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Origins of Hinduism Hindus at the Ganges River. Indian Society Divides As Aryan society became more complex, their society began to divide into groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Origins of Hinduism Hindus at the Ganges River. Indian Society Divides As Aryan society became more complex, their society began to divide into groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Origins of Hinduism Hindus at the Ganges River

2 Indian Society Divides As Aryan society became more complex, their society began to divide into groups. For the most part, the groups were divided by people’s occupations. Strict rules developed about how people of different groups could interact. As time passed, these rules became stricter and central to Indian society.

3 The Varnas are four main social divisions in Aryan society Brahmins were the priests Kshatriyas were the rulers and warriors Vaishyas were the farmers, craftsmen, traders Shudras were the workers and servants

4 What is the Caste System? The Indian society is divided into groups based on a person’s birth, wealth, or occupation. *Adhering to the rules of the caste system was of high importance in the Aryan society.* *The highest ranking of India’s caste system was made up of priests, called Brahmins.* The Untouchables are the lowest in the caste system

5 What are the Vedas? There are four Vedas created in the Aryan religion. Each contain sacred hymns and poems. The oldest is the Rig-Veda written before 1000 BC. It includes hymns of praise to many gods.

6 Hinduism is the largest religion in India The major beliefs of Hinduism are: *A universal spirit called Brahman, created the universe and everything in it*. Everything in the world is part of Brahman. Every person has an atman (soul) that will eventually join Brahman. *People’s souls are reincarnated into new physical forms many times* before they can join Brahman. *A person’s Karma will affect how they will be reincarnated.*

7 What is Reincarnation?

8 Another Idea About Reincarnation

9 More Interpretations of Reincarnation

10 What is Karma? Good actions build good karma. People with good karma are born into a higher caste in their next lives. In time, good karma will bring salvation or freedom from life’s worries and the cycle of rebirth. Evil actions will build bad karma. A person with bad karma will be reborn into a lower caste or as a lesser creature.

11 What is Jainism? Broke away from the Hindu religion. The Jains live by four principals: Injure no life Tell the truth Do not steal Own no property They wear masks over their mouths so they won’t inhale bugs and kill them.

12 What is Non-violence? Mohandas Gandhi As a Young lawyer He helped India to gain its independence from Great Britain in 1947 by not using violence. Ironically, he was assinated in 1948.

13 Summary Two religions developed in India after the Aryans invaded the country, Hinduism and Jainism. The Aryans had strict rules about how people should live and practice their religion. India today along the Ganges River

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