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First Days of School 2015-16 Home of the Mighty Eagles! Mission High School.

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Presentation on theme: "First Days of School 2015-16 Home of the Mighty Eagles! Mission High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Days of School 2015-16 Home of the Mighty Eagles! Mission High School

2 Campus Map, Bell Schedules, etc. Dress Code and Other Policies First Days of School Student Code of Conduct Classroom Rules and Procedures Bullying Lesson



5 NameName Number

6 Enrichment Period End of 1 st Period 25 minutes – 8:58-9:23

7 Mission High School invites YOU to join Athletics, Clubs or Organization Football Baseball Basketball Tennis Wresting Cross Country Softball Volleyball Swimming

8 Mission High School invites YOU to join Athletics, Clubs or Organization Future Farmers of America Cheerleaders High Flyers Folklorico Journalism Theatre Arts Mariachi Volleyball Swimming

9 Mission High School invites YOU to join Athletics, Clubs or Organization Soccer Criminal Justice Art B.P.A. DECA Cosmetology Choir JROTC UIL

10 Mission High School invites YOU to join Athletics, Clubs or Organization Senior Class Junior Class Sophomore Class Freshman Class Student Council So many more

11 Go to website. Click on Parents Click on Parent Portal Login in with their and password ID number (without the #22) On the left side student will select Assignments, and then select the class to view posted grades for each class. Checking your Grades Using Parent Portal

12 Student Dress Code 2015-16 Home of the Mighty Eagles! Mission High School Tuesday

13 Student Code of Conduct Available online on the Mission CISD website. Pages 30-32

14 The District’s dress code has been established to teach grooming and hygiene, instill discipline, prevent disruption, avoid safety hazards, and teach respect for authority. Dress Code Pages 30-32




18 Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is clean and neat and that will not be a health or safety hazard to themselves or others. The District prohibits any clothing or grooming that in the principal’s judgment may reasonably be expected to cause disruption of/or interference with normal school operations.

19 2. Advertise or depict tobacco products, alcohol beverages, drugs or any other substance prohibited under FNCF (Legal). 3. May be gang related. 2. Advertise or depict tobacco products, alcohol beverages, drugs or any other substance prohibited under FNCF (Legal). 3. May be gang related. The District prohibits pictures, patches, emblems, body tattoos, or writings on clothing or body that: 1. Are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene, weapons, violence, or promote satanic messages. The District prohibits pictures, patches, emblems, body tattoos, or writings on clothing or body that: 1. Are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene, weapons, violence, or promote satanic messages.

20 20 NOT WORN INSIDE BUILDING Sunglasses are prohibited unless prescribed. Hood/Hoodies are prohibited.

21 Hair must be clean, neatly combed and out of the eyes and face. Boys’ hair shall not extend beyond the top of the shirt collar; Mohawks, ducktails or ponytails will not be allowed. Hair that is styled in a manner that is extreme, outlandish, distracting or draws attention to the student is not allowed. Hair coloring is limited to only natural hair colors.

22 22 ALLOWED Leggings/tights are NOT allowed.

23 23 NOT ALLOWED Short skirts or dresses more can NOT be shorter than 2 inches above the knee Skorts, shorts, jumpers are NOT allowed Baggies, low rise, or loose fit pants as well as jeans, denim fabric, carpenter, painter, overalls, bell bottoms or wide-leg style pants.

24 24 NOT ALLOWED (continued) Appropriate footwear shall be worn at school. Shoes that present a safety concern are not allowed. Flip-flops/thongs and/or soccer slides are not allowed. Steel toe footwear is not allowed. Torn clothing not allowed Torn clothing not allowed No hats, caps. skull caps, scarves, bandanas No hats, caps. skull caps, scarves, bandanas Visible drawstrings on pants, shorts, skorts or capris Visible drawstrings on pants, shorts, skorts or capris

25 Telecommunication Device Policy Page 12 and 13 If you need to contact your parents, use the front office telephones. Do not call or text your parents from your phone – your phone will still be confiscated.

26 Persistent violation will result in the following consequences: 1st offense – Item(s) will be confiscated and returned to the parent/guardian only after school. 2nd offense – Same or other item(s) will be confiscated and parent/guardian will have to pay a $15.00 administrative fee before the item is released. 3rd offense – Same or other item(s) will be confiscated and kept by the school until the end of the semester or 60 days, whichever is longer. Refusal to surrender item, upon request by an administrator, shall result in placement in the Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP). Mission CISD is not responsible for any loss, monetary or material, incurred as a result of the confiscation of the cellular or other telecommunications device, or electronic device, I-Pod, headset, CD player, cassette player, electronic game or any personal game and/or electronic music device. Electronic Device Policy

27 We see it, we seize it!!! It’s on, It’s gone!!!

28 Cell Phones Electronic Music Device - MP3 Players I-Pod Headset CD / Cassette Player Cameras Electronic Game or Portable Video Game Consoles Electronic Device Policy This includes but not limited to the following:

29  Students will be permitted to use cell phones and/or other personally owned devices during their 40 minute lunch period ONLY.  Cell phones and other personally owned devices are to be in the “off” or “quiet” mode during the rest of the school day and are not to be visible. Even during passing periods.

30  The taking of photos or the recording of videos, whether by cell phone or any other device, is strictly prohibited. An incident of this nature could result in disciplinary action.  Using cell phone cameras or any other video recording devices to record altercations on school grounds or at school events is prohibited. In such cases, the device may be confiscated as evidence.  Using cell phone to listen to music with earphones ONLY and ONLY during the 40 minute lunch periods.

31 Student Code of Conduct Available online on the Mission CISD website. It is recommended all students review or read the entire handbook.

32 Every effort must be made to minimize interruption of instructional time. Every student who leaves the classroom during instructional time MUST:  Carry a valid (completed, signed, and current) HALL PASS  No devices to be used while on a pass from class  Comply with the “Ten Minute Rule,” which states that no passes are valid during the first and/or the last ten minutes of class All faculty and staff to ask students they see in the hall for their pass. If a students has one, they should sign it, if not they should redirect students to their classrooms for a pass.

33 BuildingsPass Color No. of Classrooms B Blue 17 J11 E Red 3 R26 Gyms (both) Green 6 Portables12 D6 M Orange 14 N7 A16 K White 7 L3 MET1 Q Yellow 6 Library2 Front Office Maroon 3 Counselors4 Admin6

34 A tardy is defined as students outside the classroom door when the bell rings. Students on time are inside the door when the tardy bell rings. TardyConsequence 1 Warning 2 3Student writes Post Card to Teacher 4 Student writes Post Card to Parent 5 Post Card, Phone Call to Parent 6 Post Card, Parent, Student, and Teacher Conference 7 Post Card, Detention 8 Post Card, Referral 9 Post Card, Referral, Exclusion from School Activities 10+ Exclusion from School Activities until less than 5 tardies per grading period

35 First Days of School 2015-16 Home of the Mighty Eagles! Mission High School Wednesday

36 Learning opportunity Continuity and Consistency Higher Grades Risks: Credits and Graduation We miss you when you’re absent! What do you miss??? We miss you when you’re absent! What do you miss???

37 It is the LAW!!! Truant: A student who has unexcused voluntary absences on ten or more days or parts of days within a six month period or three or more days or parts of days within a four week period. Note: Skipping class periods will be considered unexcused “parts of days”.

38 Tips to Avoid Truancy Student must attend 90% of days class is offered to received credit for the class Only allow absences for valid reasons Make and keep copies of excuses/turn in excuse to attendance office with in 3 days Communicate with teachers and administrators Student must attend 90% of days class is offered to received credit for the class Only allow absences for valid reasons Make and keep copies of excuses/turn in excuse to attendance office with in 3 days Communicate with teachers and administrators



41 Classroom Rules 2015-16 Home of the Mighty Eagles! Mission High School Thursday

42 Classroom Rules Click on the picture (below) to play the video. Log-in to YouTube BEFORE you click on the link.

43 Bullying 2015-16 Home of the Mighty Eagles! Mission High School Friday

44 Bullying Is Psychological

45 Did You Know? The FBI found a link between bullies and many school shooters. Can you guess the percentage of school shooters that were bullied? 71% of school shooters were bullied.

46 Hurt People When someone has been hurt, it’s highly likely that they may hurt another person in the same way. Hurt People, Hurt People Students often emulate what they see from others or what they receive themselves.

47 Healthy Habits “What you don’t talk out, you act out” The brain is not a muscle, but you can create some healthy habits that can help cope with pain that is associated with being bullied. A healthy practice to implement is to vent.

48 Venting Venting is releasing or transferring your emotions through words. Sample statements to use when venting: When he/she said _______, I felt ______. Whenever he/she makes fun of me, I feel like _________ (giving up, going home, skipping school, hitting him/her).

49 5 (keys) To Venting 1.Analyze - Don’t react right away (take time to analyze your current situation) 2.Assume the best (Did they misinterpret what I said or did?) 3.Don’t take it personal (What’s wrong with me, instead, they must be going through some hard stuff, ex. iceberg)

50 5 (keys) To Venting (cont.) 4.Act Upon Your Feelings - Don’t bottle up your feelings, find a release (art, journal, sports) 5.Don’t talk to everyone about issue. Pick an individual you trust. The goal is to release emotions, not relive them over and over.

51 Healthy Practice Tip Ask a close friend to tell you 3-5 positive characteristics that you have. Remember those positive characteristics the next time you’re bullied.

52 Click on the picture (below) to play the video. Log-in to YouTube BEFORE you click on the link.

53 Bullying generally happens in the bathrooms or during passing periods in the halls especially when the teachers are not around watching.

54 lonely lonely looking for attention looking for attention followers followers



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