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AYP vs. AEIS Talking Carroll Elementary October 5, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "AYP vs. AEIS Talking Carroll Elementary October 5, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 AYP vs. AEIS Talking Accountability @ Carroll Elementary October 5, 2010

2 Learning Objective #1 I can distinguish between Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS)?

3 Learning Objective #3 I know the different student populations that affect the campus rating as defined by AYP?

4 Learning Objective #2 I know the different student populations that affect the campus rating as defined by AEIS?


6 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) NCLB Federal funding Three indicators ◦ Reading/Language Arts ◦ Mathematics ◦ Attendance rate Two standards ◦ Performance ◦ Participation

7 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Performance Standard ◦ In order to meet AYP, a campus must meet the performance standard for percent proficient.  2009 – 201073% (Rdg.)67% (Math)  2010 – 201180% (Rdg.)75% (Math)  2011 – 201287% (Rdg.)83% (Math)  2012 – 201393% (Rdg.)92% (Math)  2013 – 2014100% (Rdg.)100% (Math)

8 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Performance Standard – Student Groups ◦ All Students ◦ African-American ◦ Hispanic ◦ White ◦ Economically Disadvantaged ◦ Special Education ◦ LEP

9 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Performance Standard – Assessments ◦ TAKS and TAKS-Accommodated  Reading/ELA and Math (Grades 3-8 and 10)  Reading and Math (Grades 3-5 Spanish) ◦ TAKS-Modified and TAKS-Alternate  Reading/ELA and Math (Grades 3-8 and 10) ◦ LAT – TAKS  Reading/ELA and Math (Grades 3-8 and 10)  Reading and Math (Grades 3-6 Spanish) ◦ LAT – TAKS-M  Reading/ELA and Math (Grades 3-8 and 10) ◦ TELPAS  Used in AYP Participation for students in their first year of enrollment in US schools

10 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Participation Standard ◦ In order to meet AYP, a campus must meet the participation standard for students enrolled on testing date. 95%

11 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Tailored for the State of Texas 4 Ratings ◦ Exemplary ◦ Recognized ◦ Academically Acceptable ◦ Academically Unacceptable

12 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) ExemplaryAll subjects ≥ 90%  25 % Commended Performance for AS and ED  Mathematics and Reading RecognizedAll subjects ≥ 80%  15 % Commended Performance for AS and ED  Mathematics and Reading AcceptableReading/ELA ≥ 70% Writing ≥ 70% Social Studies≥ 70% Math≥ 60% Science ≥ 55%

13 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Student Groups ◦ All Students ◦ African-American ◦ Hispanic ◦ White ◦ Economically Disadvantaged

14 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Assessments Used… ◦ TAKS ◦ TAKS-Accommodated ◦ TAKS-Modified ◦ TAKS-Alternate ◦ LAT ◦ TELPAS

15 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Additional Information ◦ The 1 st and 2 nd administration results of Grades 5 and 8 TAKS Reading and Math are combined. Students must be tested on the same campus for results to be used.

16 Data Analysis Let’s analyze some actual campus data…

17 Met AYP? AEIS Rating? Mathematics% Pass% Commended AS91% (95%)28% (31%) AA86% (93%)20% (25%) Hispanic94% (96%)33% (34%) Eco Disadv90% (94%)27% (28%) Reading% Pass% Commended AS87% (91%)20% (22%) AA84% (88%)15% (15%) Hispanic89% (92%)23% (25%) Eco Disadv85% (89%)19% (21%)

18 Met AYP? AEIS Rating? Writing% Pass% Commended AS89% (99%)22% (37%) AA86% (100%)17% (24%) Hispanic91% (98%)27% (45%) Eco Disadv86% (99%)19% (36%) Science% Pass% Commended AS79% (90%)29% (32%) AA73% (80%)13% (13%) Hispanic83% (98%)40% (45%) Eco Disadv79% (89%)28% (30%)

19 Evaluation List some differences between AYP and AEIS.

20 Evaluation List the student populations used to calculate AEIS and AYP data.

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