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LADY MUSTANGS A RETURN TO GREATNESS 2012/2013. HOW WILL WE BECOME STRONGER?  Motivation  Goal Setting  Arousal  Anxiety  Mental Rehearsal  Aggression.

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Presentation on theme: "LADY MUSTANGS A RETURN TO GREATNESS 2012/2013. HOW WILL WE BECOME STRONGER?  Motivation  Goal Setting  Arousal  Anxiety  Mental Rehearsal  Aggression."— Presentation transcript:


2 HOW WILL WE BECOME STRONGER?  Motivation  Goal Setting  Arousal  Anxiety  Mental Rehearsal  Aggression

3 OUR PLAN FOR TODAY: Define Motivation, Personality, Goals, Arousal, Anxiety, Aggression and explain how they relate to performance.  Set SMARTER goals.  Explain how to set optimum levels of arousal for sport.

4 What is MOTIVATION?? * Why people do what they do  The direction and intensity of ones effort  Determination to Achieve  Think of 2 examples from professional sports where athletes show unbelievable motivation to achieve.

5 THE BIG M--MOTIVATION  The more motivated you are the more likely you are to succeed. Is this true?  The more motivated you are the harder you will work (Apparently!)  Research has indicated that there are two main forms of motivation..

6 INTRINSIC MOTIVATION  Intrinsic motivation comes from the activity itself… for the love of the game  the zone - the ultimate  You enjoy the sport regardless of the rewards  You may play for fun, the satisfaction of performing well or for the pride in winning.

7 EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION  Extrinsic motivation comes from rewards and outside factors/pressures.  Winning  Prize money  Rankings  Sponsorship  Avoid letting team down

8 WHICH IS BEST?  Often a mix of both  Extrinsic motivators alone may not be enough  What happens when the sponsors pull out or the prize money stops ?  The athletes often stop playing  However it is intrinsic motivation that will keep us involved in sport when extrinsic rewards are not present.

9 MOTIVATION & GOALS  What is a goal ?  Why are goals useful ?

10 SMARTER GOALS  Specific  Measurable  Agreed  Realistic  Time-phased  Ethical  Recorded


12 NOW YOU TRY IT!  Create a goal using the SMARTER principle  Create a goal using the SMARTER principle  Work with a partner  Make it specific to basketball

13 AROUSAL  List how you might feel before a big game or at before a big game or at the start of a big race  Try and come up with at least 5 different feelings least 5 different feelings

14 EFFECTS OF AROUSAL  How can arousal improve performance?  How can arousal impair performance?

15 AROUSAL & YOUR GAME  Arousal = a state of excitement and alertness.  Both physiological and mental.  The type of personality you display can go a long way to predicting the type of sport you prefer to play or the way you handle pressure.  Two different types known as  INTRINSIC  EXTRINSIC

16 PERSONALITY & PERFORMANCE  Extroverts prefer:  Team sports  Activities involving the entire body.  Plenty of activity and unpredictability.

17 PERSONALITY & PERFROMANCE  Introverts prefer:  Individual sports  Activities involving fine motor movements.  Activities with limited movement.  Routine and repetitive sports.

18 MATCH IT UP!  Write down words that you think describe your personality.  Next, write down sports that you enjoy.  Does your personality match your sports choices?


20 WHAT WE HAVE COVERED  What is arousal  Inverted U theory  Arousal control  Adrenalin  Anxiety  Mental rehearsal

21 Inverted U Explained  As arousal increases, performance is improved up to a certain point. After that point, performance is diminished.

22 WHAT AFFECTS THE U?  The sport can affect the placement of the curve.  The person can affect the placement of the curve.

23 ADRENALINE, BABY!!  Produced by the adrenal glands  When you are frightened or nervous, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream.  Affects: increased heart rate, increased oxygen utilization by muscles, blood vessels contract shunting blood to the muscles.  Makes muscles tense ready for action

24 AROUSAL & ANXIETY  Anxiety = Your evaluation of increasing or decreasing arousal  What makes us anxious?  Performing before a crowd? Fear of failure?  2 components  Worry  Physiological effects  Over anxiety is a problem if anxiety itself is perceived as being negative.

25 HOW CAN WE CONTROL ANXIETY?  Mental Rehearsal  Used by top athletes  Athletes who utilize imagery improve their sport skills to a greater degree than those who do not (Isaac 1992).  Elite athletes report using imagery more often than non elite athletes (Hall et al. 1991).

26  Mental practice and imagery work because the individual literally plans his/her actions in advance (Sackett 1934).  Imagery can help athletes adjust their arousal levels for optimal performance  Linked to visualization seeing yourself cross the finish line or score the winning goal  Mental rehearsal is better than no practice  Mental rehearsal combined with physical practice is more effective than either alone.

27 RELAXATION TRAINING Controlled breathing and relaxing the body to reduce the heart rate.  Thinking positively – Self affirmations. IE,” we are good enough and that we can do well”!  Your coach will also help the team to cope with anxiety by giving verbal reassurances, talking calmly, and helping you to focus. LISTEN to her!!

28 WHAT WE HAVE COVERED  What is arousal  Inverted U theory  Arousal control  Adrenalin  Anxiety  Mental rehearsal

29 CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING What is motivation?  Explain the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.  What motivates you to play your sport There may be several factors.  Give three examples of extrinsic motivators.

30 MORE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS  Name one extrinsic motivator connected with basketball.  Give 4 reasons why goals help an athlete  List the seven characteristics of a goal  How do athletes control anxiety

31 GROUP ASSIGNMENT  Map out some sports goals for your team and yourself for the next season.  Be sure to include a team and individual plan for coping with anxiety.  HAVE A GREAT SEASON!!!!!

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