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Overview of FP7 (+ other EU opportunities) 26 March 2012 Dajana Džanović Becky Maarschalk

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of FP7 (+ other EU opportunities) 26 March 2012 Dajana Džanović Becky Maarschalk"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of FP7 (+ other EU opportunities) 26 March 2012 Dajana Džanović Becky Maarschalk Research Office

2 ∂ Overview of FP7 (+ other EU opportunities) CooperationIdeas CapacitiesPeople Framework Programme 7 (FP7, 2007-2013, 50.5billion Euro) Horizon2020 (from 2014-2020, 80billion Euro indicative) FP7 Calls:

3 ∂ Research Office Cooperation 1.Health 2.Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (KBBE) 3.Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 4.Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (NMP) 5.Energy 6.Environment (including Climate Change) 7.Transport (including Aeronautics) 8.Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) 9.Security 10.Space Collaborative research EC pre-defined areas Capacities Capacity building EC pre-defined areas 1.Research infrastructures 2.Research for the benefit of SMEs 3.Regions of knowledge and support for regional research-driven clusters 4.Research potential of Convergence Regions 5.Science in society 6.Support to the coherent development of research policies 7.International cooperation Call for partners/submission of expression of interest: Normally require minimum 3 partners from 3 different EU/AC

4 ∂ Research Office Cooperation -Theme 3 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Objective ICT-2011.5.4 ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing Smart and self-adaptive environments prolonging independent living: Focus is on flexible ICT solutions able to provide early detection and adaptive support to changing individual needs related to ageing (e.g. increased risk of falls, depression, sleep deprivation, or cognitive decline), and support timely involvement of carers and family. The aim is to promote better prediction, prevention and support through long-term trend analysis of basic daily behavioural and physiological data, building on unobtrusive sensing and advanced reasoning with humans-in-the-loop. Major challenges to be addressed include: self-learning solutions building on open platforms, which can share contextual information with other artefacts in the surroundings of the user; low maintenance systems capable of graceful degradation in case of failure as well as affective and empathetic user interaction, taking into account the capabilities of elderly users. Expected impact: Novel “ageing well” concepts providing convincing indication of substantial efficiency gains24 for care provision and augmented independence and quality of life for the ageing population. Improved competitiveness of EU industry through proven feasibility and impact to move the results into downstream RTD or innovation. Strengthened potential for Europe to become a global leader in the field of ICT and “ageing well”, including development of global interoperability standards in the field. Proven concepts for early detection of ageing-related risks, substantial reduction in costs through standardisation and increased quality of life. Funding scheme: Small-medium sized research project

5 ∂ Research Office Cooperation Ideas European Research Council: Investigator-driven Frontier research (all areas of research) Ideas Starting Independent Researcher Boosts the independent careers of excellent researchers PI 2-12 years after PhD, up to € 1.5million for up to 5 years (pro-rata shorter) Advanced Investigator Substantial advances at the frontier of knowledge by leading advanced investigators 10 year track record, up to € 2.5million for up to 5 years (pro-rata shorter) Proof of Concept – new Additional funding to ERC grant holders (ongoing or less than 12 months after ERC grant end date), ideas to pre-demonstration stage, up to € 150k for 1 year Synergy – to be announced on 25 October 2011 Enable small group of PIs and teams to jointly address research problems at frontier of knowledge 2-4 ERC-like PIs (one lead), up to € 15million for up to 6 years (pro-rata shorter) Durham applications limited to 3 Eva

6 ∂ Research Office Cooperation Ideas ERC Starting Independent Researcher (Starter and Consolidator) Aim: to boost independent careers of excellent researchers Eligibility: PI 2-12 years after PhD: 2 ≤ Starter < 7 7 ≤ Consolidator ≤ 12 Funding: up to € 1.5million for up to 5 years (pro-rata shorter) for PI and a Team of researchers Success rate: ~10-15% Evaluation criteria: Excellence of PI Excellence of proposed research Panel: Social Sciences and Humanities SH1 Individuals, institutions and markets SH2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour SH3 Environment, space and population SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity SH5 Cultures and cultural production SH6 The study of the human past NB Host Institution

7 ∂ Research Office Ideas People Research Executive Agency: Training, career development (or/and transfer of knowledge) and mobility All areas of research Host ActionsIndividual Actions Initial Training Networks (ITN) Including: Innovative Doctoral Programmes European Industrial Doctorates Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Fellowships: Intra-European Incoming International Outgoing International Career Integration Grants + COFUND, + Researcher’s Night

8 ∂ Research Office Marie Curie Fellowships & Career Integration Grants Eligibility: at the time of call deadline (16 August 2012) the fellow must have a PhD or 4 years of full time research experience, i.e. Experienced Researcher Mobility: at the time of the relevant deadline for submission of proposals, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline Panels: Chemistry(CHE), Economic Sciences (ECO), Engineering & Information Science (ENG), Environment & Geosciences (ENV), Life Sciences (LIF), Mathematics (MAT), Physics (PHY), Social Sciences & Humanities (SOC), Career Restart (CAR) EU country = 27 member states Associated country (AC) = Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Faroe Islands, FYROM, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey Third country = country that is not an EU or AC

9 ∂ Research Office Marie Curie Fellowships (dealine 16 Aug 2012, 5PM CET) Intra-European (Career Development) Mobility from one EU/AC country to a different EU/AC country From 12-24 months in duration Must have a scientist in charge at Host Institution International Incoming (Transfer of Knowledge) Mobility from a Third country to EU/AC country From 12-24 months in duration, with a possible return phase of 12 months Must have a scientist in charge at Host Institution International Outgoing (Career Development and Transfer of Knowledge) Mobility from EU/AC country to a Third country and then back to EU/AC From 12-24 months in duration, with a mandatory return phase of 12 months Must have a scientist in charge at both Host Institutions (NB Partnership Agreement!) Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (deadline 18 Sep 2012, 5PM CET) Mobility from EU/AC/Third country to a different EU/AC country From 24-48 months (finances 25kEuro/annum) Researchers who have been offered a “stable position”

10 ∂ Research Office Cooperation People COFUNDED fellowships COST Actions (aka Research Networks) Outline deadline 30 Sep 2012 Domain: Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health (ISCH) Successful Actions: Can join an Action at any point EURAXESS Jobs Other EU opportunities

11 ∂ Research Office People Thank you! Questions?

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