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Outdoor Tanks – Potential Release Issues Vent – for some sites vented to atmosphere Overflow line – to a pit or sump (difference?) – where does it go?

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Presentation on theme: "Outdoor Tanks – Potential Release Issues Vent – for some sites vented to atmosphere Overflow line – to a pit or sump (difference?) – where does it go?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outdoor Tanks – Potential Release Issues Vent – for some sites vented to atmosphere Overflow line – to a pit or sump (difference?) – where does it go? Tank leaks – are they contained, how well?

2 Vent If to atmosphere, is it accounted? How (empirical, measured)? Accurately monitor releases from the RWST (outages, fuel failure) Why? Routine airborne releases typically low, may be a significant contributor to total iodine and/or particulate releases

3 Problems/Issues Source terms (makeup water) may contain significant amounts of activity (fuel failures, crud burst) Makeup water – RCS, “cleaned RCS,” refuel cavity, VCT see OE24665 Source terms - Noble Gas, H-3, Iodines, Particulates Use of calculations has resulted in some issues (+5000 uCi of I-131 for 2R15, doubled MP2 releases, “model” uncertainty, important parameters?)

4 Release Quantification Noble gas – easy, just assume it is all released (or you could be less conservative and do an activity balance, i.e.. what’s released = what goes in – what stays in the RWST) H-3 – release = water lost due to evaporation (we assumed negligible based upon review of another site’s method – also think about comparison to SFP; where does it go may be important - GPI) Iodines and Particulates – ???????

5 Quantification – I & Part. Calculations based upon source term & assumed RF’s (EPRI project NP-1271- Nuclear Power Plant Related Iodine Partition Coefficients) – Rad Engineering gave us #’s ranging from 100 – 3000 Measurements 1. Activity Balance – problems with tank recirculation, potential plateout in RWST, small % released, significant error in calc. (subtraction of large # from large #) 2. Actual “effluent sampling” – HOW (e.g., OE24665; LLD)? When to sample?

6 Temp Mod – Special Study – 2R17 & 2R18 “Capture” and analyze the RWST “venting” Vent pipe mod Hoses Moisture separator Charcoal with pre-HEPA HEPA Air sample pumps/filters & sample nozzles (both pre and post filtration)

7 RWST Tank Vent


9 Effluent Results 2R17 discussed at last year’s workshop 2R18 results to be briefly discussed What did we learn?

10 Noble Gases Released – 2R18 Waste Tank (CWMT) transfer to RWST- (< 2R17) 1 st tank (cancelled) – 0.12 Ci 2 nd & 3 rd tank - 0.004 Ci each Cavity Water transfer to RWST – (< 2R17) 1 st drain - 0.003 Ci 2 nd drain - 0.02 Ci Outage Purge – 2.1 Ci (< 2R17) Outage Ventilation – 7.6 Ci (> 2R17)

11 I-131 Released Aux. Bldg Ventilation – 1056 uCi (> 2R17) Equipment hatch – 2.4 uCi (< 2R17) RWST (prior to filtration) – 3 uCi (<2R17) RWST (after filtration) – 0 uCi (<2R17) Did not discharge 1 CWMT (reason: chloride issue; 219 uCi) and the 2 others I-131 LLD, but detectable I-132; 2 nd cavity transfer: I-131 LLD Ground level vs mixed release height and now it was monitored Note: Alloy 600 replacement during 2R18

12 I-131/I-132 - Released Waste Tanks and Cavity transferred within 1 day (not like 2R17); not able to differentiate the Iodine releases from them I-131 & I-132 exhibited different DF’s (present in different ratios in tanks and cavity, able to show differences in DF’s with source terms (tanks vs. cavity) Tanks had significantly lower DF (similar to 2R17)

13 Transfer of waste tanks (2 – 100 DF) and initial cavity drain-down (2000 – 10000 DF) can contribute to significant iodine releases DFs - I-131

14 Effluent Results – 2R17 Particulates 1. Aux. Building Ventilation – 5 uCi 2. Equipment hatch – 14 uCi 3. RWST (prior to filtration) – 18 uCi 4. RWST (after filtration) – 0 uCi (similar to 2R17) Although RWST has a significant particulate component, iodine likely more limiting (for doses, dependent on fuel failure) (for sites with no Aux Building HEPA, will be a less significant component)

15 Results - Particulates Reduction Factors 2R17 2R18 Co-58 – 2.4 e+4 1e+6 Co-60 – 4.3 e+4 2e+5 Nb-95 – 2.0 e+4 2.5e+5 Ag-110m 2e+4 Sn-124&125 5e+4 Sb-125 – 1.3 e+6 1e+6

16 RWST Vent Releases - Conclusion RWST vent may be important for I-131 & particulate effluents: Outages (could increase I-131 by factors of 1 to 4 or more & a ground level release – depends on several variables) Other events (see OE24665) LOCA analyses (pH from 7 to 4.6 may cause a significant fraction of the I-131 going over to the RWST to be released - leakage past isolation values and large pH difference, TSP in CTMT sump for LOCA) - existing LOCA assumptions – may be invalid – I-131 source term may be significantly higher than “expected”) NRC Information Notices 86-60, 90-64 & 91-56 Particulate releases – significant compared to other source terms - could explain why we had trace particulate contamination in the MP3 yard Considering MP3 temp mod for 3R12 (next outage is this Fall)

17 Foundation Drain Sump 3 (ESF) Sampling Timeline For ESF Sump 3 Sample DateResult DateResults pCi/L Confirmation Date (as applicable) Results pCi/LResult Discussion 1/2/071/4/07 1920, 2140, 2760, 1050* 01/08/20072440 (AREVA) CR-07-01375 generated, results were just above or below LLD value of 2000 pCi/L, focus was on likelihood that H3 was introduced from surface runoff. 5/4/07NA Generated CR-07-05070 to revise catch basin monitoring procedure to include MP3 outside underdrain foundation sumps, because of GWPI recommendations. 6/6/07 less than 177006/18/20071070 (AREVA) Follow-up sample to January result was less than the LLD. 10/5/07 12,00011/28/079390 (AREVA) First attempt at sample protocol in support of procedure under revision. First result indicated potential interferences; sample was submitted to independent lab for confirmation. 11/28/07 34,000 Analyses of sump refill water confirms groundwater activity, started GWPI report generation. Generated CR-07- 11784.

18 RWST Overflow Line Found H-3 in MP3 foundation drain (great GPI sampling point(s); in a way, better than wells!) Performed inspection of sump 3 – sampled 2 of the 3 inputs (third was “dry”) Traced to RWST pit (diluted with rain, H-3: 4e-3 uCi/ml = 4e+6 pCi/liter; Cs-134, Cs-137, Ni-63 – supports RWST vent “carryover” of particulates) RWST oveflow pipe – H-3, Co-60 and Cs-127 Source – RWST overflow line (RWST H-3: 2e-1 uCi/ml) Not first time – H-3, Cr-51, Co-58,60, Nb-95 and Cs-137 in 2002




22 Sump 3 Actions Short term corrective actions increased sampling, find source & minimize impact, determine extent of plume Long term corrective actions eliminate source, remediation? OE26024, OE26571 What about MP2?



25 MP3 Waste Test Tanks Negative suction tank vents – adequate? Tank leaks (tank, piping, instrumentation) Berm

26 Conclusion Outdoor tanks are a “challenge” RWST Vents – airborne RWST Overflow Lines – GPI Tank leaks – GPI

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