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Ginny Ramirez-Del Toro Ashley Tripp 02/02/2010.  Think about your tutoring experience so far. What are your overall feelings? What exciting things are.

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Presentation on theme: "Ginny Ramirez-Del Toro Ashley Tripp 02/02/2010.  Think about your tutoring experience so far. What are your overall feelings? What exciting things are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ginny Ramirez-Del Toro Ashley Tripp 02/02/2010

2  Think about your tutoring experience so far. What are your overall feelings? What exciting things are happening? What improvements can be made?  Pair up with someone and talk about the questions above for 3 minutes.  Volunteers to share?

3  Motivation  Classroom Management  Content-Specific strategies  Reading, Writing  Math (Time & Money)  Q&A

4 Connect to real life (storytelling: perimeter) Be genuine. Be reflective. – Let yourself think about how you would best learn the content. Be creative with manipulatives (manipulatives are items you can touch and move—literally, “manipulate”) – Rubber bands – Buttons – Paper clips – Post its – Watches – Empty containers Know your tutee. (Preferences rather than styles) – Challenge your tutee. Give choices and know that “people defend that which they help create.” -unknown

5  Set clear expectations and rules. – Rules have to be enforceable based on observable behaviors. Establish routines. (Tell, Model, Practice) – Where does your tutee put his/her book bag? – How do you begin/end each session? – What are the procedures for going to the restroom, sharpening pencils, etc.?

6  Successive Approximation: behavior will not change right away, so reinforce each step of the way by focusing on the small good things they do.  Broken Record Technique  Separate the deed from the doer.  When addressing a student’s actions, try to use words that directly refer to the behavior rather than the student’s character.  Immediately address and redirect.

7  Graphic Organizers   Observation Activity (good for content integration).  Vocabulary  Attach pictures to words, and words to concrete items (label)  Tell stories  Find common or known prefixes, roots, and suffixes  prefix re- (to do again); Latin root manus in manipulatives; suffix –ing (in the moment of doing an action)  Fluency  Rate  Prosody  Accuracy  Model fluent reading.  Quibblean Spelling and Dr. Phillip Gnilleps (example and activity): phonetic spelling through storytelling

8  Spelling on the planet Quibble is phonetic, just as it is in general English. However, as in English, there are some peculiarities in Quibblean spelling. These spelling rules are summarized below:  1. There is no “m” or “n” on Quibble, but a single sound that is written “mn”.  2. Whenever “z and “t” appear together, “z” always follows “t”, except at the beginnings of words; then “t” always follows “z”. (examples: Batzmnamn, ztipcode)  3. An apostrophe always separates any letter and a following “q”.  4. None of the above rules apply to words that begin with “Q”. Any word beginning with “Q” is correctly spelled no matter what, except that no word beginning with “Q” can have an “mn” in it.  5. All possible spellings are correct, except for the above restrictions.  Your turn!!

9  Write notes to each other.  Draw pictures.  Make comic strips.  Use thought bubbles.  Poetry (Let them try it!)  Shel Silverstein  Dr. Seuss

10  The Writing Process  Pre-writing, Drafting, Revision, Editing, Publication  Revision is solely for content matter. You can revise at all stages of the writing process.  Practice using blue pen only for revision.  Editing is solely for spelling and grammar. You should revise only toward the very end of the writing process, before writing your final draft for publication.  Practice using red pen only for editing.

11 Time Fractions Money Multiplication/Division – Practice DOES make close to perfect. – Connect multiplication with addition. 3x3=9 or 3+3+3=9 Emphasize vocabulary (i.e.- times) – Multiplication precedes division. – Extra Info: The Multiples of 9 Rule Teach vocabulary first and along with visual aids (i.e.- quarter) Use clocks, money, pizza boxes to teach concepts. If you don’t have your own clocks and money, create it!


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