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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Language Day 2 SUPPORTING ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS IN MATHEMATICS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Grace Dávila Coates Writing and Review Team Understanding Language Initiative Stanford University 510-453-0844

3 Book List EQUALS, University of California, Berkeley Cooperative Problems: Get it Together Family Math (Number Line Rectangles) FM for Young Children Family Math II The Journey Through Middle School Math English Language Learners in the Mathematics Classroom, Coggins, Coates, et al.

4 Goalsfor Today Apply the Understanding Language guidelines in a variety of structures: Examine visual learning models Experience a conceptual development lesson Apply the ELA standards in mathematics environments Revisit Jigsaw with a different purpose Discuss the Standards for Mathematics Practice Meet with our team in a planning / discussion session Work on logic and reasoning problems for grades 4-6

5 Jobs and Roles Recall your job from yesterday Pass it (the job) to the person on your left Partner up for Recorder, Reporter, Materials, Clean-Up

6 Bigtown and Smalltown From 1990 to 2000, Smalltown’s population grew from 10,000 to 20,000. During the same period, Bigtown’s population grew from 100,000 to 130,000. Alice thinks that Smalltown grew more, while Ben thinks that Bigtown grew more. Write a paragraph a note on how you would mediate their dispute.

7 Bigtown and Smalltown At your table: Discuss 1.What did you think of first as you worked on the task? 2.How did you organize your strategies / work? 3.Be prepared to share at least one thing you shared with the group.

8 Revisiting Roger’s Rabbits Roger’s Rabbits asks students to identify finite sequences of numbers, follow given rules, and to extend them according to those rules. – Use the four operations to solve problems – Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity – Generate and analyze patterns

9 Roger’s Rabbit: The Standards do not require the student to infer or guess the underlying rule… but to generate a pattern from a given rule and identify features of the pattern. What rules did we generate? How did this affect the patterns? How did we extend the thinking about the rules? Roger’s Rabbits is more than a day’s work in the classroom.

10 Roger’s Rabbits What 4 th graders did H x 2 = TDoors for any house H1 + 1 = Blocks D x H = ___ your answer like 2 doors plus 2 doors is Hutch number 2. Then you add 2 more for #3 Double the doors for each hutch Add 1 after the first hutch or… I counted by 2’s you get the doors for each one you add, like 1st is added to

11 Roger’s Rabbits For any given number of hutches H, doors: D = H x 2 10,000 X 2 = 20,000 Doors blocks: B = H + 1 10,000 + 1 = 10,001 blocks “… I like big numbers so this is like for a company that sells rabbits. Not Roger’s

12 Cooperative Logic Problems Today: Remember to help others in your group Illustrate, give clues, partner up Facilitators: make sure everyone participates

13 Guidelines for Mathematics Instructional Materials #1 Focus on Standards for Mathematical Practice Structure: Jigsaw Research: Visual Learning Toolkit: Reduction Materials: Description of the 8 SMPs Each table will have a copy of 1 of the SMPs

14 Standards for Mathematical Practice 1.With your tablemates, read the SMP assigned to you. 2.Discuss ways that you could reduce the language and create a poster with a message that visually demonstrates the Standard. 3.Be prepared to share your poster with the class. You will need a timekeeper to help the group finish on time

15 Presentation of Posters Supporting the reporter: – Everyone takes a part in reporting – A partner can co-report – Recorder can write up awesome notes to crib from – Give props and way-to-go’s

16 Break See you in 15 Minutes

17 Visual Learning for Conceptual Understanding Number Line Rectangles Your team will create rectangles that represent their assigned numbers. Example: Grace’s numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

18 Visual Learning for Conceptual Understanding Number Line Rectangles

19 Number Line Rectangles: SMPs? Mathematics Standard?

20 Number Line Rectangles What about this delivery works for ELLs? – Experiential

21 TEAM Planning Meet with your team Creating A Common Vision Next Steps

22 Sharing Work Share ideas from your discussions with the larger group. You have the option to pass

23 Principles 1.Focus on students’ mathematical reasoning, not on accuracy in language use. 2.Focus on mathematical practices, not language as single words or definitions. 3.Recognize the complexity of language in mathematics, and support students in engaging in this complexity. 4.Treat everyday and home languages as resources, not obstacles.

24 Rosie’s Bears 1.Read Rosie’s Bears and the lesson guide for the task. 2.Analyze the lesson and the lesson design. 3.Decide what can be changed to make it more aligned to the guidelines and principles of a UL lesson. 4.Demonstrate how you would create access for ELL’s academic language development.

25 Rosie’s Bears Create a poster that shows your adaptations, changes, or other structures your team creates Works still under construction will be accepted.

26 Review the Day Examined visual models to develop conceptual understanding Applied structures that create access Applied the ELA standards in mathematics environments Revisited Jigsaw Examined and applied the Standards for Mathematics Practice Met with our team in a planning / discussion session Worked on logic and reasoning problems for grades 4-6

27 Reflection Write a reflection on the last two days in this session. If you have further questions and provide a contact number or email address, I will respond to you.


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