-060.02 ppm 222 RnANSTOSep-0650 mBq.m -3 CH 4 GC-FID Sep-06 0.8 ppb COGC-FID2 ppb N2ON2OGC-ECD0.3 ppb SF 6 GC-ECD0.1 ppt Height: 200 AGL Base: 131m ASL Lon: 02° 06’ 45” E Lat:47° 57’ 54” N Levels:50m, 100m, 180m AGL

24 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 24 Intercomparison results

25 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 25 Flux tower integration and footprint modeling

26 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 26 Tall Tower data: models in progress Transcom continuous experiment Independent model runs Years 2002+2003 2 year spinup Flux fields: annual CDIAC fossil fuel 1998 hourly SIB or CASA monthly ocean (Takahashi (2002)) 280 stations Only tall towers in Europe this period: Cabauw – NL Hegyhatsal – HU

27 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 27 Transcom continued: 2002 concentrations CBW+HUN HUN 10m TM5 CBW 20m TM5 HUN 20m COMET

28 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 28 Final workshop: Amsterdam, april 2006 - The atmosphere carries coherent structures of concentration patterns with information of the sources, but models have difficulties in reproducing - High resolution models start to pick up with encouraging results, still more data is needed (TM5, Sib- RAMS, Stilt, LMDZ, NAME, Comet) - Tall tower data will be useful, but models will have to develop further first: transport error & PBL height - Europe goes up front with a working high quality network of tall towers measuring CO 2 and non-CO 2 gases, embedded in CE-IP Best remark of the workshop (Johan Cruijff reward): “The atmospheric data are not sufficiently dense to constrain fluxes without them” (Scott Denning)

29 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 29 -All new instrumentation and sampling lines are built, tested and operational -8 of 8 towers are now fully equipped with instrumentation and measuring -Existing towers continued ‘old’ setup until replacement -Most new towers became operational Summer 2005 -First intercomparison started December 2005 -Extensive integration flux experiments and modelling around Cabauw and Hegyhatsal -Integrated within CarboEurope-IP, Atmospheric Component -Successful final workshop Achievements

30 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 30 Conclusions and outlook -CHIOTTO Tower data will provide a wealth of information on GHG sources and sinks -Tall towers allow to overcome some observational problems: -Less sensitive to very near-field (less bias), more representative on model-scale -Better estimate of Boundary Layer average concentration: full transport flux -Continuous data -Multi-component -Current models have improved so we can start exploring the surface observations -Models still need improvement esp. transport+BLH, resolution 0.5 o might be enough for GHG -Inverse modelling: NEU C6 -Support needed for non-CO2 obs! (ICOS,TTORCH,…?)

31 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 31 Acknowledgements Transcom continuous experiments participants EU FP5 National funding agencies: VROM Senter/NOVEM … Advisory board: Ingeborg Levin (UHEI) Han Dolman (VU) Peter Bakwin Manuel Gloor (ULEEDS) Wlodek Zahorowski (ANSTO)

32 CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 The CHIOTTO tall tower network: setup and first results 32 Room for improvement COMET model, 0.5 o windfields, Flextra trajectories CH 4 fluxes from METDAT (Berdowski et al, 1998) 3-hourly at 10’ resolution R 2 =0.84 during summer, bias=0 ppb, RMSE=115 (6%) Full year: R 2 =0.72 Vermeulen et al, ACPD, 2006

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