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Theme: Geography I.Settled by the Indus River A.Flooded, provided silt B.Fertile soil for farming C.Irrigation of crops D.Provided for division of labor.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme: Geography I.Settled by the Indus River A.Flooded, provided silt B.Fertile soil for farming C.Irrigation of crops D.Provided for division of labor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme: Geography I.Settled by the Indus River A.Flooded, provided silt B.Fertile soil for farming C.Irrigation of crops D.Provided for division of labor and civilization II.Provided Natural Barriers (protection from invaders) A.Subcontinent B.Himilayas & Hindu Kush Mountains III.Climate A. Hot & humid B. Monsoons 2R Like Egypt & Mesopotamia

2 Theme: Economics I.Trading A. Iron tools & weapons were valuable trade items B. Traded with Mesopotamia C. Silk Road – linked civilizations from China (East) to Rome (West) 3R

3 Theme: Politics I.Harappans A.2300-1700 B.C. B.Central government like Egypt 4R II.Aryans A. No central ruler/government B. Raja – leader who ruled a village & the land around it III.Mauryan Empire A. 320 – 185 B.C. B. Chandragupta Maurya founded empire

4 Theme: Politics IV. Asoka A. Strongest ruler in 270 B.C. B. converted to Buddhism C. Swore not to fight more wars D. Similar to Buddha – against violence E. Spread Buddhism 1. Missionaries through Asia 2. Columns “billboards” of Buddhism V.Gupta Dynasty A. A.D. 320 – 500’s B. Chandragupta I – first emperor, N. India under control C. Chandragupta II – expanded empire, height of power

5 Theme: Religion I.Brahmanism A. 4 Vedas – religious writings B. Brahmins – priests II.Hinduism – largest religion in India A. Polytheism B. Each god is part of a single universal spirit, Brahman C. Atman – soul D. reincarnation – rebirth E. karma – effects of + and – actions F. dharma – duties of caste 5R

6 Theme: Religion III.Buddhism A. Siddhartha Gautama – prince B. Went on quest for answers about human life C. Found enlightenment D. Became known as the Buddha 1. understood human suffering 2. wanted to eliminate suffering E. Created guiding principals to live by & avoid human suffering 1. Four Noble Truths 2. The Eightfold Path F. Buddhism spread via missionaries & the Silk Road (trade route) 5R

7 Theme: Society & Culture I.Harappan Civilization A. First advanced civilization along Indus River B. 2300 – 1700 B.C. C. Archaeologists unable to decipher writing II.Aryans A. 1200 B.C. – Indus Valley B. Wrote history in Vedas C. Nomads D. Small communities E. Wrote records in Sanskrit 6R

8 Theme: Society & Culture III.The Varnas – Social Divisions (4 main levels) A. Brahmins – priests B. Kshatriyas – rulers and warriors C. Vaisyas – farmers, craftspeople, traders D. Sudras – laborers, non-Aryans, servants IV.The Caste System A. Groupings within varnas based on a person’s birth, wealth, or occupation (job) B. Determined place in society C. Untouchables – outcasts of society D. Sutras – lists rules of caste system E. Most important – must follow the rules of your caste 6R

9 Theme: Science & Technology I.Harappan Advancements A. Public wells B. Indoor plumbing C. made pottery, jewelry, ivory objects, cotton clothing D. System of weights & measures E. India’s first writing system (not deciphered yet!!) II.Aryan Advancements A. Sanskrit language B. Poems & hymns 7R

10 Theme: Science & Technology III.Religious Art A. Hindu & Buddhist temples B. Paintings show religious beliefs, daily life, ceremonies C. Statues IV.Sanskrit Literature A. Mahabharata & Ramayana 1. Bhagavad Gita – famous section V.Scientific Advances – things we use daily A. Metallurgy B. Hindu-Arabic numerals C. Inoculations D. Astronomy 1. Could predict solar/lunar eclipses 7R

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