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Antonis Papanestis RAL

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1 Antonis Papanestis RAL
RICH 2007 highlights Antonis Papanestis RAL

2 Study of a Silica Aerogel for a Cherenkov Radiator
Ichiro Adachi KEK representing for the Belle Aerogel RICH R&D group 2007 October 15-20 RICH2007, Trieste, Italy

3 Silica Aerogel Production
Production Method Sol-gel process nSi(OR)4 + 4nH2O  nSi(OH)4 + 4nH2O hydrolysis nSi(OH)4  (SiO2)n + 2nH2O condensation Chemical treatment to make hydrophobic Supercritical drying CO2 extraction method 31 degree Celsius and 7.5 MPa Optical Quality Transparency T = T0*exp(-d/) where T is light intensity and d sample thickness Refractive index measured with Fraunhofer method These properties are strongly related to: Chemical solvent Mixing ratio between them 3 dimensional network

4 History of Aerogel Production
1st generation:1970’s-1980’s TASSO/PETRA 1.025 ~ 1.055 50 III 2nd generation: Belle Aerogel counter/KEKB 1.010 ~ 1.030 new production method hydrophobic transmission length at 400nm (mm) II 20 3rd generation:2002- A-RICH for Belle upgrade 1.030 ~ 1.080 new solvent I 1.010 1.040 1.070 1.100 refractive index

5 Index Scan Study (1) Relative weight for each composition in an aerogel was examined with XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analysis X-ray tomography device was used to scan relative aerogel density difference Si element Si O C weight(%) 43.4% 50.6% 6.0% X-ray =0.156nm beam spot < 1mm

6 Index Scan Study (2) density relative uniformity
preliminary value: (n-1)/(n-1) ~ +/-0.02 need further studies edge 109mm 109mm middle center 10.7mmt Density ratio(%) Index (Fraunhofer method at 405nm) = / Distance from edge(mm)

7 Block Size Large sample produced Can be used for real detector
150 x 150 mm2 cross section Thickness: 10 mm and 20 mm “crack-free” rate by visual scan n =1.050 110x110x20mm3 150x150x20mm3

8 Machining Possibility
Hydrophobic feature allows us to use “water-jet” cutter for machining highly pressurized water injected via very small hole to a sample hexagonal shape for two samples 110mm 150mm

9 Multiple-Layer Sample
two-layer sample with 160x160x20 mm3 has been successfully produced one can use two aerogel layers as one unit n = 1.045 n = 1.050 160mm transmission length(400nm): 46mm stress inside a tile well controlled old new

10 Focusing Aerogel RICH Optimization
A.Yu.Barnyakov, M.Yu.Barnyakov, V.S.Bobrovnikov, A.R.Buzykaev, V.V.Gulevich, S.A.Kononov, E.A.Kravchenko, A.P.Onuchin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia A.F.Danilyuk, V.L.Kirillov Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia Presented by E.A.Kravchenko

11 Sodium fluoride radiator
Suggested for RICH with a TEA/TMAE pad-photon detector by R. Arnold et al. [ NIM A273 (1988) 466 ] √2 Good transparency in visible & near UV, Almost no light scattering as compared with aerogel, More firm and stable material, though toxic. NaF has the lowest refractive index among solids (except aerogel). for λ >170 nm

12 Multilayer aerogel 100x100x41 mm, Lsc = 45 mm at 400 nm

13 Xray measurement, density distribution
The increase in density at the internal borders is the result of the production procedure (diffusion). Does it effect the performance? Layer <n> n, (optimal) n, (design) h, mm h, mm (design) 1 1.046 1.050 12.6 12.5 2 1.041 1.040 1.044 13.2 13.3 3 1.037 1.035 1.039 15.2 14.2

14 Monte Carlo simulation of longitudinal refractive index fluctuations
200 mm expansion gap 3 types of radiators 3layer as designed (ideal) Xray data avereged to 3 layers Xray data avereged to 14 layers

15 Simulation results, π/K separation
Npe =14 σβ = 5∙10-4 ‘optimal’ radiator → best resolution for 4 GeV/c pions ‘real’ experimental radiator → best resolution for 3.5 GeV/c kaons π/K separation up to 8 GeV/c (>3σ)

16 Status of aerogel production
~2000 liters have been produced for KEDR ASHIPH detector, n=1.05 14 blocks 20020050 mm have been produced for LHCb RICH, n=1.03 ~200 blocks 11511525 mm have been produced for AMS RICH, n=1.05 n=1.13 aerogel for SND ASHIPH detector n=1.008 aerogel for the DIRAC 3-4 layers focusing aerogel High optical parameters (Lsc≥43mm at 400 nm) Precise dimensions (<0.2 mm)

17 RICH2007 @Trieste Junji Haba, KEK
Status and perspectives of solid state photon detectors for single photon detection Pixelated Photon Detector (PPD) Junji Haba, KEK Junji Haba, KEK

18 RICH2007 @Trieste Junji Haba, KEK
顕微鏡写真 H-1mm H-3mm 受光面に関して、3mmと1mmとはほぼ同じに見えている Junji Haba, KEK

19 For MAGIC collaboration
3. Test Installation of 4 MPPC in front Of the MAGIC camera Trigger by air shower C-light Comparison of signal in neighbor Pmt cells (9 cm**2) With 4 g-apd pixels (0.36 cm**2) Readout by 2 Ghz F-ADC E. For MAGIC collaboration

20 Future improvements expected
Larger PDE Wider Area Lower Noise Less crosstalk Wider dynamic range (and really cheaper price) Junji Haba, KEK

21 RICH2007 @Trieste Junji Haba, KEK
Larger PDE Higher fill factor is a key MRS(Metal Resitive Semiconductor) APD (CPTA) Backside illumination &Drift (MPI) Junji Haba, KEK

22 RICH2007 @Trieste Junji Haba, KEK
Wider area devices 1.3mm to 3 mm device test in progress at several places. Higher noise though, as expected. Light collection. Drift type device (MPI) S. WS H.G. Junji Haba, KEK

23 RICH2007 @Trieste Junji Haba, KEK
Less noise Thinner epi layer (compromise long l sensitivity though) Less defects. Epi quality or gettering technology. Junji Haba, KEK

24 RICH2007 @Trieste Junji Haba, KEK
Less crosstalks Separation trenches can help to reduce crosstalk rate. There may be a side effect. C. seminar Junji Haba, KEK

25 Production and Tests of Hybrid Photon Detectors for the LHCb RICH Detectors
Stephan Eisenhardt, University of Edinburgh On behalf of the LHCb experiment LHCb Introduction Hybrid Photon Detectors Production Test results Conclusions HPD RICH 2007, Trieste, RICH2 RICH1

26 PDTF – Tests Comprehensive test of every function and parameter of the HPD: Electron Optics / Tube Volume Imaging Demagnification HV Stability Field Distortions Ion Feed Back Vacuum Quality Photocathode Dark Count Response to light Quantum Efficiency HPD Body Dimensions Quartz window Pin Grid Array Sensor position Readout Chip Connections Communications DAC linearity Readout modes Dead Channels Noisy Channels Pixel masking Threshold Noise Silicon Sensor IV Curve Depletion Bump-Bonding Efficiency (Backpulse) RICH 2007, Trieste, Stephan Eisenhardt

27 Testing Programme – Summary
result: pass: 547 ~98% fail: 12 ~ 2% RICH 2007, Trieste, Stephan Eisenhardt

28 Quantum Efficiency – DEP Data
<QE> (DEP Data): across delivery batches Excellent sensitivity: increase due to process tuning at DEP single most helpful improvement to RICH performance 270nm> = 30.8% >> typical QE = 23.3% <QE> per delivery batch QE [%] QE [%] RMS of batch spread Wavelength [nm] more tuning improvements: fill of sensitivity dip between UV and visible reduction of red 800nm anti-correlated to blue sensitivity cause of thermal e--emission (dark count) Batch number RICH 2007, Trieste, Stephan Eisenhardt

29 QE – LHCb Verification PDTF measurement:
7 wavelengths, 10nm bandpass filter error: 2% 76 HPD measured PDTF QE measurements typically matches DEP values within 3% 4 tests across QE range QE all tests: PDTF vs. DEP wavelength [nm] PDTF measurements confirm shape of spectra & absolute values  full trust in DEP measurements QE – PDTF RICH 2007, Trieste, Stephan Eisenhardt QE – DEP

30 Commissioning of the LHCb RICH Detector C
Commissioning of the LHCb RICH Detector C. D’Ambrosio (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) on behalf of the LHCb – RICH Collaboration Outline LHCb and its RICHes What is Commissioning and Commissioning Strategy RICH Commissioning, a (hi)Story First Results Conclusions and Outlook

31 Safety (…and more) Regular Meetings (everyday coffees and weekly phone-conferences) Hard and soft interlocks enabled from the beginning Monitoring systems Vessel, HPD boxes, electronics and electrics temperature, pressure and humidity sensors Voltages and currents Distributed and smart alerts, alarms, feedbacks and reactions No development at the pit (at least we tried as much as we could…) (see Mario)

32 RICH Starting Procedure
RICH2 ECS panel DCS DAQ (L0 & L1) RICH2 Overview …or the so called “one click startup”… (well, two clicks at the moment!) HPD box conditions

33 FIAT LUX (first photons detected)
Number of photoelectrons Excellent! This is the distribution of the total number of phel per event (~2.4 Millions active channels). High Voltage was ramped very slowly and with the full system on, in order to monitor in real time the HPDs behaviour. A red light emitting monomode fibre injects a controlled quantity of photons in the vessel

34 Social programme Ratio social activities/talks ~ about right (50:50)


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