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5 March 2012 Full-time Support Review of the Reserve Components Phase 1: An analysis of and report for Congress on the Military Technician (MilTech) Program.

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1 5 March 2012 Full-time Support Review of the Reserve Components Phase 1: An analysis of and report for Congress on the Military Technician (MilTech) Program

2 2 Background ASD-RA requested that CNA conduct a review of the full-time support (FTS) force and mix necessary to sustain the future operational reserve The study has 4 phases: –Phase 1: An analysis of and report for Congress on the Military Technician (MilTech) program as required by section 519 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2012 –Phase 2: A review of the Army National Guard, Army Reserve, and Marine Corps Reserve FTS programs, to begin during the second half of FY12 –Phase 3: A review of the Navy and Coast Guard FTS programs, to begin in FY13 –Phase 4: A review of the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve FTS programs, to begin in FY14.

3 3 Section 519, NDAA for FY 2012

4 4 Phase I study scope Review MilTech program as a category to support the FTS requirements necessary to sustain the Selected Reserve endstrengths prescribed in section 411 of the FY12 NDAA. –Review FTS programs across the seven Reserve Components –Assess dual status and non-dual-status military technician programs –Review active component in support of the Reserve, federal civilians, and active duty operational support (ADOS) personnel Focus on MilTech programs of the U.S. Army Reserve, (USAR), Army National Guard (ARNG), Air Force Reserve (USAFR), and Air National Guard (ANG) –Determine the feasibility and advisability of maintaining, modifying, or terminating MilTechs as a distinct personnel management category –Discuss MilTech program expectations, advantages, and challenges with HASC / SASC staffs, Army and Air Force Headquarters, National Guard Bureau, Reserve Units using MilTechs, and the MilTechs.

5 5 Areas to address What are the current requirements for the military technician program and how do the Army Reserve, Air Force Reserve, and Army and Air National Guards use their MilTechs to support their reserve and guard missions? How does the MilTech program work? What are the benefits, challenges, and costs associated with the military technician program for the USAR, ARNG, AFR, and ANG? What other options might the Army, Air Force, and National Guard use to meet mission requirements otherwise met by MilTechs ? What are the relative personnel costs of alternative manning options and what are the cost implications—pro or con—of transitioning to an alternative manpower solution? Should it advisable to modify the MilTech program as a distinct personnel category, what administrative and legislative actions would be needed? –By what means might DOD manage the transition of the MilTech program to one that relies on some combination of active duty, reserve, and civilian personnel?

6 6 Approach/project tasks Task 1: Obtain data, organize, and build analytical databases Task 2: Identify SMEs/program stakeholders and develop and conduct semi-structured interviews Task 3: Review and assess existing literature on MilTech programs Task 4: Conduct baseline analysis of MilTech programs Task 5: Determine and assess alternative manning options Task 6: Produce report for OSD to meet requirement for Congress Task 7: Document results, incorporate sponsor comments, and disseminate

7 7 Administrative details Schedule of deliverables: Task Due date 1.Obtain data, organize, and build analytical databases.......... Jan 2012 2.Identify SMEs/program stakeholders and develop and conduct semi-structured interviews Project update brief................................20 Dec 2011 Interim report 1................................... 2 Mar 2012 3.Review and assess existing literature (interim report 1)......... 2 Mar 2012 4.Conduct baseline analysis (interim report 2).................24 Apr 2012 5.Determine/assess alternative manning options (interim report 3)..26 Jun 2012 6.Produce report to Congress Sponsor review...................................24 Aug 2012 Final........................................... 30 Oct 2012 Task completion..................................21 Dec 2012 7.Documentation Sponsor review..................................... 26 Sep 2012 Final.............................................. 21 Nov 2012 Project completion...................................21 Dec 2012

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