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ENG3050 Embedded Reconfigurable Computing Systems General Information Handout Winter 2015, January 5 th.

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1 ENG3050 Embedded Reconfigurable Computing Systems General Information Handout Winter 2015, January 5 th

2 2 RCS - Winter 2015 2 Shawki Areibi Research Interests VLSI Physical Design Automation (CAD/EDA) Combinatorial Optimization (Heuristics/Meta-heuristics) Reconfigurable Computing Systems/Embedded Systems PhD, Waterloo 1995 Office, Email, Phone Office: 2335, EXT 53819 Email: Web: Office Hour: Thursday 2:00 – 3:00

3 3 RCS - Winter 2015 3 Outline Staff (TA, Lab Tech) Lecture Schedule Course Text and References Resources and Communication Assignments, Paper Review, Project Evaluation Course contents, Tentative Schedule

4 4 Nate Groendyk Lab#1 2307, Office 2308, ext 53873 Lab#2 RICH 1532 Email: Lab Coordinator RCS - Winter 2015 4

5 5 5 Lecture Schedule  Lectures 10:00 – 11:30 (Mon/Wed)  In MACN 308  We might move to  RICH 2531  Lab 12:30 – 14:30 (Monday)  In RICH 1532

6 6 RCS - Winter 2015 6 Text Book and References Text Books & References 1. “Reconfigurable Computing: The Theory and Practice of FPGA-Based Computing”, Edited by S. Hauck, 2008. 2. “Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications”, by C.Bobda 3. “Reconfigurable Computing: Accelerating Computation with FPGAs”, by Maya Gokhale 4. “Computer Organization and Design”, by Patterson and Hennessy 5. “VHDL for Engineers”, by K. Short, 2009. 6. “The Designer’s Guide to VHDL”, by Peter Ashenden

7 7 RCS - Winter 2015 7 Resources & Communication   Communications 1. E-mail 2. ENG3050 Web Page  Username:  Password:

8 8 RCS - Winter 2015 8 Prerequisites  Digital Design (ENG2410)  Computer Organization (ENG3380)  Basic knowledge of programming languages (C, C++)  Basic Knowledge of Hardware Description Languages (VHDL)  Experience in VLSI Design maybe helpful but not required.

9 9 RCS - Winter 2015 9 Course Objectives  Achieves the following goals: 1. Gives an overview of the traditional Von Neumann Computer Architecture, its specifications, design and implementations and main drawbacks. Techniques to improve the performance. 2. Teaches you the internal structure of Programmable Logic in general and Field Programmable Gate Arrays in particular. 3. Teaches you how digital circuits are designed today using advanced CAD tools and HDLs and high level languages. 4. Teaches you the basic concepts of Reconfigurable Computing systems (Hardware/Software co-design) 5. Teaches you when/how to apply Reconfigurable Computing Concepts to design efficient, reliable, robust systems (DSP). 6. Understand the concept of Run Time Reconfiguration.

10 10 RCS - Winter 2015 10 Assessment & Evaluation TopicWeightDetails Assignments10%2-3 Assignments Labs15%4-5 Labs Midterm Exam20%Mon Feb 23 rd Week #7 Paper Review5%See Web Page Mini Project + Presentation 15% + 5%See Web Page Final Exam30%Tue April 7 th Closed Book Exam

11 11 RCS - Winter 2015 11 Paper Review  Each student is assigned a paper (article) from journal papers/conferences.  Prepare a brief (20 minute) oral presentation of the article or topic (objectives, methods, results, contributions e.t.c.)  A Two page summary giving the citation and the material in the oral presentation must be written and a copy is distributed to each class member.

12 12 RCS - Winter 2015 12 Paper Review: Topics 1.Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Arrays 2.Evolvable Hardware 3.Floating Point vs. Fixed Point representations 4.CAD for RCS (High Level Synthesis) 5.Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Computing 6.Electronic System Level: A comparison 7.ASICs vs. FPGAs vs. ASIPs 8.Run Time Reconfiguration: Challenges 9.Others …

13 13 RCS - Winter 2015 13 Mini Project  Students will select a topic related to Reconfigurable Computing Systems.  You should conduct an in-depth study covering the problem to be solved and its current status.  Your finding should be documented in a report  Introduction to the problem  Motivation  Background  Literature Review  Methodology  Results  Conclusion

14 14 RCS - Winter 2015 14 Tentative Schedule  Topic #1, Introduction to RCS  Topic #2, Programmable Logic Devices  Topic #3, CAD for RCS (FPGAs)  Topic #4, VHDL  Topic #5, High Level Languages (Handel-C)  Topic #6, Reconfigurable Processors (ASIPs)  Topic #7, Hardware/Software Co-design  Topic #8, Run Time Reconfigurations  Topic #9, Digital Signal Processing, Tools  Topic #10, Design Exploration Techniques  Topic #11, RCS Applications

15 15 RCS - Winter 2015 15

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