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Theme 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade1 Today, we will identify and Interpret* the theme in text. *interpret means to explain CFU: What are we going.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade1 Today, we will identify and Interpret* the theme in text. *interpret means to explain CFU: What are we going."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade1 Today, we will identify and Interpret* the theme in text. *interpret means to explain CFU: What are we going to do today? Write the synonym for interpret on your whiteboard.

2 APK Watch the video clip. Tell your partner what happened in the video clip. What lesson did the little bird learn? 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade2

3 Concept Development The theme is the overall message or moral* about life that the author wants readers to understand. *moral means having to do with what is right and what is wrong/ lesson Texts that usually have theme: CFU: What is theme? The theme is ____. CFU: What is another word for theme? Another word for theme is______. Write on your wb one type of fiction that usually has theme. 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade3 Short Stories Fables Myths Legends Fairy Tales Narratives Literary NON-Fiction Personal Narratives (autobiographies) Biographies Common Themes: -“Be careful what you wish for” -“Treat others the way you want to be treated” -“Don’t judge a book by its cover” -“Money can’t buy happiness”

4 The theme is the overall message or moral* about life that the author wants readers to understand. Example : Theme is explicit (directly stated) Fox and Crow Fox saw Crow in a tree. Crow was holding a piece of cheese in his beak and Fox wanted the cheese very much. Fox said, “Ah Crow, if only you could sing, you would be the king of all birds!” Crow very much wanted to be the king of all birds, and he also knew he had a very nice singing voice. So he proudly shook his head and opened his mouth to sing. As he did so, the cheese fell to the ground, and Fox quickly ate it. Suddenly, Crow realized that the compliment wasn’t sincere. Fox only wanted the cheese. In the future, Crow will not trust Fox’s flattery. Moral: Be cautious of flattery (compliments). CFU: How do I know the theme is explicit? What lesson did the crow learn? 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade4

5 The theme is the overall message or moral* about life that the author wants readers to understand. Example: Theme is implicit (not directly stated) The Shortest Girl “Maybe this time, I’ll make the team,” thought Cameron. Basketball tryouts were next week and Cameron was planning to go. Last year, she wasn’t chosen because she was the shortest girl in her class. Every Saturday she practiced at the park. She said to herself, “I might be short, but watch me shoot.” On the morning of the tryouts, Cameron was the first girl to arrive. Coach Lopez was surprised to see her. The coach blew her whistle. “Let’s try some free throws.” Maddie went first. Three times she shot the ball. Three times she missed. Then it was Cameron’s turn. She stood on the free throw line, took a deep breath, and shot. The ball sank into the basket. She sank another basket. And another after that! Coach Lopez was quiet. At the end of the morning, Coach Lopez said, “You’ve made the team, Cameron!” Cameron wasn’t surprised at all. CFU: How do I know the theme is implicit? What lesson can we learn from cameraon? 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade5

6 Relevance: It is important to be able to identify theme in text because: 1) To better understand the relationships between characters and events. 2) To better understand what the author feels is meaningful and important. 3) To better understand and enjoy the text. CFU: Which one of these options do you agree with more? I agree with #_ because___. 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade6

7 Skill Development/Guided Practice: Amy really enjoyed playing soccer. Her favorite part was stealing the ball from the defense and scoring goals. Amy was really good at soccer, but none of her friends played. Stacy, Juan, and Julie preferred basketball. Even though Amy and her friends liked different sports, they still cheered for each other. Sometimes the friends would even try the other sport. Amy like basketball, but she preferred sports where she could kick the ball. Skill Steps: 1. Read text carefully. 2. Identify the characters’ actions. 3. Make an inference about his/ her character. 4. Identify the outcome. 5. Determine and interpret the theme. Ask: “What lesson could the main character have learned?” 79/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade Characters’ Actions (What they do, say, think and feel?) Inference (what does this tell you about his/her character?) What is the outcome? Theme:

8 Skill Development/Guided Practice: I had to admit that I was disappointed when I was assigned Edmund as a lab partner. He seemed to be the only boy in my school who enjoyed being alone. I rarely saw him eat with anyone or speak to the other kids at recess. When I would see him with someone, he never looked very happy and didn’t say much. However, as we worked together, I realized that he wasn’t as unfriendly as thought. In fact, he was really shy. The scowl he wore around people was simply a face he made when he couldn’t think of anything to say. Skill Steps: 1. Read text carefully. 2. Identify the characters’ actions. 3. Make an inference about his/ her character. 4. Identify the outcome. 5. Determine and interpret the theme. Ask: “What lesson could the main character have learned?” 89/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade Characters’ Actions (What they do, say, think and feel?) Inference (what does this tell you about his/her character?) What is the outcome? Theme:

9 Closure Determine the theme. Mark grew up wealthy. When he was six and wanted to go to a basketball game to see the Kings play, his dad paid to have the Kings come to their house and play one-on-one with Mark. He got every new video game system that came out, and he had the nicest clothes. When he was sixteen, Mark’s dad Bought him the newest Hummer available. Although Mark’s parents made sure Mark had what he wanted, they were never around. Mark had all of these possessions, but he was unhappy. a.Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. b.Money can’t buy happiness. c.It is better to give than receive. 9/23/2015Markham Elementary 6th Grade9

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