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Welcome to Week 10 Meeting!. The Stats (as of midnight!) 131 138 TEAMS 543 749 PARTICIPANTS 9,953.10 16,393.10 DOLLARS RAISED Congratulations! Keep up.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Week 10 Meeting!. The Stats (as of midnight!) 131 138 TEAMS 543 749 PARTICIPANTS 9,953.10 16,393.10 DOLLARS RAISED Congratulations! Keep up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Week 10 Meeting!

2 The Stats (as of midnight!) 131 138 TEAMS 543 749 PARTICIPANTS 9,953.10 16,393.10 DOLLARS RAISED Congratulations! Keep up the good work everyone!

3 Top Fundraisers! 3. Evan Burford – Yay! 2. James Antisdel- Lifesavers 1. Alyssa Piring – Kappa Psi Epsilon And yes- prizes

4 Teams with more than 10 members:: Alpha Epsilon Phi 1 Alpha Epsilon Phi 2 Alpha Tau Delta – MSMC Burnin up Burning up!! Chi Omega Circle K Running TurKeys Colleges Against Cancer Delta Gamma Gama Phi Beta Hedrick Summit 5 I’d Hammer That Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma 1 (LC) Nicely done, and Congratulations! If you’re closing in on 20 members, you may want to consider starting a second team! It increases the fundraising competition factor! Lifesavers Phi Delta Epsilon Phi Gamma Nu PIKE and TriDelta Sigma AEPi Sigma Chi Sigma Delta Sigma Something Awesome! Tau Theta Pi Team Australia The Porpoise of Life

5 Agenda Entertainment Update! Survivorship Lumenaria Reminder Recruiting Team Members Fundraising Tips –“How To…” Write an e-mail from ACS

6 Entertainment Update What fun things can you expect at Relay For Life this year??? Samahong Modern Dance Pie-a-Trojan Sunrise Yoga Bruin Harmony Aveda Salon haircuts Salsa Dance Lesson Michelle Brent Approaching Zenith Late night movies Jazzercise Jarrell Perry and the Ambassadors (performed at Spring Sing last year!) “Dorm Life” Cast Awaken A Cappella Macha Quartet Jazz Band

7 If you have a survivor on your team or know one who is coming, please bring them a survivor basket to give them at the end of their survivor lap. It’s super easy too- just ask each person on your team to donate an item/a pair of people to donate an item if you have a larger team! Some ideas include but certainly aren’t limited to!: Spa : lotions, soaps, all that yummy smelling stuff from Bath and Body, fluffy towels, face mask gunk, candles, the works Chocolate: it’s pretty self explanatory, and there’s a fudge shop across from Diddy. Movie Night in a Box: Include something like movie vouchers, a recent release, or a gift card to Best Buy to let them pick out a movie of their own. Throw in a few bags of microwave popcorn, some Red Vines, a couple cans of soda, whatever you think is necessary to complete the movie experience. Make the “basket” a popcorn bowl for brownie points Book: a gift card to Barnes and Noble/Borders/, throw in any applicable Dr. Seuss or Shel Silverstein for a trip back to their childhood, Gardening: seeds, those little garden utensils, a decorated plastic pot, watering can, bamboo for luck, a foam knee pad Beach: Just make sure you put in a bottle of sunscreen!!! Beach towel, visor, silly magazine to flip through, bottled water, all wrapped up in a plastic beach pail Sports: We are the home of the Bruin Basketball team. Enough said? Cookies: How many different cookie recipes do you know? Coffee: A mug, a Starbucks/Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf gift certificate, flavored cream or sweetener, some coffee beans. And hot chocolate or tea for when they’re already on caffeine overload! Visit this website for more: themes.html Survivorship

8 Luminaria Email your Reason to Relay to (do it tonight, it takes less than ten minutes!)

9 Recruiting New Team Members Every team should have 10 team members at least! If you’re having trouble recruiting team members, here are some tips –Attend your floor government meeting and ask people to sign up –Door-knock on your floor with your computer –Announce Relay at your club meeting and have your computer ready to sign people up after meeting –Post flyers everywhere –Create a Facebook group and invite your friends! –Set a deadline with an incentive (if you want team shirts, you must sign up by ____!) –Get people excited and reward them for signing up!

10 Fundraising tips! Ideas for Teams –Hold a bake sale or other small fundraising event on campus or in your dorm –Ask alumni of your organization to donate to your team –Host an on-site fundraiser (sell something small, charge a small fee to participate in an activity) –Penny Wars! –Host a charity poker tournament –Host a spa night!: Ideas for Individuals –Send Facebook requests for donations to all your Facebook friends (be sure to include the link to your page!) –Mass e-mail to friends and family (don’t forget to ask them to forward it!) –Ask your parents to match donations –Put a jar out at your parents’ office –Get people to sponsor you per hour you walk –USE THE ACS E-MAIL OPTION…and now we’ll show you how!!!

11 Other Exciting Reminders Add the Facebook application! Pantene Beautiful Lengths! –Please spend spring break growing your hair so that you can cut it at RELAY! Stylists will be on hand to give you a free haircut if you donate 8 inches of hair to ACS to make free wigs for cancer patients! P.S. we’re competing with USC! Let’s beat the Trojans!

12 Contact Information and Important Dates:: Allie: Clubs Evan: Dorm Teams Cristina: Community, Religious Affiliations, and Athletics Teams Stasi: Greek Teams Remaining Team Captain Meetings March 31 st Tuesday of First Week Bank Night (MANDATORY!!!) April 14 th Paint Our Campus Purple- April 15 th ! Relay for Life is April 18th/19th

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