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통신이론 및 실험 (INC4056-01). 강의 계획 강의자 : 임대운 전화 : 02-2260-8923, 010-6730-7522 강의시간 : 월요일 오후 5 시 교재 –S. Haykin and M. Moher, Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "통신이론 및 실험 (INC4056-01). 강의 계획 강의자 : 임대운 전화 : 02-2260-8923, 010-6730-7522 강의시간 : 월요일 오후 5 시 교재 –S. Haykin and M. Moher, Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 통신이론 및 실험 (INC4056-01)

2 강의 계획 강의자 : 임대운 Email:, 전화 : 02-2260-8923, 010-6730-7522 강의시간 : 월요일 오후 5 시 교재 –S. Haykin and M. Moher, Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications, 2 nd ed. Wiley. 부교재 –S. Haykin, Communication Systems, 4 th ed. Wiley. –J. G. Proakis and M. Salehi, Communication Systems Engineering, 2 nd ed. Prentice Hall. 강의 slide: 매 수업시간 전에 e-class 에 업로드

3 성적 평가 구분배점비고 중간 30 필기시험 기말 35 필기시험 퀴즈 20 4회4회 과제 10 수업 시작 전 교탁에 제출 출석 5 결석 1 회당 1 점 감점, 6 회 이상 결석시 F 학점

4 교과목 이수 체계도

5 통신관련 교과목 INC2025 정보통신수학및실습 (2 학년 1 학기 ) –Complex number, Fourier analysis INC2021 확률및랜덤프로세스 (2 학년 2 학기 ) INC4056 통신이론및실험 (3 학년 1 학기 ) –Fourier transform, analog comm., introduction to digital comm. INC4062 디지털통신및실험 (3 학년 2 학기 ) –Fundamental of digital comm., passband modulation, channel coding INC4070 무선통신및실험 (4 학년 1 학기 ) –Digital comm., wireless, channel, diversity, cellular, CDMA, OFDM INC4076 고급디지털통신 (4 학년 2 학기 ) –Digital comm. or advanced topics * INC4055 신호와시스템 (3 학년 1 학기 ) * INC4061 디지털신호처리 (3 학년 2 학기 )

6 주별 강의 일정 주강의주제 1Introduction, Overview of Analog Communication 2The Fourier Transform 3 Properties of the Fourier Transform The Inverse Relationship Between Time and Frequency 4 Dirac Delta Function Fourier Transforms of Periodic Signals Transmission of Signals through Linear Systems: Convolution Revisited 5 Ideal Low-pass Filters Correlation and Spectral Density 6 Amplitude Modulation Virtues, Limitations, and Modifications of Amplitude Modulation 7DSB-SC, Costas Receiver, QAM, SSB 8 VSB Baseband Representation of Modulated Waves and Band-Pass Filters 9Midterm Exam.

7 주별 강의 일정 주강의주제 10 Basic Definition of Angle Modulation Properties of Angle-Modulated Waves Relationship between PM and FM Waves 11Narrow-Band Frequency Modulation 12Wide-Band Frequency Modulation 13 Transmission Bandwidth of FM Waves Generation of FM Waves Demodulation of FM Signals 14Pulse Modulation 15Baseband Data Transmission 16Final Exam.

8 Communications

9 Communication is the activity of conveying information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient. Thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Applications –AM and FM radio, television, wireless communications, satellite communications, deep-space communications, telephony, data storage, Internet, and quite a few others

10 Homework #01, #02 Uploaded in web board HW#01: Differentiation problems –33 problems (no. = 1, 4, 7,…, 97) –Due: 3/12, 5 p.m. HW#02: Integration problems –33 problems (no. = 1, 4, 7,…, 97) –Due: 3/19, 5 p.m. Quiz#01 –10 out of 200 problems –Date: 3/26 5 p.m.

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