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ICT Ethical and Moral Issues Trolling Trolling can affect everyone – even the rich and famous. CASE STUDY 3 IT CAN AFFECT YOU, EVEN IF YOU ARE RICH AND.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Ethical and Moral Issues Trolling Trolling can affect everyone – even the rich and famous. CASE STUDY 3 IT CAN AFFECT YOU, EVEN IF YOU ARE RICH AND."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Ethical and Moral Issues Trolling Trolling can affect everyone – even the rich and famous. CASE STUDY 3 IT CAN AFFECT YOU, EVEN IF YOU ARE RICH AND FAMOUS…..

2 Public figures, including Stephen Fry and Miranda Hart, have been victims of trolling. BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION…

3 Twitter has given the public direct access to celebrities. And stars, including Stephen Fry and Miranda Hart, have temporarily left the website after coming under fire. BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION…

4 Internet experts say the key is not to "feed the troll" by offering them a response. Comedian Dom Joly takes a different approach. BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION…

5 Dom Joly, the British comedian who was born in Iran has another approach. He describes himself as "troll slayer" and takes pleasure in tracking down the culprits and exposing them to public shame, especially from close family. "There's something about a bully that really annoys me," he says. "They'll say something online that they'd never dare to say to your face.". BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION… 27972/

6 “The deviousness is "freaky". He discovered that one of those who'd threatened him was a 14-year-old girl with nine different online identities. “They aren't always very intelligent about how they do it,” he says.. BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION… 27972/

7 “One guy tweeted from his work account that he hoped my kids die of cancer. I let the Managing Director (MD) of the firm know and the guy was fired. I felt no guilt, he should have gone to prison.". BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION… 27972/

8 Another approach So what would you do?. BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION… 27972/

9 What do you think? Have a quick class vote. Do you think Dom Joly was right in taking the law into his own hands, by phoning the MD of the firm and “shopping” the troll? Give a reason for your answer! BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION… 27972/

10 Would the better ethical choice have been to ignore the trolling or to simply tell the police? As Dom Joly is Iranian, the remarks might have been considered racist and the police would have had to act. BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION… 27972/

11 Dom Joly did not know the personal circumstances of the troll. In the end the responsibility was given to his MD. Some people have mental problems or he may have been under great stress. So was the result, the sacking, too serious for the offence? BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION… 27972/

12 There is no right or wrong answer! That is sometimes the way in which making an ethical judgement works. You may have to agree to differ! BEING FAMOUS IS NO PROTECTION… 27972/

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