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Using VAM Data to Determine Points (50 % of the Total) toward Unified Single Rating Draft Procedures 11/21/2012 DRAFT DOCUMENT.

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1 Using VAM Data to Determine Points (50 % of the Total) toward Unified Single Rating Draft Procedures 11/21/2012 DRAFT DOCUMENT

2 Teacher Groups Core: Teachers who taught Reading, Mathematics, or Algebra and have 2011-12 VAM Data Non-Core: Teachers of Other Subjects with Students who Have 2011-12 VAM Data in Reading School-wide: School-based Teachers without Students who Have 2011-12 VAM Data in Reading, Mathematics, or Algebra District-wide: Non-school based Teachers without Students who Have 2011-12 VAM Data in Reading DRAFT DOCUMENT

3 Standardizing and Aggregating VAM Outcomes 1.Standardize the 2012 VAM scores and their standard errors using the districtwide mean and standard deviations of teacher VAM estimates weighted by the number of students within each subject area and grade level. 2.Aggregate the standardized reading and/or mathematics VAM scores and their standard errors across grades to the teacher level for Category CORE and NON-CORE teachers. 3.For school-wide and District-wide teachers, aggregate standardized reading and mathematics VAM scores and their standard errors to the school or District level respectively. DRAFT DOCUMENT

4 Determining Classification Categories For each level of aggregation (teacher, school, or District), follow the procedure below. 1.If the sum of the standardized VAM score and 1.96 times its standard error is less than zero, assign Category 1. (Under the normality assumption, one is 97.5% confident that the VAM score is below the districtwide average.) 2.If the sum of the standardized VAM score and 1 standard error is less than zero, assign Category 2. (One is 84% confident that the VAM score is below the districtwide average.) 3.If the difference between the standardized VAM score and 1.96 times its standard error is greater than zero, assign Category 4. (One is 97.5% confident that the VAM score is above the districtwide average.) 4.Assign category 3 to all other teachers (or schools). DRAFT DOCUMENT

5 Determining School-Wide Categories 1.School-wide categories are determined in both reading and mathematics (or Algebra). 2.For all schools the procedure described above is used to determine the school-wide category based on reading VAM scores and their standard errors. 3.For elementary, middle schools and K-8 centers, the procedure is used with the mathematics and Algebra VAM scores separately (when available) and their standard errors. For high schools, it is used with the Algebra VAM scores and their standard errors. DRAFT DOCUMENT

6 Assigning Points The 0-50 interval for the points based on the VAM scores is split into four subintervals (categories) of equal lengths: Category 10-12.5 Category 212.5-25 Category 325-37.5 Category 437.5-50 Once the classification category is determined based on the VAM scores and their standard errors, assign the maximum possible numbers of points for the particular category. DRAFT DOCUMENT

7 Assigning Points (continued) Teacher Groups CORE and NON-CORE Assign points to each VAM classification category as follows: 1  12.5 points 2  25 points 3  37.5 points 4  50 points For teachers who have points in more than one subject area, calculate the weighted average of the assigned points using the numbers of students as weights. DRAFT DOCUMENT

8 Assigning Points (continued) Teacher Group School –wide 1.Determine points based on the school classification category in reading and mathematics (or Algebra) as described previously. 2.For schools that have both mathematics and algebra points (middle, K-8), find the weighted average of points based on the number of students used to calculate VAM scores. 3.Compare the numbers of points assigned to schools based on reading vs. based on mathematics/algebra and assign the higher number to affected teachers. Teacher Group District-wide Assign points based on the District classification category determined using the reading VAM scores and their standard errors as described previously. DRAFT DOCUMENT

9 Special Considerations If any of the points assigned to teachers in groups CORE or NON-CORE are based on fewer than 10 students, compare that number of points with the number assigned to the school-wide group, and assign the higher number. DRAFT DOCUMENT









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