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The Triple Helix Four continents: One Vision The International Journal of Science, Society, & Law.

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Presentation on theme: "The Triple Helix Four continents: One Vision The International Journal of Science, Society, & Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Triple Helix Four continents: One Vision The International Journal of Science, Society, & Law

2 Our Mission To raise the standard of debate of the issues surrounding science This is formally defined as debate of the issues (concerning law, politics and socioeconomics) surrounding the work of scientists (of all disciplines – from physicists to social scientists) To accomplish this, we aim at the very least to produce a high quality print journal discussing these issues Articles will concern the impact (political/legal/etc.) of a given scientific development e.g. ethics of biometrics NOT concerning the scientific impact of a given legal/political impact e.g. psychological impact of law This is because law is the work of lawyers, and not that of scientists…

3 Typical Background Most of the people in our international organisation are scientists However, the newest branch of the journal has started in LSE. Those studying humanities shouldnt be put off writing – though a fluent understanding of the science behind the chosen topic is vital

4 Literary team – what do I have to do as a writer? A literary cycle, to start with, will be around one term in length (Michaelmas and Lent) and will work towards a publication at the beginning of the following term Writers (for print) will be expected to come up with two or three ideas per cycle and write one article per cycle

5 Literary team – what do I have to do as a writer? Those writing online will be expected to write one article: either once every two weeks for news or once every four for features Articles are expected to be around 1200 words in length. planning & researching will take two weeks writing the first draft will take one week writing the second draft will take one week the total time editorial time will be around eight weeks They will be subject to six editorial checkpoints: one at the idea stage (associate editor) one at the plan stage (associate editor) two at the first draft stage (editor-in-chief, academic review) two at the final draft stage (editor-in-chief, international review)

6 Literary team – what do I have to do as an editor? There are three levels: associate editor, senior editor, editor-in-chief These are decreasing in literary input and increasing in administration Associate editors foster a close relationship with their writers Senior editors take on the role of an associate editor but also find and recruit the academic reviewers The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for overseeing the whole literary procedure and making sure it runs smoothly. They also run the final two editorial checks, once with academic review and once with international review At no point is anyone responsible for layout – this is handled by an international team of undergraduates The current Editor-in-Chief of the literary cycle is Amy Sangam, with Michaela Freeland as her assistant

7 What if I cant write very well? Two thirds of ideas are rejected inherently as part of the process More will be rejected at the idea/plan stage The standard must be high – our aim is to not to have your time wasted on something that wont make the academic and international review We can help improve articles: Our editorial team will constantly be at hand Someone might take your article idea and re-write (you would be given credit) Because of this, the decision to not continue will almost always come from the writer, not us Please do have a go, though Its likely youll give up on your article before we do! We will always try to direct you to an alternative publication

8 Marketing This team is co-ordinated by Deepak Chandasekharan (Marketing Director) and his assistant, Benedict Crampton Our aims are: To raise sponsorship enough to print 4000 issues this year, and twice that number in the following year, as well as finding enough money for events and publicity. The source of sponsorship will be companies and colleges. To hold four annual events one squash two launch parties one AGM …as well as many other periphery events To publicise each issue with fliers and posters, as well as recruiting at the beginning of each term

9 Are we something more than a journal? We really hope so. With your support, we can make this idea so much more. Speaker events Web forums discussing the debates (raised by articles and speaker events) Social Events

10 Benefits The students who are currently involved both here and in the US are finding it a very challenging project to be involved in with obvious rewards. What makes us unique: we are undergraduate-run our articles are academically reviewed being part of an international network of students working towards one goal is extremely exciting we will listen to your ideas One of the effects of this is that we will never fob off good ideas because you havent spent enough time in TTH. No role Ive mentioned today is prescriptive, please feel free to create your own niche in TTH. If you still want to get involved, the next step is: visit our website and fill out an application talk to one of either Amy and Michaela (writing), or Deepak and Ben (marketing) for more details

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