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IntelliDrive Task Force Survey December 8, 2010 Roger Berg (Denso), Dmitri Khijniak (Kapsch) Bob Rausch (Transcore)

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Presentation on theme: "IntelliDrive Task Force Survey December 8, 2010 Roger Berg (Denso), Dmitri Khijniak (Kapsch) Bob Rausch (Transcore)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IntelliDrive Task Force Survey December 8, 2010 Roger Berg (Denso), Dmitri Khijniak (Kapsch) Bob Rausch (Transcore)

2 Discussion Task Force Charge and Activity About the Survey Survey Focus and Measures –Respondent Profile –Quick Summary of Results Lessons Learned Next Steps Chair, Greg Krueger (MDOT) Task Force POC: Steven Bayless (ITSA) Chair, Greg Krueger (MDOT) Task Force POC: Steven Bayless (ITSA)

3 Chair's Charge to Task Force Membership : January 2010 How do we define what "deployment" is and what it looks like? Define those benefits in a tangible way that can withstand the rigors of intense public scrutiny when every dollar spent is challenged by an increasingly skeptical public? How can we support the US DOT objective of High Value Demonstrations? Are there things we can do as a 501(c)3 that US DOT cannot do? IntelliDrive Task Force

4 Task Force Activity Currently there are three Task Force Subgroups –Two are looking are exploring “early” commercial adoption of DSRC before USDOT regulatory activity. –Is there a broad understanding of IntelliDrive challenges among diverse stakeholders? If not, formulate some “common questions” to address –Understand universe of roadblocks or risks that are critically burdening the start of IntelliDrive(SM) deployment. Freight Rail Airport EMS Light Vehicle Transit Roadside Motorcycle Intersection Mobile Devices Applications

5 About the Survey Survey focused on –early application deployments in 1-4 year –risks for early deployments of the IntelliDrive system Survey focused on applications enabled by use of the 5.9GHz DSRC technology Survey was limited to IntelliDrive taskforce members Survey is short - 14 questions Conducted on-line Survey had higher than expected response rate ~ over11% (30 responses from about 250 members of IntelliDrive taskforce)

6 Survey Focus Measure attitude and opinion on the priorities, issues and risks related to the start of commercial deployment of IntelliDrive in the short term (1-4 years). IntelliDrive Task Force members are largely supportive USDOT research needed to support a regulatory decision by NHTSA starting in 2013. However, many members of the Task Force would also like to identify issues that would enable earlier, smaller scale commercial deployments of IntelliDrive. Discover issues to facilitate discussions and self-organizing efforts of the taskforce

7 Survey Questions Individual understanding, experience and level of interest Organizational experience Rank of three applications as best candidates for early (1-4 years) deployment Most likely deployed platforms -Intersection, Roadside/Tolling, Device, or Vehicle Identify top three highest priority roadblocks to applications Identify risks by categories -Deployment, Funding, Operations Rank risk categories by importance to progress in short term * questions in bold italics ask for free form write-in responses

8 What kind of organization/perspective does your response to this survey represent? Representation from all segments –Over 60% of the respondents were private enterprise or consultants, the rest academia and government

9 Respondents’ experience Majority of respondents are familiar with the IntelliDrive program –Majority of the surveyed have spoken at conferences on the topic, with a small percentage “still learning” about the program Most respondents are focused on design, systems integration and planning in ITS– majority of people appear to be very familiar with overall systems approach and IntelliDrive objectives

10 Rate your organization's current level of interest in IntelliDrive 86% of respondents claim that their organizations are “very interested” (ranked 4-5) in IntelliDrive SM. 60% of respondents reported interest in contributing to a discussion of issues identified in the survey (a result from another question)

11 What applications are the best candidates for early (1-4 years) commercial deployment? Top 5 applications: –Traveler Information –Tolling –Safety –Commercial vehicle –Probe

12 What are the highest priority roadblocks to commercial deployment of early Intellidrive applications? Top risks identified as generally expected: –uncertainty in funding –value proposition –deployment strategy –concerns about low DSRC penetration –maturity of standards, technology and products

13 Rate risks that need to be resolved to see IntelliDrive deployment moving forward Legal concerns and O&M funding are rated higher than initial deployment funding

14 Lessons Learned Need to cross-interpret answers between free form questions and multiple choice –example: biggest “early deployment” risk ? free form shows funding/business model –free form gave nineteen different types of risk across three categories multiple choice is liability More task force discussion necessary to ensure a common understanding of terminology.

15 Next steps Engage survey respondents in further discussions –60% of respondents interested in contributing to future discussions Develop task force consensus on highest priority focal points Utilize on-line forum and face-to-face meetings to formulate critical definitions and task force perspectives Document outcomes

16 THANK YOU! Questions?

17 Caveats Not a statistically valid survey –respondents are self selected. Survey questions are subject to multiple interpretation across and within stakeholders groups –Survey designers included both multiple choice and free- form answers on the same topics. –Compiling and reporting free-form answers to the task force Widget surveys generally are an introduction into a discussion on the topic raised by the poll – that is what this poll does.

18 Prerequisite issues for early deployment (1/2) Early deployment risks Technology/Standards maturity Marketing and outreach Interoperability, agency coordination System reliability, scalability Availability of infrastructure Application/Value proposition Liability Early funding risks Budget priorities Funding O&M model Technology/Standards maturity Political consensus Incentives to deploy

19 Prerequisite issues for early deployment (2/2) Operating risks Funding model for O&M O&M staffing and personnel expertise Liability System governance Obsolescence Public/private partnership arrangement Technology alternatives

20 What do you see most likely deployed within the short time frame of 1-3 years 5.9 Tolling has made to the top of early deployment applications

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