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Tyrrell Middle School. 100 200 400 300 400 Bully, Bystander or Victim? Pieces of the Bullying Puzzle Forms of Bullying Potpourri 300 200 400 200 100 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyrrell Middle School. 100 200 400 300 400 Bully, Bystander or Victim? Pieces of the Bullying Puzzle Forms of Bullying Potpourri 300 200 400 200 100 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyrrell Middle School

2 100 200 400 300 400 Bully, Bystander or Victim? Pieces of the Bullying Puzzle Forms of Bullying Potpourri 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

3 Row 1, Col 1 This person is 5 to 6 times more likely to have a serious criminal record by adulthood. Who is the bully?

4 1,2 Bullying is defined as this. What is INTENTIONALLY causing physical harm and/or psychological distress to someone else?

5 1,3 This type of bullying takes place using technology. What is cyberbullying?

6 1,4 This Tyrrell Middle School activity in October encouraged students to wear orange in support of our school taking a stand against bullying. What is Unity Day?

7 2,1 This person is likely to experience physical and psychological damage. Who is the victim?

8 2,2 The three major parties involved in bullying are the bullies, the victims, and the. Who are the bystanders?

9 2,3 These forms of technology can be used to bully someone else (list 2 examples). What are Facebook, texting, email, etc.?

10 2,4 True or False? According to our needs assessment, 7% of 6 th graders, 12% of 7 th graders, and 6% of 8 th graders are concerned about bullying at TMS. What is TRUE?

11 3,1 This person may learn that bullying is a way to gain prestige and attention. Who is the bully or the bystander?

12 3,2 A bystander is defined as this. What is someone who sees bullying happening, but who does not intervene?

13 3,3 The video shown on the morning announcements of the newscaster started as a response to her being bullied because of this. What is her weight?

14 3,4 Reasons students bully include all of the following except: a)To gain power b)To gain popularity c)To be different from others d)They perceive it as fun What is c) to be different from others?

15 4,1 This person may turn to theft, vandalism or fighting. Who is the bully?

16 4,2 As a VICTIM of bullying, you could do any of these things to help make it stop. What are the HA HA SO strategies (help, assert yourself, humor, avoid, self-talk, own-it)?

17 4,3 Name one reason why someone would choose to bully a person using technology rather than bully the person to their face. What is victims cannot defend themselves as easily when being cyberbullied, they think there is less of a chance that an adult will find out since there is no direct human contact, emotion is absent it is easier to get a larger number of kids on your side with the push of a button?

18 4,4 Name one tactic that a typical girl bully might use and one tactic that a typical boy bully might use. Tactics for girls: Name calling, isolating the victim, ethnic slurs, spreading false rumors. Tactics for boys: Name calling, physical attacks, extortion (money, belongings), defacing victim’s property, repeated physical attacks, inappropriate sexual behavior

19 5,1 This person is fearful of using the school bus, may drop out of school, change schools, attempt suicide, or seek revenge. Who is the victim?

20 5,2 As a WITNESS of bullying, you could do any of these things to help make it stop. What are request the bully stop, seek an adult for help, speak up and offer support to victim, take bully aside and ask him or her to “cool it”?

21 5,3 Which of the following is NOT a form of bullying: a)Social isolation b)Physical aggression c)Verbal aggression/put-downs d)All of the above are forms of bullying What is (d) All of the above are forms of bullying?

22 5,4 All of the following are ways you can take a stand except: a)Stop spreading false statements b)Ask the bully to join you at lunch c)Invite the victim to join in an activity with your friends d) Let adults know when someone needs help What is b) ask the bully to join you at lunch?

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