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Hindu. History Founded c. 3000 B.C. by Dravidians Aryans= nomadic invaders from Central Asia Caste System Priests Warriors/Rulers Merchants/Traders Farmers/Laborers.

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1 Hindu

2 History Founded c. 3000 B.C. by Dravidians Aryans= nomadic invaders from Central Asia Caste System Priests Warriors/Rulers Merchants/Traders Farmers/Laborers Untouchables



5 Caste System Caste determines occupation and social status No marriage outside of caste No sharing of meals Outlawed since 1947, but still deeply ingrained in Indian society

6 Beliefs 3 main gods: Brahma – creator god Shiva – the destroyer Vishnu – the preserver Brahman – the “ultimate reality” Hindus believe Brahman is the source of all things and is in all things. All other gods are manifestations of Brahman.

7 The Four Aims All Hindus live with 4 goals: Dharma – righteousness (right behavior) Artha – success/prosperity Kama – satisfaction of desires Moksha – release from “samsara,” the life cycle

8 Atman= soul Every living thing has one The body is mortal, but the soul is immortal Reincarnation – soul is reborn in another form Dharma- your record Karma- law of consequences Samsara- transmigration & reincarnation Ultimate goal: moksha & nirvana Your atman blends with Brahman and becomes part of it.

9 Hindu and the Caste System Very closely tied Karma determines reincarnation If your dharma is good, you will be reincarnated in a higher caste. If your dharma is bad….lower. You can even drop below castes into the world of beasts.

10 What is sacred: The Vedas (sacred texts) The Cow

11 veR74gSo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch% 3Fv%3Dj31veR74gSo&nomobile=1 Questions: How many million Untouchables? What similarities can you see in our own American history?

12 Article on College Quotas Questions: What is a quota or reservation? Why does India have these reservations? What is similar to it in the U.S.?

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