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1 Delaware National Guard Strategic Planning Process Overview CPT Lara Knight Quality Assurance Manager Delaware Army National Guard

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Presentation on theme: "1 Delaware National Guard Strategic Planning Process Overview CPT Lara Knight Quality Assurance Manager Delaware Army National Guard"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Delaware National Guard Strategic Planning Process Overview CPT Lara Knight Quality Assurance Manager Delaware Army National Guard

2 2 Understand the Delaware National Guard Annual Strategic Planning Process Learning Objective

3 3 Strategic Plan –Formalized roadmap that describes where we want to go as an organization

4 4 Strategic Plan –Formalized roadmap that describes where we want to go as an organization –Aligns organizational efforts

5 Step 1: Gather guidance & Info Step 2 Strategic Planning Offsite Step 3 Publish the Strategic Plan Step 4 Develop Action Plans Step 5 Deploy Action Plans Step 6 Assess Results DEARNG Annual Strategic Planning cycle

6 Step 1: Gather guidance & Info Step 2 Strategic Planning Offsite Step 3 Publish the Strategic Plan Step 4 Develop Action Plans Step 5 Deploy Action Plans Step 6 Assess Results DEARNG Annual Strategic Planning cycle


8 8 Commander’s Vision The Delaware Army National Guard is a capable, professional hometown force that provides a myriad of operational capabilities to our state and nation. It is comprised of dedicated, competent citizen Soldiers that are highly respected by the citizens of the state of Delaware. BG Scott Chambers

9 9Mission Federal State Community

10 10 Federal Mission Federal: Train and maintain combat ready units and Soldiers available to mobilize and deploy worldwide in support of the National Military Strategy.

11 11 State Mission State: As directed by the Governor, provide organized, trained and equipped units to protect Delaware’s communities and their citizens in response to State emergencies and other special needs.

12 12 Community Mission Community: Participate in local, state, and national programs and partnerships that add value to our communities.

13 13Values L oyalty D uty R espect S elfless-Service H onor I ntegrity P ersonal Courage

14 Step 1: Gather guidance & Info Step 2 Strategic Planning Offsite Step 3 Publish the Strategic Plan Step 4 Develop Action Plans Step 5 Deploy Action Plans Step 6 Assess Results DEARNG Annual Strategic Planning cycle

15 15 Priority Issues Critical to the success of the DEARNG: 1.Provide Ready Forces 2.Acquire and Manage Resources 3.Add Value to Communities 4.Promote Continuous Improvement

16 16 Strategic Goals & Objectives Priority Issues Main areas critical to organizational success Strategic Goals Critical to achieving priority issues Objectives »Outcomes that we want to measure

17 Step 1: Gather guidance & Info Step 2 Strategic Planning Offsite Step 3 Publish the Strategic Plan Step 4 Develop Action Plans Step 5 Deploy Action Plans Step 6 Assess Results DEARNG Annual Strategic Planning cycle

18 18 So What?? What is MY part in the Strategic Plan?

19 19 So What?? Know how you contribute!

20 20 Communicating the STRATPLAN Training Meetings Internet Newsletters Formations Social Media Evaluations

21 Step 1: Gather guidance & Info Step 2 Strategic Planning Offsite Step 3 Publish the Strategic Plan Step 4 Develop Action Plans Step 5 Deploy Action Plans Step 6 Assess Results DEARNG Annual Strategic Planning cycle

22 22 Continuous Cycle Chief of Staff meetings - Weekly Leadership Meetings - Monthly Strategic Assessment Mtgs - Quarterly Strategic Review Meeting - Annually ACOE Report - Annual Employee Satisfaction Survey - Annual

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