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Relationships.  Those that are healthy and satisfying for you and the people whom you relate.  Must work to develop.  Relationship knowledge starts.

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Presentation on theme: "Relationships.  Those that are healthy and satisfying for you and the people whom you relate.  Must work to develop.  Relationship knowledge starts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationships

2  Those that are healthy and satisfying for you and the people whom you relate.  Must work to develop.  Relationship knowledge starts at home. Positive Relationships

3  First relationship you have.  Totally dependent upon them for they provide all needs.  As you grow older, you become more and more capable of supplying some of these yourself. Relationships with Parents

4  In adolescence you become more independent.  Responsibility shifts from parents to child.  This change causes conflict to occur.  Communication is key for relationships at this time. Parents (cont.)

5  Young people who get along well with their parents tend to relate well to their own children.  Girls who form good relationships with their fathers have good relationships with husbands.  Boys that form good relationships with their mothers have good relationships with wives. Studies show…..

6  Siblings relate to each other on more equal terms which often leads to competition.  Jealousy often occurs as they compete with each other.  Positive relationships with siblings helps to build positive peer relationships. Sibling Relationships

7  Having friends reassures teens that other people are facing the same changes and decisions they are.  You can not choose your family members, but you can choose your friends.  Not all of your peers will be your friends. Peer Relationships

8  Caring for someone and knowing he or she cares for you adds meaning to life.  Sharing the joys and sorrows of daily experiences helps couples grow closer.  Positive partner relationships encourage each other to develop to their full potential as humans.  Some romantic relationships lead to marriage. Romantic Relationships

9  Coworkers can enjoy working together even if they do not have much in common outside of work.  Positive work relationships are based on respect for the feelings of others.  Accept responsibilities. If you show consideration to coworkers, they will be likely to cooperate with you. Work Relationships

10  Relationships can affect a person’s physical and emotional well-being.  People who maintain positive relationships have fewer physical illnesses, less prone to diseases and tend to live longer.  Networking means forming an interconnected group whose member’s work together to help one another. Benefits of Positive Relationships

11  Mutual respect : respect each other’s right to differ.  Trust: having confidence in them.  Openness: feel free to share their thoughts and feelings.  Reliability is being able to count on them. Qualities Needed for Positive Relationships

12  Is neither healthy, satisfying, nor successful for one or both of people involved.  Often involve some level of Abuse.  Verbal  Physical Negative Relationships


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