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The War Against Moab and the Miracles of Elisha 2 Kings, Chapters 3:1 – 6:23.

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Presentation on theme: "The War Against Moab and the Miracles of Elisha 2 Kings, Chapters 3:1 – 6:23."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War Against Moab and the Miracles of Elisha 2 Kings, Chapters 3:1 – 6:23

2 Joram/Jehoram, the next king of Israel, is not as bad as his father, Ahab but he is still an evil king. Joram/Jehoram, the next king of Israel, is not as bad as his father, Ahab but he is still an evil king. King David had previously conquered the nation of Moab. Because of this Moab paid taxes to Israel in the form of lambs and wool (100,000 of each)…but after Ahab dies, Moab rebels. King David had previously conquered the nation of Moab. Because of this Moab paid taxes to Israel in the form of lambs and wool (100,000 of each)…but after Ahab dies, Moab rebels. Israel and Judah join forces against Moab. The kings of Judah (Jehoshaphat), Israel (Jehoram), and Edom run out of water for their troops. Israel and Judah join forces against Moab. The kings of Judah (Jehoshaphat), Israel (Jehoram), and Edom run out of water for their troops. The prophet Elisha reluctantly agrees to help. Elisha predicts a flash flood and tells the kings to dig ditches in the valley to catch the water. Elisha also predicts victory over Moab. The prophet Elisha reluctantly agrees to help. Elisha predicts a flash flood and tells the kings to dig ditches in the valley to catch the water. Elisha also predicts victory over Moab. The War Against Moab

3 The Israelites prepare and the water comes forth as predicted. The Moabites rally their forces. When they see all the water in the valley, it looked like blood so they believe that the three kings and their armies fought and killed each other. So they attack Israel... The Israelites prepare and the water comes forth as predicted. The Moabites rally their forces. When they see all the water in the valley, it looked like blood so they believe that the three kings and their armies fought and killed each other. So they attack Israel... The size and force of the Israelites surprises the Moabites. Israel invades Moab and destroy everything. The size and force of the Israelites surprises the Moabites. Israel invades Moab and destroy everything. In an act of desperation, the king of Moab (Mesha) sacrifices his son on the city wall. In an act of desperation, the king of Moab (Mesha) sacrifices his son on the city wall. The Israelites are so offended by this act—they withdraw and go back to their own land. The Israelites are so offended by this act—they withdraw and go back to their own land. The War Against Moab

4 King Jehoram (Israel) and King Jehoshaphat (Judah) pushed things to the extreme when they attacked Moab. They engaged in the type of warfare forbidden by God in Deuteronomy, chapters 2 and 20. King Jehoram (Israel) and King Jehoshaphat (Judah) pushed things to the extreme when they attacked Moab. They engaged in the type of warfare forbidden by God in Deuteronomy, chapters 2 and 20. In Deuteronomy, chapter 2, Israel is told to respect the territory of Edom, Moab and Ammon because they were related to the Israelites. In Deuteronomy, chapter 2, Israel is told to respect the territory of Edom, Moab and Ammon because they were related to the Israelites. Who were the Edomites were descendants of? Who were the Moabites & Ammonites descendants of? In Deuteronomy 20:19 – 20, the Israelites are told to spare the trees of the cities they were fighting in except when they needed the trees to lay siege to the city. The devastation of all the trees by Israel and Judah was a violation of God’s instructions. In Deuteronomy 20:19 – 20, the Israelites are told to spare the trees of the cities they were fighting in except when they needed the trees to lay siege to the city. The devastation of all the trees by Israel and Judah was a violation of God’s instructions. Pushing Things Too Far…

5 Miracles are events—things that happen—that are contrary to nature. They come from God, who created the laws of nature. Miracles are not works of providence. Acts of providence (sunset, birth of a child, etc.) are works of God that are part of the natural order. Miracles are events—things that happen—that are contrary to nature. They come from God, who created the laws of nature. Miracles are not works of providence. Acts of providence (sunset, birth of a child, etc.) are works of God that are part of the natural order. Miracles affirm God’s redemptive power and saving faithfulness. They all point ahead or point back to the ultimate gift of God—the giving of His Son, Jesus Christ. Miracles affirm God’s redemptive power and saving faithfulness. They all point ahead or point back to the ultimate gift of God—the giving of His Son, Jesus Christ. Miracles in the Bible serve two functions: Miracles in the Bible serve two functions: 1.To show that the miracle worker is sent from God, 2.To encourage the faith of those who witness them. Miracles are NOT magic. Magic depends on the knowledge, power or skill of the performer. Miracles depend entirely on God. God works through a person. Miracles are NOT magic. Magic depends on the knowledge, power or skill of the performer. Miracles depend entirely on God. God works through a person. What is a Miracle?

6 The wife of a prophet cries out to Elisha because her husband has died and he has left debts that she cannot repay. The wife of a prophet cries out to Elisha because her husband has died and he has left debts that she cannot repay. All the widow has is a little oil. Her two boys are about to be sold into slavery to repay the debt. All the widow has is a little oil. Her two boys are about to be sold into slavery to repay the debt. Elisha tells her to go ask her neighbors for empty jars. He tells her to take the empty jars and to pour the oil that she has into each one. Elisha tells her to go ask her neighbors for empty jars. He tells her to take the empty jars and to pour the oil that she has into each one. Miraculously, the widow fills all of the jars! Elisha tells her to sell the oil and pay her debts. Elisha assures her that she and her sons will be able to live on what’s left over. Miraculously, the widow fills all of the jars! Elisha tells her to sell the oil and pay her debts. Elisha assures her that she and her sons will be able to live on what’s left over. Elisha and the Widow

7 A wealthy couple in Shunem offer Elisha regular food and a room to stay in. Elisha learns from his servant Gehazi, that the couple do not have a son. A wealthy couple in Shunem offer Elisha regular food and a room to stay in. Elisha learns from his servant Gehazi, that the couple do not have a son. Elisha promises the woman that she will have a son within a year. Sure enough, the Shunammite becomes pregnant and has a son a year later. Elisha promises the woman that she will have a son within a year. Sure enough, the Shunammite becomes pregnant and has a son a year later. After a few years, her son dies unexpectedly. The woman searches and finds Elisha at Mt. Carmel. After a few years, her son dies unexpectedly. The woman searches and finds Elisha at Mt. Carmel. The Shunammite questions Elisha about her son’s death. “Did I ask you for a son?” The Shunammite questions Elisha about her son’s death. “Did I ask you for a son?” “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t raise my hopes’?” “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t raise my hopes’?” Elisha and the Shunammite

8 The woman convinces Elisha to see her son. He sends Gehazi ahead to help the boy. Gehazi is told to lay Elisha’s staff on the boy’s face...nothing happens. The woman convinces Elisha to see her son. He sends Gehazi ahead to help the boy. Gehazi is told to lay Elisha’s staff on the boy’s face...nothing happens. Elisha and Gehazi pray over the boy and then Elisha brings the woman’s son back to life. Based on the description, it sounds like mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Elisha and Gehazi pray over the boy and then Elisha brings the woman’s son back to life. Based on the description, it sounds like mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Elisha returns the boy to his mother... Elisha returns the boy to his mother... Elisha Brings the Shunammite’s Son Back To Life

9 In the midst of a famine, Elisha has his servant, Gehazi, set out a large pot for food for some men. In the midst of a famine, Elisha has his servant, Gehazi, set out a large pot for food for some men. Someone adds something funky to the stew and the men cry out that the stew is poisonous---they cannot eat it. Elisha adds a little flour and all is well! Someone adds something funky to the stew and the men cry out that the stew is poisonous---they cannot eat it. Elisha adds a little flour and all is well! Another man from another place comes to Elisha with 20 loaves of bread and some grain. Elisha tells him to serve the bread but the man asks, “How can this feed 100 men?” Another man from another place comes to Elisha with 20 loaves of bread and some grain. Elisha tells him to serve the bread but the man asks, “How can this feed 100 men?” Elisha says God will provide enough for everyone. The bread is served and one hundred men are fed. There are even leftovers!! Elisha says God will provide enough for everyone. The bread is served and one hundred men are fed. There are even leftovers!! Elisha, the Miracle Chef...

10 The story of the feeding of the 100 men, starts by telling us that “A man came from Baal Shalishah, bringing the man of God twenty loaves of barley bread baked from the “firstfruits.” The story of the feeding of the 100 men, starts by telling us that “A man came from Baal Shalishah, bringing the man of God twenty loaves of barley bread baked from the “firstfruits.” God required his people to give him an offering from what He had provided to them. This offering was to be the first and best of the harvest—or the firstfruits. Sometimes the offering was honey, livestock, grapes or bread. God required his people to give him an offering from what He had provided to them. This offering was to be the first and best of the harvest—or the firstfruits. Sometimes the offering was honey, livestock, grapes or bread. Part of the firstfruits offered to God were burned as a sacrifice and the rest was given to the priests. Part of the firstfruits offered to God were burned as a sacrifice and the rest was given to the priests. Remember that the priests of Israel did not receive money so they relied on the offerings of the people. What Are Firstfruits?

11 Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram, suffers from a leprosy. An Israelite girl tells Naaman’s wife about Elisha. Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram, suffers from a leprosy. An Israelite girl tells Naaman’s wife about Elisha. The king of Aram sends a letter and payment with Naaman. The letter demands that the king of Israel cure Naaman. The king of Aram sends a letter and payment with Naaman. The letter demands that the king of Israel cure Naaman. The king of Israel freaks out because he thinks the king of Aram is trying to pick a fight. Elisha tells him to calm down and summons Naaman. The king of Israel freaks out because he thinks the king of Aram is trying to pick a fight. Elisha tells him to calm down and summons Naaman. Elisha tells Naaman to bathe in the Jordan River seven times in order to be cleansed of his leprosy. Elisha tells Naaman to bathe in the Jordan River seven times in order to be cleansed of his leprosy. Elisha and Naaman

12 Naaman is angered by Elisha’s response. He expected an instant cure. In his frustration, He mocks Elisha’s instructions. Naaman is angered by Elisha’s response. He expected an instant cure. In his frustration, He mocks Elisha’s instructions. Naaman’s servants tell him to listen to Elisha. So Naaman went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times. He was healed instantly! Naaman’s servants tell him to listen to Elisha. So Naaman went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times. He was healed instantly! In response, Naaman praises the Lord and promises not to worship false gods anymore. In response, Naaman praises the Lord and promises not to worship false gods anymore. Naaman also offers Elisha a gift but Elisha refuses. Naaman also offers Elisha a gift but Elisha refuses. Naaman’s Response

13 Gehazi thinks Elisha was wrong in not accepting a gift from Naaman. He goes after Naaman and asks for money and clothes in Elisha’s name. Gehazi thinks Elisha was wrong in not accepting a gift from Naaman. He goes after Naaman and asks for money and clothes in Elisha’s name. When Elisha questions Gehazi, Gehazi lies about where he has been. Elisha knows the truth and rebukes his servant. When Elisha questions Gehazi, Gehazi lies about where he has been. Elisha knows the truth and rebukes his servant. Elisha transfers Naaman’s leprosy onto Gehazi and his descendants forever. As Gehazi leaves Elisha his skin becomes leprous. Elisha transfers Naaman’s leprosy onto Gehazi and his descendants forever. As Gehazi leaves Elisha his skin becomes leprous. Gehazi’s Deception and Punishment

14 A group of prophets were meeting with Elisha. It seems they had outgrown the place where they would normally meet. A group of prophets were meeting with Elisha. It seems they had outgrown the place where they would normally meet. So, they asked Elisha if they could go to a different place. There, they would build a bigger place to live and meet. Elisha agrees and goes with them. So, they asked Elisha if they could go to a different place. There, they would build a bigger place to live and meet. Elisha agrees and goes with them. As they went and began to cut down trees, one of the prophets was cutting down a tree and the head came off an ax that he had borrowed. The axhead fell into the water and sank. As they went and began to cut down trees, one of the prophets was cutting down a tree and the head came off an ax that he had borrowed. The axhead fell into the water and sank. An iron ax was a rare and very expensive tool. Using a stick, Elisha makes the iron axhead float to the surface! An iron ax was a rare and very expensive tool. Using a stick, Elisha makes the iron axhead float to the surface! Elisha and the Floating Axhead

15 The king of Aram planned a sneak attack against Israel. But God gave Elisha the ability to see those plans and he warned the king of Israel. The king of Aram planned a sneak attack against Israel. But God gave Elisha the ability to see those plans and he warned the king of Israel. Frustrated, the king of Aram sends troops to capture Elisha but the Lord sent His army to protect Elisha. Elisha prayed to the Lord and the Lord blinded the whole army of Aram with light. Frustrated, the king of Aram sends troops to capture Elisha but the Lord sent His army to protect Elisha. Elisha prayed to the Lord and the Lord blinded the whole army of Aram with light. Blinded, the men follow Elisha to Samaria. God opens up their eyes and the king of Israel wants to kill them. Blinded, the men follow Elisha to Samaria. God opens up their eyes and the king of Israel wants to kill them. Instead, Elisha tells the king to provide a great feast for all the soldiers fed a lavish banquet and then send them home. After the meal, the Arameans go home and stop invading Israel. Instead, Elisha tells the king to provide a great feast for all the soldiers fed a lavish banquet and then send them home. After the meal, the Arameans go home and stop invading Israel. Elisha Ruins the Plan of the King of Aram

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