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1 iTrails: Pay-as-you-go Information Integration in Datasapces Authors: Salles, Dittrich et al. (ETH Zurich) Published in VLDB2007 Presenter: Jim 7 Dec.

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1 1 iTrails: Pay-as-you-go Information Integration in Datasapces Authors: Salles, Dittrich et al. (ETH Zurich) Published in VLDB2007 Presenter: Jim 7 Dec 2007

2 2 Background Dataspace –A step further than database –Model all kinds of files iDM: a DSMS

3 3 Background cont. Information integration –Purpose: query multiple data sources Data source 2Data source 1Data source 3 Query interface Result Query Global schema Source schema ?

4 4 Background cont. Schema matching/mapping –Enable the reformulation of query on the global schema to the query on source schema Global schema Source schema ? m1: for d in dept exists d' in Tdept where ( d'.dname=d.dname ^ d'.location=d.location) m2: for d in dept, e in d.emps exists d' in Tdept, e' in d'.emps where... A complete and complicate mapping is necessary for the query.

5 5 text, links Background cont. Search engine –Easier way for query multiple data sources text, links text, links text, links Graph IR Search Engine Query semantics are NOT precise. global warming zurich

6 6 Motivation of iTrail Find a integration solution in-between these two extremes? ? Dataspace System text, links text, links text, links text, links Graph IR Search Engine Data Integration System Temps Cities CO 2 Sunspots............... The more effort you pay, the more query power you have.

7 7 iTrails Core Idea: Add Integration Hints Incrementally Step 1: Provide a search service over all the data –Use a general graph data model (iDM) –Works for unstructured documents, XML, and relations Step 2: Add integration semantics via hints (trails) on top of the graph –Works across data sources, not only between sources Step 3: If more semantics needed, go back to step 2 Impact: –Smooth transition between search and data integration –Semantics added incrementally improve precision / recall

8 8 iTrails: Defining Trails Basic Form of a Trail Q L [.C L ] → Q R [.C R ] Intuition: –When I query for Q L [.C L ], you should also query for Q R [.C R ] Queries: keyword and path expressions Attribute projections Query example: global warming zurich or //Temperatures/*[celsius > 10]

9 9 Trail examples: keyword query 20 15 14 BE ZH Trail for Implicit Meaning: “When I query for global warming, you should also query for Temperature data above 10 degrees” Trail for an Entity: “When I query for zurich, you should also query for references of zurich as a region ” global warming → //Temperatures/*[celsius > 10] DB Server Temperatures city celsius Bern Zurich zurich → //*[region = “ZH”] Uster region global warming zurich 9 ZH Zurich 26-Sep 25-Sep 24-Sep 23-Sep date

10 10 Trail Example: Deep Web Bookmarks Trail for a Bookmark: “When I query for train home, you should also query for the TrainCompany’s website with origin at ETH Uni and destination at Seilbahn Rigiblick” train home train home → //*[origin=“ETH Uni” and dest =“Seilbahn Rigiblick”] Web Server

11 11 Trail Examples: Thesauri, Dictionaries car auto car carro car → auto car → carro carro → car Laptop Email Server Trail for Thesauri: “When I query for car, you should also query for auto ” Trails for Dictionary: “When I query for car, you should also query for carro and vice-versa”

12 12 Trail Examples: Schema Equivalences Trail for schema match on names: “When I query for Employee.empName, you should also query for ” Trail for schema match on salaries: “When I query for Employee.salary, you should also query for Person.income ” Employee empName salary Person name age income //Employee//*.tuple.empName → //Person//* //Employee//*.tuple.salary → //Person//*.tuple.income DB Server empId SSN

13 13 How are Trails Created? Given by the user –Explicitly –Via Relevance Feedback (Semi-)Automatically –Information extraction techniques –Automatic schema matching –Ontologies and thesauri (e.g., wordnet) –User communities (e.g., trails on gene data, bookmarks)

14 14 Uncertainty/certainty of trails Probabilistic Trails: –model uncertain trails –probabilities used to rank trails Q L [.C L ] → Q R [.C R ], 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 –Example: car → auto Scored Trails: –give higher value to certain trails –scoring factors used to boost scores of query results obtained by the trail QL [.CL] → QR [.CR], sf > 1 –Examples : T1: weather → //Temperatures/* T2: yesterday → //*[date = today()– 1] p p = 0.8 p = 1, sf = 3 p = 0.9, sf = 2

15 15 Rewriting Queries with Trails Canonical form of the query –Decompse the query into location step seperators (‘/’ or ‘//’) and predicates –Construct a tree based on the decompsed query Query: “retrieve all information about the projects containing keyword Mike” //home/projects//*[“Mike”] U Mike U home projects (simplified form for presentation)

16 16 Rewriting Queries with Trails cont. U weather yesterday (1) Matching T 2 : yesterday → //*[date = today() – 1] (2) Transformation U weather yesterday U //*[date = today() – 1] (3) Merging T 2 matches Query Weather yesterday Trail Rewriting method: Matching => Transformation => Merging “ yesterday ” is contained In the query

17 17 Rewriting Queries on the canonical form of the query Trails: NOT the final result! The rewriting based on ψ 7 and ψ 9 are omitted.

18 18 Problem: Recursive Matches... U U weather yesterday U //*[date = today() – 1] T 2 : yesterday → //*[date = today() – 1] New query still matches T 2, so T 2 could be applied again U weather U yesterday U //*[date = today() – 1] U... Infinite recursion T 2 matches

19 19 Problem: Recursive Matches cont. U weather yesterday U //*[date = today() – 1] Trails may be mutually recursive T 3 : //* → //*.tuple.modified U weather U yesterday //*[date = today() – 1] T 10 : //*.tuple.modified → //* U //*[modified = today() – 1] U weather U yesterday //*[date = today() – 1] U //*[modified = today() – 1] U //*[date = today() – 1] We again match T 3 and enter an infinite loop T 3 matches T 10 matches

20 20 U weather yesterday First Level U weather yesterday //Temperatures/* U U //*[date = today() – 1] U weather yesterday //Temperatures/* U U //*[modified = today() – 1] U U //*[received = today() – 1] //*[date = today() – 1] Second Level T 1 matches T 2 matches T 3, T 4 match Solution: Multiple Match Coloring Algorithm T1: weather → //Temperatures/* T2: yesterday → //*[date = today() – 1] T3: //* → //*.tuple.modified T4: //* → //*.tuple.received

21 21 Multiple Match Coloring Algorithm Analysis Problem: – MMCA is exponential in number of levels Solution: Trail Pruning –Prune by number of levels –Prune by top-K trails matched in each level Ranking by probability/certainity/weight –Both Indexing techniques –Similar with inverted list indexing Given a query, materialize the query results (node ids) –Materialization options Left/right side of the trails

22 22 Experiment setup Test base: iMeMex Dataspace System Criterias in evaluation –Quality: Top-K Precision and Recall –Performance: Use of Materialization –Scalability: Query-rewrite Time vs. Number of Trails iTrail scenario –Scenario 1: Few High-quality Trails –Scenario 2: Many Low-quality Trails Configured iMeMex to act in three modes –Baseline: Graph / IR search engine –iTrails: Rewrite search queries with trails –Perfect Query: Semantics-aware query

23 23 Experiment setup cont. Trails and queries max original tree size: 14 max final tree size: 35 max # of trails applied: 5

24 24 Quality: Top-K Precision and Recall Search Engine misses relevant results Q3: pdf yesterday Search Query is partially semantics-aware Q13: to = raimund.grube@ Scenario 1: few high-quality trails (18 trails) Queries perfect query Perfect Query always has precision and recall equal to 1 K = 20 Much improvement comparing with “baseline”.

25 25 Performance: Use of Materialization Trail merging adds overhead to query execution Trail Materialization provides interactive times for all queries Scenario 1: few high-quality trails (18 trails)

26 26 Scalability: Query-rewrite Time vs. Number of Trails Query-rewrite time can be controlled with pruning Scenario 2: many low-quality trails

27 27 Conclusion: Pay-as-you-go Information Integration Dataspace System global warming zurich text, links Data Sources Approach –Step 1: Provide a search service over all the data –Step 2: Add integration semantics via trails –Step 3: If more semantics needed, go back to step 2 Their Contributions –iTrails: a generic method to model semantic relationships (e.g. implicit meaning, bookmarks, dictionaries, attribute matches,...) –Framework and algorithms for Pay-as-you-go Information Integration –Smooth transition between search and data integration

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