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Resume Tips Do’s and Don’ts of resume building Jim Fenton Bluegrass Community & Technical College.

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Presentation on theme: "Resume Tips Do’s and Don’ts of resume building Jim Fenton Bluegrass Community & Technical College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resume Tips Do’s and Don’ts of resume building Jim Fenton Bluegrass Community & Technical College

2 Overview

3 We’ll talk about: 0 Why a resume? 0 What problem does a resume address? 0 Some Don’ts 0 Some Do’s 0 Questions/Discussion/Comments

4 Why a resume?

5 A resume:  is a ticket to a job interview  is a summary of your skills/experience/education  is an opportunity for an employer to find a match  represents you and your abilities: you are skilled, experienced and qualified for the job!

6 Making space count: resumes are short

7 The problem: space is valuable and you don’t have enough!  Resume = 1 or 2 pages maximum  Keep it short:  Employers don’t want to read a biography  Employers do want to identify skills, experience and qualifications; nothing else!

8 What problem does a resume address?

9 A resume allows an employer:  to quickly identify a pool of qualified applicants for a position  to meet this goal in the most efficient way  to select a few candidates for an interview  to add new skills and diverse experience to an existing workforce  to meet a new need in the market place/business world

10 Some example resumes issues

11 Some examples Crowded, confused & weak organization: Mixes experience with education. Why summarize qualifications in a resume? Education in two places What skills does she possess that an employer can use?

12 Missed opportunities: Skills not presented well  Work experience in LA and US with Spanish speaking clientele?  Bilingual/Bicultural skills?  Lesson planning?  Student success?  Foreign language technology course work?

13 A Better Resume/use of space

14 A better resume: Skills presented well  Skills, education and experience are the three categories used  Clearly identified skill set that uses appropriate vocabulary  No confusion as to education/experience/skills  Obvious dates allow reviewer to see work history  Employment history includes description of activities, successes and milestones: ‘One of the region’s fastest growing telecommunications companies; one of the first three employees hired into the Department that currently employs more than 25; earned 4 promotions in 3 years’

15 Strategies: some don’ts and do’s

16 Combined Strategies Resume Cover Letter Letters of Recommendation

17 Combined Strategies  Resume  Cover letter  Letters of Recommendation  These are:  3 opportunities to say the same thing? NO!  3 opportunities to provide complementary info? YES  3 opportunities to describe all your skills and experience? YES

18 Cover letters 0 More detail is OK. 0 Explains why you are seeking a position. 0 Explains why you are the best person for the job. 0 Shows you know the company’s needs and background. 0 Shows you have good communication skills. 0 Shows you can represent the company brand in writing. 0 Expresses your professional approach to a career.

19 Letters of Recommendation 0 Ask before you send!! 0 Inform your referees of your job application 0 Explain your interest to them and ask for a letter of recommendation. 0 Provide key talking points – help your referees write the best letter they can. 0 Send a copy of the job description, your cover letter and your resume to help them out.

20 Resumes: some don’ts

21 Basic Format Don’ts  No photos, borders, ornaments or fancy paper  Because your resume will be read by computer and these elements get in the way  Because you’re not applying for a job designing resumes  Because you need the room to describe more important elements of your skills, experience, education

22 Content Don’ts  Don’t exaggerate and don’t misinform  Don’t list your daily tasks as ‘experience’  Don’t include an ‘Objective’ statement  Obviously, your objective is the job you are applying for!  Don’t write “References available on request"  Obviously, references will be available when requested!

23 Don’t be vague Vague job at XYZ  Kept on task = is this necessary?  Cleaned = what/who/where/why?  Helped customers = how?  Rang up change = how? Good job at XYZ  Managed daily work schedule  Maintained a clean and safe environment for residents and guests  Assisted customers with requests for service and complaint resolution  Operated an NEC 78-2 automatic till/computer terminal

24 Clean up your online profile  Don’t have a stupid email name/address – use professional language/tone/vocabulary  Don’t leave your personal Facebook info for all to see. Edit/shut down. Employers will check – are you a risk to their brand or company?

25 Resumes: some do’s

26 Establish a Professional online profile  Create an email name/address – that uses your name if possible. If you have an institutional affiliation, use this one.  Create an online brand/career presence. (Google yourself – what would an employer find?

27 Content Do’s  Divide your resume into three basic components:  Skills  Qualifications/Education  Experience  Do tell employers about impressive feats and stand-out accomplishments.  Do include your skills at the top of your resume. Write 3 to 5 sentences tailored for the job you are applying for. Example: SKILLS PROFILE  Excellent people skills and problem solving  Superb communication skills, verbal and written  Strong attention to detail and proficient at running and handling office equipment  Efficient in billing and coding, and excellent computer skills

28 Soft Skills  Personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee  Just as important an indicator of performance as hard skills  Strong Work Ethic  Positive Attitude  Good Communication Skills  Time Management Abilities  Problem-Solving Skills  Confidence  Ability to Accept and Learn From Criticism  Flexibility/Adaptability  Work Well Under Pressure

29 Don't get lost in translation  Big companies use applicant tracking software (ATS), which scans resumes for keywords  Present your qualifications as if the reader is comparing the words on the resume to a list of desired qualifications: Strategic planning Performance and productivity improvement Organizational design Infrastructure development New media Internet E-commerce Change management Team-building Leadership Competitive market Product positioning Investor and board relations Oral and written communications Problem-solving and decision-making MBA Project management Customer retention Business development Corporate vision Long-range planning Cost reduction

30 One resume: many variations 0 each position at a company requires its own resume 0 Tailor the resume to the job 0 Use appropriate vocabulary and terminology 0 Talk to your referees about multiple job applications 0 Keep a record of where you applied 0 Apply for jobs you’re qualified for 0 Apply to the right person/office

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