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THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC: How Bullying Affects African American Creativity Oct 25, 2014 Oct 25, 2014 Philadelphia PA Leah P. Hollis, Ed.D.

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Presentation on theme: "THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC: How Bullying Affects African American Creativity Oct 25, 2014 Oct 25, 2014 Philadelphia PA Leah P. Hollis, Ed.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC: How Bullying Affects African American Creativity Oct 25, 2014 Oct 25, 2014 Philadelphia PA Leah P. Hollis, Ed.D.

2 58% These findings which are based on a survey of 175 colleges and universities reveal 62% of respondents faced workplace bullying which is 58% higher than the general population.

3 Bullying Bullying: bullying means harassing offending, socially excluding someone or negatively affecting someone's work tasks…the person confronted ends up in an inferior position. (Einarsen, Hoek, Zapf & Cooper 2003)

4 Harassment Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age … enduring the offensive conduct becomes condition of continued employment when the conduct is severe enough or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider hostile. (EEOC)

5 The result for the target is still the same The result for the target is still the same.

6 An alternative abusive manifestation results in the bully exerting aggression supposedly without the discriminatory motive. Bullying emerges from those with power; when those with power psychologically, emotionally and verbally abuse the target.

7 Bullying behaviors Mobbing/ Cliché behavior Mobbing/ Cliché behavior Disregard for office policies Disregard for office policies protocols and/or the law Demeans staff contribution and abilities Demeans staff contribution and abilities Threatens to fire subordinates Threatens to fire subordinates

8 Bullying behaviors Continually insults staff Continually insults staff Diminishes staff accomplishments Diminishes staff accomplishments Excludes others Excludes others Engages in yelling, cursing Engages in yelling, cursing Steals credit Steals credit

9 > Silent treatment > Impersonal interactions > Aggressive communication > Excessive criticism > Continuous micromanagement

10 >Assigning inappropriate tasks >Giving impossible deadlines >Punitive disciplinary actions >Withholding information >Discouraging initiatives of employee

11 The study  In the spring of 2012, Hollis administered thirty-five-question survey to examine workplace bullying dynamics in higher education at 4-year institutions.

12 Research Questions 1. What is the extent of workplace bullying in higher education administration? 2. What is the cost of workplace bullying specifically to higher education administration?

13 Findings Findings  62% said they were bullied  58% higher than general rate of 37%  86.2% of African American women  68% of African American men

14 Where? AA men 82.4% Bullied in front of other staff 64.7 % Bullied in one on one meetings 58.8% Bullied in local/depart meeting AA women 71.1% Bullied in one-on-one meeting 48.9% Bullied in front of other staff 28.9%Bullied in cyberspace/ email

15 How they were bullied AA women 60% Overlooked (like constructive discharge) 42% Harsh memos and commands 40% Job threats 37.8% Insults and yelling. AA men 70.6% Faced gossip 64.7% Overlooked ignored 58.8% Harsh memos and commands 47% Verbal teasing and insults.

16 Coping AA women 44.2% Isolated Self 44.2% No Relief 30.2% Left Department 30.2% Reported to HR AA men 58.8% Isolated Self 58.8% More sick time 35.3% Resigned or quit

17  As Patricia Berkly study shows 86% African Americans face bullying, which is 24% higher than general population

18 How does self isolation hurt?

19 Brain in isolation  Biologically, humans release cortisol, a stress hormone, as a response to threats of isolation, suggesting humans are designed to be social…  Same response as fight or flight response

20  Brain also releases glucocorticoids… which is linked to depression, depressed immune system and memory loss

21   Further, higher release of adrenaline causes blood platelets to clump…adversely affecting cardiovascular

22  Chronic unchecked bullying leads to post traumatic stress

23 Symptoms:  Diminished energy  Loss of concentration  Anxiety  Lack of joy  Frustration and hopelessness  Flash backs with avoidance reminders  Hyper arousal  Gastrointestinal disorders  Sleep disorders

24 How does this affect creativity

25 Over Stimulated  The brain can be over stimulated to the point that emotions lead to irrational and unreasonable judgments. The brain no matter how powerful is fragile and susceptible to constant stress  “The brain can be over stimulated to the point that emotions lead to irrational and unreasonable judgments. The brain no matter how powerful is fragile and susceptible to constant stress

26 Relax: Easier said than done given harassment and discrimination facing people of color

27 1. Inhibition needs to be dropped, much like one is dreaming. 2. Change the mind set or environment to relax brain. Solutions

28 3. Exercise physiologically manages the adrenaline and the stress response. 4. Activities which take mind off of stress. Solutions

29 So how did all these greats create in the midst of adversity… they let the mind drift, they shut out the stress.

30 Leah P. Hollis, Ed.D.

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